by Hengshuang Zhao*, Yi Zhang*, Shu Liu, Jianping Shi, Chen Change Loy, Dahua Lin, Jiaya Jia, details are in project page.
This repository is build for PSANet, which contains source code for PSA module and related evaluation code. For installation, please merge the related layers and follow the description in PSPNet repository (test with CUDA 7.0/7.5 + cuDNN v4).
Highly optimized PyTorch codebases available for semantic segmentation in repo: semseg, including full training and testing codes for PSPNet and PSANet.
Clone the repository recursively:
git clone --recursive
Merge the caffe layers into PSPNet repository:
Point-wise spatial attention: pointwise_spatial_attention_layer.hpp/cpp/cu and caffe.proto.
Build Caffe and matcaffe:
cd $PSANET_ROOT/PSPNet cp Makefile.config.example Makefile.config vim Makefile.config make -j8 && make matcaffe cd ..
Evaluation code is in folder 'evaluation'.
Download trained models and put them in related dataset folder under 'evaluation/model', refer ''.
Modify the related paths in 'eval_all.m':
Mainly variables 'data_root' and 'eval_list', and your image list for evaluation should be similarity to that in folder 'evaluation/samplelist' if you use this evaluation code structure.
cd evaluation vim eval_all.m
- Run the evaluation scripts:
Predictions will show in folder 'evaluation/mc_result' and the expected scores are listed as below:
(mIoU/pAcc. stands for mean IoU and pixel accuracy, 'ss' and 'ms' denote single scale and multiple scale testing.)
network training data testing data mIoU/pAcc.(ss) mIoU/pAcc.(ms) md5sum PSANet50 train val 41.92/80.17 42.97/80.92 a8e884 PSANet101 train val 42.75/80.71 43.77/81.51 ab5e56 VOC2012:
network training data testing data mIoU/pAcc.(ss) mIoU/pAcc.(ms) md5sum PSANet50 train_aug val 77.24/94.88 78.14/95.12 d5fc37 PSANet101 train_aug val 78.51/95.18 79.77/95.43 5d8c0f PSANet101 COCO + train_aug + val test -/- 85.7/- 3c6a69 Cityscapes:
network training data testing data mIoU/pAcc.(ss) mIoU/pAcc.(ms) md5sum PSANet50 fine_train fine_val 76.65/95.99 77.79/96.24 25c06a PSANet101 fine_train fine_val 77.94/96.10 79.05/96.30 3ac1bf PSANet101 fine_train fine_test -/- 78.6/- 3ac1bf PSANet101 fine_train + fine_val fine_test -/- 80.1/- 1dfc91 -
Demo video:
If PSANet is useful for your research, please consider citing:
title={{PSANet}: Point-wise Spatial Attention Network for Scene Parsing},
author={Zhao, Hengshuang and Zhang, Yi and Liu, Shu and Shi, Jianping and Loy, Chen Change and Lin, Dahua and Jia, Jiaya},
Please contact '[email protected]' or '[email protected]'