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hsw28 committed Dec 9, 2019
1 parent 1529b05 commit 94728c5
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Showing 14 changed files with 1,006 additions and 230 deletions.
35 changes: 35 additions & 0 deletions hannah-in-use/include/fitExponential.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
function [k, yInf, y0, yFit] = fitExponential(x, y)

% FITEXPONENTIAL fits a time series to a single exponential curve.
% [k, yInf, y0] = fitExponential(x, y)
% The fitted curve reads: yFit = yInf + (y0-yInf) * exp(-k*(x-x0)).
% Here yInf is the fitted steady state value, y0 is the fitted initial
% value, and k is the fitted rate constant for the decay. Least mean square
% fit is used in the estimation of the parameters.
% Outputs:
% * k: Relaxation rate
% * yInf: Final steady state
% * y0: Initial state
% * yFit: Fitted time series
% Last modified on 06/26/2012
% by Jing Chen

% improve accuracy by subtracting large baseline
yBase = y(1);
y = y - y(1);

fh_objective = @(param) norm(param(2)+(param(3)-param(2))*exp(-param(1)*(x-x(1))) - y, 2);

initGuess(1) = -(y(2)-y(1))/(x(2)-x(1))/(y(1)-y(end));
initGuess(2) = y(end);
initGuess(3) = y(1);
param = fminsearch(fh_objective,initGuess);

k = param(1);
yInf = param(2) + yBase;
y0 = param(3) + yBase;

yFit = yInf + (y0-yInf) * exp(-k*(x-x(1)));
12 changes: 6 additions & 6 deletions hannah-in-use/matlab/Hcorr.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -12,12 +12,12 @@

[cor, lag] = xcorr(onenorm, twonorm, 'coeff');

lag = (lag)./30;
%lag = (lag)./30;
%plot(lag./2, cor)
plot(lag, cor)

xlabel('Lag (Sec.)')
x = [cor; lag];
%xlabel('Lag (Sec.)')
%x = [cor; lag];
253 changes: 253 additions & 0 deletions hannah-in-use/matlab/bulk/CCpairs.m
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,253 @@
function [f fnot] = CCpairs(fieldchartHPC_dir, fieldchartLS_dir, HPCclusters, LSclusters, posstructure)
%if lag is positive, then Y is delayed relative to x
test = 0;

HPCfieldchart = fieldchartHPC_dir(2:end, :);
LSfieldchart = fieldchartLS_dir(2:end, :);
HPCfieldnames = (HPCfieldchart(:,1));
LSfieldnames = (LSfieldchart(:,1));
LSnums = [1:1:length(LSfieldnames)];

HPCclustnames = (fieldnames(HPCclusters));
HPCclustnum = length(HPCclustnames);
LSclustnames = (fieldnames(LSclusters));
LSclustnum = length(LSclustnames);

posnames = (fieldnames(posstructure));
posnum = length(posnames);
pnames = {};
for s = 1:posnum
if contains(posnames(s), 'position')==1
pnames(end+1) = (posnames(s));

quad = [];
dir = [];
allaverage = [];
minusaverage = [];
plusaverage = [];
maxes = [];
Xes = [];
Yes = [];
notallaverage = [];
notminusaverage = [];
notplusaverage = [];
notmaxes = [];
maxtime = [];
allcors = [];
for q = 1:length(pnames)
currentname = char(pnames(q));
posData = posstructure.(currentname);
posData = fixpos(posData); %positions, not sure if needed
posTime = posData(:,1);
% get date of spike
date = strsplit(currentname,'date_'); %splitting at year rat12_2018_08_20_time
date = char(date(1,2));
date = strsplit(date,'_position'); %rat12_2018_08_20
date = char(date(1,1));

HPCcurrentclusts = struct;
for c = 1:length(HPCclustnum)
name = char(HPCclustnames(c));
if contains(name, date)==1
[HPCcurrentclusts(:).(name)] = deal(HPCclusters.(name)); %allpossible HPC clusters
currentHPCfields = [];
for c = 1:length(HPCfieldnames)
name = char(HPCfieldnames(c));
if contains(name, date)==1
currentHPCfields = [currentHPCfields; HPCfieldchart(c,:)]; %all possible HPC place fields

LScurrentclusts = struct;
for c = 1:length(LSclustnum)
name = char(LSclustnames(c));
if contains(name, date)==1
[LScurrentclusts(:).(name)] = deal(LSclusters.(name)); %allpossible LS clusters
currentLSfields = [];
for c = 1:length(LSfieldnames)
name = char(LSfieldnames(c));
if contains(name, date)==1
currentLSfields = [currentLSfields; LSfieldchart(c,:)]; %all possible HPC place fields

for k = 1:size(currentHPCfields,1) %going through HPC pairs
currentdir = cell2mat(currentHPCfields(k,4));
currentxHPC = cell2mat(currentHPCfields(k,6));
currentyHPC = cell2mat(currentHPCfields(k,7));
Xes(end+1) = currentxHPC;
Yes(end+1) = currentyHPC;
currentavrateHPC = cell2mat(currentHPCfields(k,10));

