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A genome completeness evaluation tool based on miniprot


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Getting Started

# download compleasm and its dependencies (miniprot and hmmsearch)
tar -jxvf compleasm-0.2.6_x64-linux.tar.bz2

# Install pandas if necessary
pip3 install pandas                               # or conda install pandas

# Run compleasm if lineage is known
compleasm_kit/ download primates      # download data to mb_download/
compleasm_kit/ run -t16 -l primates -a hg38.fa -o hg38-mb  # run the pipeline

# Automatically detect lineage (requiring sepp)
conda install -c bioconda sepp                    # if sepp hasn't been installed
compleasm_kit/ run --autolineage -a hg38.fa -o hs38-mb  



Compleasm is developed on python3.

Conda Installation

Compleasm can be installed with conda. If you don't have conda, please install miniconda or anaconda first. Then you can create a new environment with compleasm installed.

conda create -n <your_env_name> -c conda-forge -c bioconda compleasm
conda activate <your_env_name>
compleasm -h

Docker Installation

Compleasm can be installed with docker. If you don't have docker, please install docker first. Then you can pull the docker image with compleasm installed.

docker run huangnengcsu/compleasm:v${VERSION} compleasm -h

Singularity Installation

Compleasm can be installed with singularity. If you don't have singularity, please install singularity first. Then you can pull the singularity image with compleasm installed.

singularity exec docker://huangnengcsu/compleasm:v${VERSION} compleasm -h

Release Installation

tar -jxvf compleasm-0.2.6_x64-linux.tar.bz2
compleasm_kit/ -h

Manual Installation

Get compleasm:

git clone

You can run the script directly or copy it to other locations then run it.

Install miniprot:

git clone
cd miniprot && make

Install hmmer:

tar zxf hmmer.tar.gz
cd hmmer-3.3.2
./configure --prefix /your/install/path
make check
make install

Install sepp:

git clone
cd sepp
python config -c
python install


Main Modules:

run             Run compleasm including miniprot alignment and completeness evaluation
analyze         Evaluate genome completeness from provided miniprot alignment
download        Download specified BUSCO lineage
list            List local or remote BUSCO lineages
miniprot        Run miniprot alignment

Using run submodule to evaluate genome completeness from genome assembly:

This will download the specified lineage (or automatically search for the best lineage with autolineage mode), align the protein sequences in the lineage file to the genome sequence with miniprot, and parse the miniprot alignment result to evaluate genome completeness.


python run [-h] -a ASSEMBLY_PATH -o OUTPUT_DIR [-t THREADS] 
                        [-l LINEAGE] [-L LIBRARY_PATH] [-m {lite,busco}] [--specified_contigs SPECIFIED_CONTIGS [SPECIFIED_CONTIGS ...]] 
                        [--miniprot_execute_path MINIPROT_EXECUTE_PATH] [--hmmsearch_execute_path HMMSEARCH_EXECUTE_PATH] 
                        [--autolineage] [--sepp_execute_path SEPP_EXECUTE_PATH] 
                        [--min_diff MIN_DIFF] [--min_identity MIN_IDENTITY] [--min_length_percent MIN_LENGTH_PERCENT] 
                        [--min_complete MIN_COMPLETE] [--min_rise MIN_RISE]

Important parameters:

  -a, --assembly_path        Input genome file in FASTA format
  -o, --output_dir           The output folder
  -t, --threads              Number of threads to use
  -l, --lineage              Specify the name of the BUSCO lineage to be used. (e.g. eukaryota, primates, saccharomycetes etc.)
  -L, --library_path         Folder path to download lineages or already downloaded lineages. 
                             If not specified, a folder named "mb_downloads" will be created on the current running path by default to store the downloaded lineage files.
  -m, --mode                 The mode of evaluation. Default mode is busco. 
                             lite:  Without using hmmsearch to filtering protein alignment.
                             busco: Using hmmsearch on all candidate predicted proteins to purify the miniprot alignment to improve accuracy.
  --specified_contigs        Specify the contigs to be evaluated, e.g. chr1 chr2 chr3. If not specified, all contigs will be evaluated.
  --outs                     output if score at least FLOAT*bestScore [0.95]
  --miniprot_execute_path    Path to miniprot executable file. 
                             If not specified, compleasm will search for miniprot in the directory where is located, the current execution directory, and system environment variables.
  --hmmsearch_execute_path   Path to hmmsearch executable file.
                             If not specified, compleasm will search for hmmsearch in the directory where is located, the current execution directory, and system environment variables.
  --autolineage              Automatically search for the best matching lineage without specifying lineage file.
  --sepp_execute_path        Path to sepp executable file. This is required if you want to use the autolineage mode.

Threshold parameters:

  --min_diff               The thresholds for the best matching and second best matching. default=0.2
  --min_identity           The identity threshold for valid mapping results. default=0.4
  --min_length_percent     The fraction of protein for valid mapping results. default=0.6
  --min_complete           The length threshold for complete gene. default=0.9


# with lineage specified
python run -a genome.fasta -o output_dir -l eukaryota -t 8

# autolineage mode
python run -a genome.fasta -o output_dir -t 8 --autolineage

# with custom specified already downloaded lineage folder
python run -a genome.fasta -o output_dir -l eukaryota -t 8 -L /path/to/lineages_folder

# specify contigs
python run -a genome.fasta -o output_dir -l eukaryota -t 8 --specified_contigs chr1 chr2 chr3 chr4 chr5 chr6 chr7 chr8 chr9 chr10 chr11 chr12 chr13 chr14 chr15 chr16 chr17 chr18 chr19 chr20 chr21 chr22

Using analyze submodule to evaluate genome completeness from provided miniprot alignment:

