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Prometheus cloudeye exporter for Huaweicloud.

Note: The plug-in is applicable only to the Huaweicloud regions.



$ git clone

(Option) Building The Discovery with Exact steps on clean Ubuntu 16.04

$ wget
$ sudo tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.17.6.linux-amd64.tar.gz
$ export PATH=$PATH:/usr/local/go/bin # You should put in your .profile or .bashrc
$ go version # to verify it runs and version #

$ go get
$ cd ~/go/src/
$ go build


 ./cloudeye-exporter  -config=clouds.yml

The default port is 8087, default config file location is ./clouds.yml.

Visit metrics in http://localhost:8087/metrics?services=SYS.VPC,SYS.ELB

To avoid ak&sk leaks, you can input your ak&sk through the command line with '-s' param like this

./cloudeye-exporter -s true

To startup the cloudeye-exporter using script, here is an example

# Don't write plain text ak&sk in script.
# Encrypt the ak&sk instead and use your own decrypt function to assign the return value.
huaweiCloud_AK=your_decrypt_function("your encrypted ak")
huaweiCloud_SK=your_decrypt_function("your encrypted sk")
$(./cloudeye-exporter -s true<<EOF
$huaweiCloud_AK $huaweiCloud_SK


Usage of ./cloudeye-exporter:
  -config string
        Path to the cloud configuration file (default "./clouds.yml") 

Example of config file(clouds.yml)

The "URL" value can be get from Identity and Access Management (IAM) endpoint list (Internal) and Identity and Access Management (IAM) endpoint list (China).

  prefix: "huaweicloud"
  port: "{private IP}:8087" # For security purposes, you are advised not to expose the Expoter service port to the public network. You are advised to set this parameter to{port} or {private IP address}:{port}, for example, If the port needs to be exposed to the public network, ensure that the security group, firewall, and iptables access control policies are properly configured to meet the minimum access permission principle.
  metric_path: "/metrics"
  scrape_batch_size: 300
  resource_sync_interval_minutes: 20 # Update frequency of resource information: resource information is updated every 180 minutes by default; If this parameter is set to a value less than 10 minutes, the information is updated every 10 minutes.
  ep_ids: "xxx1,xxx2" # This is optional. Filter resources by enterpries project, cloudeye-exporter will get all resources when this is empty, if you need multiple enterprise project, use comma split them.
  logs_conf_path: "/root/logs.yml" # This is optional. We recommend that you use an absolute path for the log configuration file path. If this line is absent, the program will use configuration file in the directory where the startup command is executed by default.
  metrics_conf_path: "/root/metrics.yml" # This is optional. We recommend that you use an absolute path for the metrics configuration file path. If this line is absent, the program will use configuration file in the directory where the startup command is executed by default.
  endpoints_conf_path: "/root/endpoints.yml" # This is optional. We recommend that you use an absolute path for the service endpoints configuration file path. If this line is absent, the program will use configuration file in the directory where the startup command is executed by default.
  ignore_ssl_verify: false # This is optional. The SSL certificate is verified by default when the exporter queries resources or indicators. If the exporter is abnormal due to SSL certificate verification, you can set this configuration to true to skip SSL certificate verification.
  # This is optional. You can replace the proxy schema, host and port in the example below according to actual situation.
  proxy_schema: "http"                      
  proxy_host: ""        
  proxy_port: 8080    
  # This is optional. If the proxy requires authentication, please configure the username and password
  proxy_username: "username"                 
  proxy_password: "password" 
  auth_url: "https://iam.{region_id}"
  project_name: "{project_name}"
  access_key: "{access_key}" # It is strongly remommended that you use a script to decrypt the AK/SK by following the instructions provided in section 4.1 to prevent information leakage caused by plaintext AK/SK configuration in the configuration file.
  secret_key: "{secret_key}"
  region: "{region}"

Example of endpoint file(endpoints.yml)

European site users should configure the domain names of the rms and eps services as follows.


Other site users should not configure anything in this file.

Prometheus Configuration

The huaweicloud exporter needs to be passed the address as a parameter, this can be done with relabelling.

Example config:

  scrape_interval: 1m # Set the scrape interval to every 1 minute seconds. Default is every 1 minute.
  scrape_timeout: 1m
  - job_name: 'huaweicloud'
    - targets: ['']
      services: ['SYS.VPC,SYS.ELB']