NOTE: This is hella experimental and alpha af. Have a security expert examine this code before deploying.
Shell script for automating the deployment of a Tor hidden service for a blog.
This shell script requires a DigitalOcean Ghost One-Click-App. See for deets.
The Ghost 1-Click-Application image isn't refreshed super-often and doesn't include git, so to do that, you'll want to run:
apt-get update
apt-get install git a super-user. To run the script, simply clone this repo and run, add executable permissions, and run (also as a super-user):
git clone
chmod o+x blooming-onion/
After the script runs, you can enter the .onion address created into the Tor Browser to set up your Ghost blag to haunt the ethereal realm of the dark web.
This software is distributed under the GPL v3 License. See LICENSE.txt for further details.
This project was created for a workshop on anonymous blogging at Rightscon 2016 with Caroline Sinders and Stephanie Hyland.
This script was heavily inspired by Brian J Brennan's onion-ghost-blog ansible script .
Useful bash scripting protips were provided by Tuna, aka supertunaman.