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A NestJS-based weather service (job application project)

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Mostly Cloudy Weather Service 🌥️


This project is a solution to a take-home job application assessment. The problem was presented as follows:

Build an application using whatever tools, components, or third party libraries that you'd like. The app should allow a user to search for current weather conditions by city name, zip code, or coordinates (GPS, reverse geolocation) using the API. The application should be organized in a way where new features can be easily added and/or tested and that you would be happy to maintain. Be sure to submit documentation on how to run the application, including some example inputs.

I have chosen to build the application as a NestJS-based (Node.js) service that presents a REST API.

Design Details

  1. Weather Source Plugins -- weather sources are encapsulated as modules with services that inherit from a common interface. These services are added to a registry, which is then used by the application controller to route calls to the appropriate weather source service without requiring direct dependencies on those services. API callers can specify which "source" they wish to receive weather data from. In addition to the OpenWeatherMap service, a second "mock" weather source (AlwaysSunny) is available. The raw data from weather sources is mapped to a common response format before returning data to the caller.
  2. Request Caching -- request responses are cached (5 mins) to reduce the number of unnecessary calls made to metered third-party APIs.
  3. Rate-limiting -- requests are rate-limited (30/min) to prevent abuse and subsequent costs for third-party APIs.
  4. Configuration -- API keys, etc. are read from environment variables and accessed through a config service.
  5. HealthCheck -- two health-related endpoints are provided, one for a basic ping by load balancers or uptime monitors, the other for detailed status of the service functionality.
  6. Metrics -- a basic in-memory metrics service is included, which services use to report their usage.

Implementation Details

  • caching, rate-limiting, and metrics all use in-memory storage for the purpose of this exercise so as to not require other dependencies (eg. Redis).
  • prefers @nestjs modules whenever possible:
    • caching - @nestjs/cache-manager
    • rate-limiting - @nestjs/throttler
    • config - @nestjs/config
    • API docs - @nestjs/swagger
  • class-validator for request validation
  • pino for logging
  • axios for http requests
  • lint-staged to lint and format staged changes on pre-commit hook
  • commitlint to enforce a common commit message format (future use with release-please)
  • nock to mock network traffic and eliminate outbound http calls and the need for a functioning API key for unit tests


$ npm install


A free OpenWeatherMap API key is needed for any functionality that uses that API. Note that the unit tests (npm run test) and the mock 'alwayssunny' weather source work without this API key, but a dummy one must exist in the environment.

To create a dummy key:

  echo 'API_KEY=dummy' > .env

or get one from and copy it to the clipboard (macOS):

  echo "API_KEY=`pbpaste`" > .env

Running the app

# development
$ npm run start

# watch mode
$ npm run start:dev

# production mode
$ npm run start:prod

Using the APIs

API Docs/Playground

A Swagger-based API documentation and testing interface is served by the running application. If running on the default port, you can find it here: API Docs

Commandline usage via curl

  • Query by lat/long
$ curl 'http://localhost:3000/v1/current?long=-117.2855&lat=49.4999&source=openweathermap'                                                                                                                                ─╯

  "locationName": "Nelson",
  "locationCoords": {
    "lat": 49.4999,
    "long": -117.2855
  "weatherDescription": "overcast clouds",
  "temperatureCurrent": -0.92,
  "temperatureLow": -1.44,
  "temperatureHigh": -0.92,
  "windSpeed": 2.06,
  "windDirection": 180,
  "humidity": 69,
  "units": "metric",
  "source": "openweathermap"
  • Query by city name
$ curl 'http://localhost:3000/v1/current?city=Nelson,CA&source=openweathermap&units=imperial'

  "locationName": "Nelson",
  "locationCoords": {
    "lat": 49.4999,
    "long": -117.2855
  "weatherDescription": "overcast clouds",
  "temperatureCurrent": 30.34,
  "temperatureLow": 29.41,
  "temperatureHigh": 30.34,
  "windSpeed": 4.61,
  "windDirection": 180,
  "humidity": 69,
  "units": "imperial",
  "source": "openweathermap"
  • Query by zip code (US only)
$ curl 'http://localhost:3000/v1/current?zip=90210&source=openweathermap'

  "locationName": "Beverly Hills",
  "locationCoords": {
    "lat": 34.0901,
    "long": -118.4065
  "weatherDescription": "overcast clouds",
  "temperatureCurrent": 12.28,
  "temperatureLow": 10.79,
  "temperatureHigh": 13.97,
  "windSpeed": 1.54,
  "windDirection": 200,
  "humidity": 90,
  "units": "metric",
  "source": "openweathermap"


# unit tests
$ npm run test

# e2e tests -- require a valid API_KEY to be in the environment
$ npm run test:e2e

# test coverage
$ npm run test:cov


A NestJS-based weather service (job application project)






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