This project is the Torch implementation of the paper: Centered Weight Normalization in Accelerating Training of Deep Neural Networks ( ICCV 2017).
- bibtex:
author = {Lei Huang and Xianglong Liu and Yang Liu and Bo Lang and Dacheng Tao},
title = {Centered Weight Normalization in Accelerating Training of Deep Neural Networks},
booktitle = {ICCV},
year = {2017}}
- Add the ' pytorch module' of CWN. 2019-12-07.
- Install Torch with CUDA GPU
- Install cudnn v5
- Install dependent lua packages optnet by run: luarocks install optnet
- Dataset prepraration: We can get the preprocessed SVHN dataset for MLP architecture by running:
cd dataset
th preProcess_div256.lua
Note that this script is based on the Torch script for SVHN
- Execute:
th exp_MLP.lua
- To reproduce the experimental results, you can run the script below, which include all the information of experimental configurations:
Dataset preparations: the dataset is based on the preprocessed script on:, and you should put the data file in the directory: './dataset/cifar_provider.t7'
th exp_vggA.lua –dataPath './dataset/cifar_provider.t7'
- To reproduce the experimental results, you can run the script below, which include all the information of experimental configurations:
- Dataset preparations: The dataset is based on whitened CIFAR datasets.
- Execute:
th exp_GoogleNet_dataWhitening.lua –dataPath './dataset/cifar100_whitened.t7'
- To reproduce the experimental results, you can run the script below, which include all the information of experimental configurations:
The GoogLeNet model is based on the project on:
- Dataset preparations: The dataset is based on original CIFAR datasets, and the data file should be put in the directory: ./dataset/cifar_original.t7.
- Execute:
th exp_res_dataNorm.lua –dataPath './dataset/cifar10_original.t7'
- To reproduce the experimental results, you can run the script below, which include all the information of experimental configurations:
The normlization of Cifar dataset is in the script th exp_res_dataNorm.lua. The residual network model and respective script are based on facebook ResNet.
This experiment is based on the project at:
The proposed model are in: './models/imagenet/'
[email protected], Any discussions and suggestions are welcome!