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tpv-gha-nunja | fs-7.1.5 @ 7.1.5_1st_preview #629

tpv-gha-nunja | fs-7.1.5 @ 7.1.5_1st_preview

tpv-gha-nunja | fs-7.1.5 @ 7.1.5_1st_preview #629

name: CompileWindows
type: string
required: true
run-name: ${{ github.ref_name }} | ${{ fromJSON(inputs.fstuple).base }} @ ${{ fromJSON(inputs.fstuple).ref }}
shell: c:/PROGRA~1/Git/usr/bin/bash.exe --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail {0}
# shell: c:\Program Files\Git\usr\bin\bash.exe --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail {0}
# shell: C:\msys64\usr\bin\bash.exe --noprofile --norc -e -o pipefail {0}
BASH_ENV: ${{ github.workspace }}\SHELL.env
runs-on: windows-2022
# no-ops that pre-populate upload-artifact, restore-only and save-only in /d/a/_actions/actions
- uses: actions/upload-artifact@v4
name: my-artifact
path: /invalid/path
if-no-files-found: ignore
- uses: actions/cache/restore@v4
# - uses: actions/cache@v4
lookup-only: true
key: /dev/null
path: /dev/null
- name: Output Inputs
run: |
echo '${{ github.event.inputs.fstuple }}'
echo '${{ fromJSON(github.event.inputs.fstuple) }}'
echo '${{ inputs.fstuple }}' | jq -r 'to_entries[]|[.key,.value]|join("=")' | tee -a $GITHUB_ENV
test -v base || exit 44
test -v repo || exit 45
test -v ref || exit 46
- name: Clone && Generate SHELL.env
run: |
set -Euo pipefail
mkdir -pv env.d bin bin/pystuff cache repo build
git clone --quiet --filter=tree:0 --single-branch --branch ${GITHUB_REF_NAME}${GITHUB_REPOSITORY} fsvr
fsvr_dir=$PWD/fsvr fsvr/ | tee -a SHELL.env
fsvr/util/ ht-ln fsvr/actions-node-script ./fsvr-action
- name: 000 Setup tmate session
if: fromJSON(inputs.fstuple).pause == '000'
uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
limit-access-to-actor: true
- name: Generate gha-bootstrap.env
run: |
source fsvr/
get_bootstrap_vars | tee env.d/gha-bootstrap.env || exit 127
- name: 001 Setup tmate session
if: fromJSON(inputs.fstuple).pause == '001'
uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
limit-access-to-actor: true
- name: Populate local bin/
uses: ./fsvr-action
run: |
test -d "$fsvr_dir" || exit 63
source fsvr/bashland/gha.alias-exe.bash
BASH=$(cygpath -was $BASH) make-stub bin/BASH_FUNC_invoke.exe
fsvr/util/ ht-ln bin/BASH_FUNC_invoke.exe bin/ht-ln.exe
ht-ln bin/BASH_FUNC_invoke.exe bin/hostname.exe
ht-ln bin/BASH_FUNC_invoke.exe bin/jq.exe
source $fsvr_dir/util/gha.cachette.bash
function xxtest_bin() {
test -f bin/parallel-home/will-cite || return 196
parallel -- --version | head -1 || return 197
ninja --version | head -1 || return 198
[[ `hostname` =~ windows[-]?2022 ]] || return 199
jq --version | head -1 || return 200
which parallel.exe
which colout
which jq
gha-cache-restore $base-bin-b bin || (
set -Euo pipefail
source fsvr/
source $fsvr_dir/util/gha.literally-exists.bash
pysite="$(cygpath -m "$(python3 -msite --user-site)")"
literally-exists bin/ninja.exe || get_ninja || exit `_err $? "failed to provision ninja $?"`
literally-exists $pysite/colout || get_colout || exit `_err $? "failed to provision colout $?"`
literally-exists bin/parallel || get_parallel || exit `_err $? "failed to provision parallel $?"`
literally-exists bin/colout.exe || ht-ln bin/BASH_FUNC_invoke.exe bin/colout.exe
literally-exists bin/parallel.exe || ht-ln bin/BASH_FUNC_invoke.exe bin/parallel.exe
# note: autobuild is not necessary here, but viewer_manifest still depends on python-llsd
python -m pip install --no-warn-script-location --user llsd
xxtest_bin || exit `_err $? "!xxtest_bin"`
gha-cache-save $base-bin-b bin || exit 85
- name: 002 Setup tmate session
if: fromJSON(inputs.fstuple).pause == '002'
uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
limit-access-to-actor: true
- name: Expand Source Repositories
uses: ./fsvr-action
run: |
source $fsvr_dir/util/gha.cachette.bash
source $fsvr_dir/util/gha.quiet-clone.bash
gha-cache-restore $cache_id-repo-viewer repo/viewer || (
set -Euo pipefail
test -e repo/viewer/.git || quiet-clone ${} $repo $ref repo/viewer
gha-cache-save $cache_id-repo-viewer repo/viewer || exit 107
gha-cache-restore $cache_id-repo-p373r repo/p373r || (
set -Euo pipefail
test -e repo/p373r/.git || quiet-clone ${GITHUB_REPOSITORY} P373R_6.6.8 repo/p373r
gha-cache-save $cache_id-repo-p373r repo/p373r || exit 143
repos="$(for id in repo/viewer repo/p373r ; do
echo "| ./$id | $(git -C $id describe --all --always) |"
tools="$(for id in jq ninja parallel bash ; do
echo "| $id | $($id --version | head -1 || true) |"
| name | value |
