Releases: hummingbot/dashboard
Releases · hummingbot/dashboard
What's Changed
- update by @david-hummingbot in #170
- merge dev to main by @david-hummingbot in #175
- Fix/Fixed wrong parameter name by @mlguys in #181
- (feat) add error handling for dates by @cardosofede in #183
- sync / development to main 2.1.0 by @nikspz in #186
New Contributors
Full Changelog: v2.0.1...v2.1.0
What's Changed
- Added trailing stop to backtest visualizer by @peterwilli in #149
- update docker buildx workflow by @david-hummingbot in #156
- Feat/auth system by @cardosofede in #157
- Feat/adapt ms to s by @cardosofede in #159
- Feat/clean up repo by @cardosofede in #160
- Feat/improve auth by @cardosofede in #167
- update Makefile by @david-hummingbot in #164
- fix / update by @david-hummingbot in #168
- sync / Dashboard development -> main by @nikspz in #171
Full Changelog: v2.0.0...v2.0.1
What's Changed
- Readme edit by @fengtality in #2
- Added TVL vs MCAP Analysis Title and Description by @carlitogetaladajr in #5
- Fixes Docker build process by @klpanagi in #7
- (fix) wrong filename, update by @rolandkofler in #16
- Do not rename to environment.yml when copied into the image layer - … by @klpanagi in #14
- README edits by @fengtality in #17
- Feat/database manager by @cardosofede in #15
- (fix) hardcode binance until we have the final solution by @cardosofede in #21
- Feat/improve pnl graph by @cardosofede in #22
- docker build workflow by @david-hummingbot in #23
- Update by @cardosofede in #24
- Update main.yml by @david-hummingbot in #25
- fix: empty database causing the usage of undefined dashboard parameters by @devamin in #30
- Feat/add download candles page by @cardosofede in #29
- Feat/bot father by @cardosofede in #31
- Feat/improve strategy performance page by @cardosofede in #32
- fix / add instruction for symlink on README by @rapcmia in #35
- Updated Readme by @cryptojorge in #42
- Feat/directional backtesting by @cardosofede in #33
- update main.yml by @david-hummingbot in #45
- Create by @david-hummingbot in #41
- add .dockerignore by @david-hummingbot in #46
- Feat/base page class by @fengtality in #47
- update .dockerignore by @david-hummingbot in #49
- Feat/strategy performance pagination by @tomasgaudino in #51
- Feat/bot orchestration v2 by @cardosofede in #50
- Update by @fengtality in #52
- (feat) update main readme by @fengtality in #54
- Feat/reorg sections by @fengtality in #55
- Feat/backtesting v2 by @cardosofede in #53
- Feat/data folder by @cardosofede in #57
- (fix) add . to cp by @fengtality in #59
- (feat) update readme and bots manager ui by @fengtality in #60
- Feat/backtesting frontend v2 by @tomasgaudino in #61
- Feat/master bot conf by @cardosofede in #62
- Feat/improve status by @fengtality in #63
- Feat/update dashboard issue templates by @nikspz in #67
- fix/docker-ps-format error by @david-hummingbot in #64
- Feat/strategy performance v0.10 by @tomasgaudino in #68
- Feat/deployable backtesting by @cardosofede in #69
- Feat/streamlit auth by @cardosofede in #71
- (feat) text wrapper for querys by @tomasgaudino in #72
- Feat/simplify strategies by @cardosofede in #73
- add authentication instructions by @david-hummingbot in #75
- Feat/add base controlers and master script by @cardosofede in #74
- Feat/improve create controllers page by @cardosofede in #78
- Feat/minor fixes by @cardosofede in #82
- (feat) new main page using intro playlist by @fengtality in #84
- (feat) new readme by @fengtality in #85
- Feat/auth system configuration by @cardosofede in #86
- feat / add helper script for authentication by @rapcmia in #88
- (fix) update dmanv2 controller by @fengtality in #91
- Feat/strategy performance v 0.11 by @tomasgaudino in #94
- (fix) express correctly duration in days by @tomasgaudino in #98
- Fix / update to st.rerun by @rapcmia in #97
- fix / helpers by @rapcmia in #93
- Feat/cleanup controllers by @cardosofede in #101
- fix/replaced dict keys with list by @erv4gen in #96
- Feat/strategy performance v 0.20 by @tomasgaudino in #100
- Fix/papertrade not rendering by @tomasgaudino in #103
- (feat) add correct path for config encoder decoder by @cardosofede in #105
- Fix/config ed analyze by @cardosofede in #106
- Feat/add notebooks by @cardosofede in #107
- fix / hasher generator on docs by @rapcmia in #109
- Feat/supertrend multitimeframe example by @cardosofede in #108
- (fix) initialize db_root_path param in analyze page by @tomasgaudino in #111
- fix/streamlit-auth-issue by @david-hummingbot in #114
- (feat) position builder | config generator by @cardosofede in #124
- (fix) candles downloader by @cardosofede in #126
- Feat/revamp dashboard by @cardosofede in #137
- (feat) make spreads of pmm dynamic the same order or pmm simple by @cardosofede in #141
- Backtest errors returned in try-catch. by @peterwilli in #146
- Feat/enhance controllers config management by @cardosofede in #143
- Feat/minor bugs by @cardosofede in #152
- Feat/minor bugs by @cardosofede in #153
- doc/update installation by @david-hummingbot in #155
New Contributors
- @fengtality made their first contribution in #2
- @carlitogetaladajr made their first contribution in #5
- @klpanagi made their first contribution in #7
- @rolandkofler made their first contribution in #16
- @cardosofede made their first contribution in #15
- @devamin made their first contribution in #30
- @rapcmia made their first contribution in #35
- @cryptojorge made their first contribution in #42
- @tomasgaudino made their first contribution in #51
- @nikspz made their first contribution in #67
- @erv4gen made their first contribution in #96
- @peterwilli made their first contribution in #146
Full Changelog: