It's essentially a fancier "Hello World" app. This demo app is current WIP and not to be considered a reference architecture yet. The Cloud Pathfinder team intends to provide a proper CI/CD pattern and clean up rough edges. For now it has been used internally for testing purposes. Stay tuned we intend to have this improved soon.
Welcome to your new project. This is a basic starter project with a NodeJS app connected to a database for you to modify and expand to fit your needs. It provides scripts for developing and running locally, as well as "Infrastructure-as-Code" using Terraform/Terragrunt to allow the app to be easily deployed to public cloud environments. Currently, AWS is supported, but support for other cloud targets may be added in the future.
In order to develop or run the app locally, you will need:
- Open cloned repository in Visual Studio Code
- Using the Command Palette (Windows:
| Mac:⇧ ⌘ P
), enter the command:Reopen in Container
- Once open, use Open and Build in Devcontainer
- Use
commands presented in the next section to build and run local development containers.
In the previous section (Launch DevContainer) the container defined by ./.devcontainer/DockerFile has been created and started. Using VS Code, you can connect to this second VS Code project (with the name startup-sample-project-aws-containers [Dev Container]) in this second project, start a terminal session and run the following commands (notice the commands will run in the container, not in your machine)
Builds the containers (locally inside your container: Docker in Docker):
docker-compose -f build
Runs the local development containers:
docker-compose -f up -d
If you want to run only one of the containers defined in, then type:
docker-compose -f up mongodb
in this example will only run mongodb container -
Closes all the containers:
docker-compose -f down
Restarts the local development containers (locally inside your container: Docker in Docker):
docker-compose -f restart
Tail logs from local development containers:
docker-compose -f logs -f
docker exec -it $(PROJECT)-client sh
docker exec -it $(PROJECT)-server sh
docker exec -it $(PROJECT)-mongodb bash
docker exec -it $(PROJECT)-server npm run db:seed
docker exec -it $(PROJECT)-server npm run db:migration
docker exec -it $(PROJECT)-server npm test
Note: The above commands will work when executed from the container defined in ./devcontainer If you open the ./.devcontainer/DockerFile you will see that at the end of the file, these variables are set as the container env variables
This code assumes that the Terraform Cloud workspaces are pre-populated wth AWS credential environment variables. The workspaces and credentials are automatically created as part of the project provisioning. These credentials are used for creating all resources with terraform.
Additional service account iam users and credentials can be created upon request for performing limited actions like pushing to ECR from a CI/CD. This project uses one of those service accounts to push images to ECR in the sandbox account.
When an additional service account is requested the following values will be provided:
- credentials for you service accountAWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
- credentials for you service accountAWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME
- ARN of the role to assume with your credentials
This project creates an ECR repository in the sandbox account and authorizes read access from other AWS accounts. This is useful for deploying to ECS.
is used by the ECR terraform module to authorize the read access from the other AWS accounts.
The following GitHub secret value would allow the dev, test, and prod accounts to read from ECS in the sandbox account:
AWS_ACCOUNTS_ECR_READ_ACCESS='["arn:aws:iam::DEV_ACCOUNT_NUMBER:root", "arn:aws:iam::TEST_ACCOUNT_NUMBER:root", "arn:aws:iam::PROD_ACCOUNT_NUMBER:root"]'
A more target approach is possible, it is not necessary to authorize entire accounts.
- credentials for you service accountAWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY
- credentials for you service accountAWS_ROLE_TO_ASSUME
- ARN of the role to assume with your credentialsAWS_ACCOUNTS_ECR_READ_ACCESS
- list of aws principals to grant read accessAWS_ECR_URI
- ECR repository URIAWS_REGION
- should beca-central-1
- Terraform Cloud team token with access to Terraform workspaces used to deploy the app and infrastructure to AWS.
GitHub Action workflows in .github/workflows
are used to build, test, and deploy the application. The diagram below illustrates the workflow architecture.
Terraform and Terragrunt are used to deploy the application to AWS.
The infrastructure for the app is defined in the terraform module linked below and instantiated using Terragrunt (config is in the terraform/
Copyright 2020 Province of British Columbia
Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License");
you may not use this file except in compliance with the License.
You may obtain a copy of the License at
Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software
distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS IS" BASIS,
See the License for the specific language governing permissions and
limitations under the License.