This will directly parse the provided miniprot alignment result to evaluate genome completeness. The execute command of miniprot should be like miniprot --trans -u -I --outs=0.95 --gff -t 8 ref-file protein.faa > output.gff.


python analyze [-h] -g GFF -l LINEAGE -o OUTPUT_DIR [-t THREADS] [-L LIBRARY_PATH] 
                            [-m {lite,busco}] [--hmmsearch_execute_path HMMSEARCH_EXECUTE_PATH]
                            [--specified_contigs SPECIFIED_CONTIGS [SPECIFIED_CONTIGS ...]] 
                            [--min_diff MIN_DIFF] [--min_identity MIN_IDENTITY] [--min_length_percent MIN_LENGTH_PERCENT] 
                            [--min_complete MIN_COMPLETE] [--min_rise MIN_RISE]

Important parameters:

  -g, --gff                 Miniprot output gff file
  -l, --lineage             BUSCO lineage name
  -o, --output_dir          Output analysis folder
  -t, --threads             Number of threads to use
  -L, --library_path        Folder path to stored lineages.
  -m, --mode                The mode of evaluation. Default mode is fast. 
                            lite:  Without using hmmsearch to filtering protein alignment.
                            busco: Using hmmsearch on all candidate predicted proteins to purify the miniprot alignment to improve accuracy.
  --hmmsearch_execute_path  Path to hmmsearch executable
                            If not specified, compleasm will search for hmmsearch in the directory where is located, the current execution directory, and system environment variables.
  --specified_contigs       Specify the contigs to be evaluated, e.g. chr1 chr2 chr3. If not specified, all contigs will be evaluated.

Threshold parameters are same as run module.


# analysis with miniprot output gff file
python analyze -g miniprot.gff -o output_dir -l eukaryota -t 8

# specify contigs
compleasm analyze -g miniprot.gff -o output_dir -l eukaryota -t 8 --specified_contigs chr1 chr2 chr3 chr4 chr5 chr6 chr7 chr8 chr9 chr10 chr11 chr12 chr13 chr14 chr15 chr16 chr17 chr18 chr19 chr20 chr21 chr22

Using download submodule to download lineage:

This will download the specified lineages and save to the specified folder.


python download [-h] [-L LIBRARY_PATH] lineages [lineages ...]


positional arguments:  
  lineages                Specify the names of the BUSCO lineages to be downloaded. (e.g. eukaryota, primates, saccharomycetes etc.)

optional arguments:
  -L, --library_path      The destination folder to store the downloaded lineage files.
                          If not specified, a folder named "mb_downloads" will be created on the current running path by default.


python download saccharomycetes primates brassicales -L /path/to/lineages_folder


python download saccharomycetes,primates,brassicales -L /path/to/lineages_folder

Using miniprot submodule to run miniprot alignment:

This will run miniprot alignment and output the gff file.


python miniprot [-h] -a ASSEMBLY -p PROTEIN -o OUTDIR [-t THREADS] [--miniprot_execute_path MINIPROT_EXECUTE_PATH]

Important parameters:

  -a, --assembly             Input genome file in FASTA format
  -p, --protein              Input protein file
  -o, --outdir               Miniprot alignment output directory
  -t, --threads              Number of threads to use
  --outs                     output if score at least FLOAT*bestScore [0.95]
  --miniprot_execute_path    Path to miniprot executable file. 
                             If not specified, compleasm will search for miniprot in the directory where is located, the current execution directory, and system environment variables.


python miniprot -a genome.fasta -p protein.faa -o output_dir -t 8

Using list submodule to show local or remote Busco lineages:

This will list the local or remote BUSCO lineages.


python list [-h] [--remote] [--local] [-L LIBRARY_PATH]

Important parameters:

  --remote             List remote BUSCO lineages
  --local              List local BUSCO lineages
  -L, --library_path   Folder path to stored lineages.


# list local lineages
python list --local -L /path/to/lineages_folder

# list remote lineages
python list --remote

Using protein submodule to assess the completeness of input proteins:

This will evaluate the completeness of input proteins.


python protein [-h] -p PROTEINS -l LINEAGE -o OUTDIR [-t THREADS]
                            [-L LIBRARY_PATH]
                            [--hmmsearch_execute_path HMMSEARCH_EXECUTE_PATH]

Important parameters:

-p, --proteins             Input protein file
-l, --lineage              BUSCO lineage name
-o, --outdir               Output analysis folder
-t, --threads              Number of threads to use
-L, --library_path         Folder path to stored lineages
--hmmsearch_execute_path   Path to hmmsearch executable.
                           If not specified, compleasm will search for miniprot in the directory where is located, the current execution directory, and system environment variables.


python protein -p input.faa -l eukaryota -t 8 -o output_dir

Output description

The assessment result by compleasm is saved in the file summary.txt in the output folder. These BUSCO genes are categorized into the following classes:

  • S (Single Copy Complete Genes): The BUSCO genes that can be entirely aligned in the assembly, with only one copy present.
  • D (Duplicated Complete Genes): The BUSCO genes that can be completely aligned in the assembly, with more than one copy present.
  • F (Fragmented Genes, subclass 1): The BUSCO genes which only a portion of the gene is present in the assembly, and the rest of the gene cannot be aligned.
  • I (Fragmented Genes, subclass 2): The BUSCO genes in which a section of the gene aligns to one position in the assembly, while the remaining part aligns to another position.
  • M (Missing Genes): The BUSCO genes with no alignment present in the assembly.

Cite compleasm

If you use compleasm, please cite:

Neng Huang, Heng Li, compleasm: a faster and more accurate reimplementation of BUSCO. Bioinformatics, 39, btad595, 2023. doi:10.1093/bioinformatics/btad595