| --------- | ----------- |
| viewer_id | $viewer_id |
| viewer_name | $viewer_name |
| base | $base |
| hub | $hub |
| repo | $repo |
| ref | $ref |
| build_id | $build_id |
| cache_id | $cache_id |
| hostname | `hostname` |
- name: 003 Setup tmate session
if: fromJSON(inputs.fstuple).pause == '003'
uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
limit-access-to-actor: true
# - name: fsvr-action args test
# uses: ./fsvr-action
# with:
# environment: foo=bar
# args: An argument string ${{ inputs.fstuple }}
# run: |
# echo ok 1=$1 2=$2 args="$(echo "$@")"
- name: PATH/ENV preflight tests
run: |
jq --version
test `hostname` == "windows-2022" || exit 2022
test -v nunja_dir || exit 122
test -d "$nunja_dir" || exit 123
test $(echo 'test-$a' | eval "a=b envsubst") == test-b || exit 124
- name: Generate Build Vars
run: |
set -euo pipefail
echo fsvr_dir=$fsvr_dir
export root_dir=repo/viewer
# some legacy viewer packaging logic blindly reaches from build* to ../indra
$fsvr_dir/util/ ht-ln $root_dir/indra indra
$fsvr_dir/util/ ${viewer_name}-VR-GHA `cat $fsvr_dir/$base/viewer_version.txt` build/ \
| tee env.d/build_vars.env #| tee $GITHUB_ENV
- name: Detect MSVC
uses: ./fsvr-action
run: |
set -Euo pipefail
declare -a msvcs=(build/msvc.env build/msvc.nunja.env build/msvc_path.env)
export INPUT_key=$base-cache-msvc-a INPUT_path="$(echo "${msvcs[@]}" | tr ' ' '\n')"
/c/Program\ Files/nodejs/node /d/a/_actions/actions/cache/v4/dist/restore-only/index.js \
| grep -i 'cache restored' && { echo 'yup' ; ls -l "${msvcs[@]}" ; } || {
echo 'nope'
ls -l ${msvcs[@]}
/c/Program\ Files/nodejs/node /d/a/_actions/actions/cache/v4/dist/save-only/index.js
- name: 010_ensure_build_directories && 020_perform_replacements
run: fsvr_step 010 && fsvr_step 020
- name: 038_provision_openvr
uses: ./fsvr-action
run: |
set -Euo pipefail
# tarball=$fsvr_cache_dir/openvr-v1.6.10.8eaf723.tar.bz2
export INPUT_key=$base-cache-openvr-d INPUT_path=cache/openvr-**
/c/Program\ Files/nodejs/node /d/a/_actions/actions/cache/v4/dist/restore-only/index.js \
| grep -i 'cache restored' && { echo 'yup' ; ls -l $fsvr_cache_dir ; } || {
echo 'nope'
fsvr_step 038_provision_openvr || exit 38
/c/Program\ Files/nodejs/node /d/a/_actions/actions/cache/v4/dist/save-only/index.js
- name: 039_provision_p373r
run: fsvr_step 039
- name: 040_generate_package_infos && 050_generate_packages_info_text
run: fsvr_step 040 && fsvr_step 050
- name: 080_untar_packages
uses: ./fsvr-action
run: |
set -Euo pipefail
export INPUT_key=$base-build-packages-c INPUT_path=build/packages
/c/Program\ Files/nodejs/node /d/a/_actions/actions/cache/v4/dist/restore-only/index.js \
| grep -i 'cache restored' && echo 'yup' || {
echo 'nope'
fsvr_step 060_download_packages || exit 60
fsvr_step 070_verify_downloads || exit 70
fsvr_step 080_untar_packages || exit 80
/c/Program\ Files/nodejs/node /d/a/_actions/actions/cache/v4/dist/save-only/index.js
- name: 085_prepare_msys_msvc
run: fsvr_step 085
- name: 090_ninja_preflight
run: fsvr_step 090
- name: 004 Setup tmate session
if: fromJSON(inputs.fstuple).pause == '004'
uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
limit-access-to-actor: true
- name: 0a0_ninja_build SLPlugin.exe
run: fsvr_step 0a0 SLPlugin.exe
- name: 0a0_ninja_build application-bin.exe
run: fsvr_step 0a0 ${viewer_id}-bin.exe
- name: 0a0_ninja_build llpackage
run: fsvr_step 0a0 llpackage
- name: 0a1 postbuild
run: fsvr_step 0a1
- name: 0b0 installer
run: fsvr_step 0b0
- name: 0b1 upload installer
uses: ./fsvr-action
run: fsvr_step 0b1
- name: 0b2 7z
run: fsvr_step 0b2
- name: 0b3 upload 7z
uses: ./fsvr-action
run: fsvr_step 0b3
- name: 005 Setup tmate session
if: fromJSON(inputs.fstuple).pause == '005'
uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
limit-access-to-actor: true
# - name: log env on error
# if: failure()
# uses: ./fsvr-action
# with:
# run: |
# ./fsvr/util/ upload_artifact debug "$(cat <<EOF
# SHELL.env
# env.d/gha-bootstrap.env
# env.d/build_vars.env
# build/msvc.env
# build/msvc_path.env
# build/msvc.nunja.env
# )"
# - name: 006 Setup tmate session
# if: fromJSON(inputs.fstuple).pause == '006'
# uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
# with:
# limit-access-to-actor: true
- name: Setup tmate session
if: failure()
uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
limit-access-to-actor: true
# - name: Setup tmate session
# if: failure()
# uses: mxschmitt/action-tmate@v3
# env:
# PATH: /c/msys64/usr/bin:${{ env.PATH}}
# with:
# limit-access-to-actor: true