This Helm plugin was created from the Helm plugin that was designed to work with Helm v2
. Due to the fact that Helm v3
comes with a helm registry
subcommand the original plugin does not work with Helm v3
First, install the latest Helm v3 release.
If you are a macOS user, quickstart with brew: brew install helm
Next download and install the Quay plugin for Helm.
Please note that
helm quay --help
is necessary for finishing the installation!
$ helm plugin install
$ helm quay --help
Quay plugin assets do not exist, download them now !
downloading ...
Please note that
helm quay --help
is necessary for finishing the installation!
# export $HELM_PLUGINS environment variable
$ eval `helm env`
$ git clone $HELM_PLUGINS/quay-helmv3-plugin
$ helm quay --help
Quay plugin assets do not exist, download them now !
downloading ...
$ helm quay list-plugin-versions
$ helm quay upgrade-plugin VERSION
downloading ...
$ eval `helm env`
$ cd $HELM_PLUGINS/quay-helmv3-plugin
$ git pull origin master
$ helm quay upgrade-plugin
downloading ...
helm quay version
Output should be:
Api-version: {u'cnr-api': u'0.X.Y'}
Client-version: 0.X.Y
helm quay list
helm quay pull
First, create an account on or another on-prem Quay environment and login to the CLI using the username and password
Set an environment for the username created at Quay to use through the rest of these instructions.
export USERNAME=philips
Login to Quay with the Helm quay plugin:
helm quay login -u $USERNAME
Create a new Helm chart, the default will create a sample application:
helm create my-first-chart
Push this new chart to Quay.
cd my-first-chart
helm quay push$USERNAME