LSuse = LSnums;
LSuse = find(cell2mat(currentLSfields(:,4)) == currentdir); %finding LS fields in same direction
%LSuse = intersect(LSuse, LSnums); %make sure cell hasn't been used before

potentialLS = [];
notpotentialLS = [];

for z = 1:length(LSuse)
currentindex = LSuse(z);
currentxLS = cell2mat(currentLSfields(currentindex,6));
currentyLS = cell2mat(currentLSfields(currentindex,7));
dis = pdist([currentxHPC,currentyHPC;currentxLS,currentyLS], 'euclidean'); %distance between centers
if dis <= 3.5*20 %if distance is less than 16cm, save index
potentialLS(end+1) = currentindex;
if dis >= 3.5*100 %if distance is less than 16cm, save index
notpotentialLS(end+1) = currentindex;

if length(potentialLS)>=1
%now for potential indices, match rate
allpotentialLSrates = cell2mat(currentLSfields(potentialLS,10));
[minValue,closestIndex] = min(abs(currentavrateHPC-allpotentialLSrates));
LSpairindex = potentialLS(closestIndex); %this is the index of the match

%subtract the index of the match out of future potential matches
%LSnums = LSnums(find(LSnums ~= LSpairindex));

clusternameHPC = char(currentHPCfields(k,1)); %INDLUDE
clusternameLS = char(currentLSfields(LSpairindex, 1)); %INDLUDE
currentxLS = cell2mat(currentLSfields(LSpairindex,6));
currentyLS = cell2mat(currentLSfields(LSpairindex,7));

DIRECTION = currentdir; %INDLUDE
DISTANCEBETWEEN = pdist([currentxHPC, currentyHPC; currentxLS, currentyLS]); %INDLUDE


%maybe put in some criteria for position here??? dont know. not sure we want crosscorr along whole track
%now you have the pair, so have to find crosscorr.
%go back and get the correct clusters
currentHPCclust = HPCclusters.(clusternameHPC);
currentLSclust = LSclusters.(clusternameLS);

HPCtrain = spiketrain(currentHPCclust, posTime, .01);
LStrain = spiketrain(currentLSclust, posTime, .01);
[CC,lags,bounds] = crosscorr(HPCtrain, LStrain, 'NumLags', .1/.01); %bins are 10ms, so 100ms is 10 on each side

test = test+1;

allcors = [allcors, CC];

allaverage(end+1) = nanmean(CC);
minusaverage(end+1) = nanmean(CC(1:10));
plusaverage(end+1) = nanmean(CC(10:end));
[Y,I] = max(CC);
maxes(end+1) = Y;
maxtime(end+1) = lags(I)*.01;
dir(end+1) = currentdir;

CCshuffled = crosscorr(HPCtrain, LStrain(randperm(length(LStrain))), 'NumLags', .1/.01); %bins are 10ms, so 100ms is 10 on each side
notallaverage(end+1) = nanmean(CCshuffled);
notminusaverage(end+1) = nanmean(CCshuffled(1:10));
notplusaverage(end+1) = nanmean(CCshuffled(10:end));
notmaxes(end+1) = max(CCshuffled);

%no close matches
test = test+1;
dir(end+1) = NaN;
allaverage(end+1) = NaN;
minusaverage(end+1) = NaN;
plusaverage(end+1) = NaN;
maxes(end+1) = NaN;
notallaverage(end+1) = NaN;
notminusaverage(end+1) = NaN;
notplusaverage(end+1) = NaN;
notmaxes(end+1) = NaN;
maxtime(end+1) = NaN;
allcors = [allcors, NaN(21,1)];

end %this end is for no close matches

end %this end is for going through hpc pairs
end %this end is for the for loop going through positions

posQuadmax = NaN(length(Xes),1);

xlimmin = [300 300 320 320 320 450 750 780 828 780 780];
xlimmax = [505 450 450 505 505 850 950 950 950 950 950];
ylimmin = [545 422 320 170 000 300 575 420 339 182 000];
ylimmax = [700 545 422 320 170 440 700 575 420 339 182];
for k=1:length(xlimmin)
inX = find(Xes > xlimmin(k) & Xes <=xlimmax(k));
inY = find(Yes > ylimmin(k) & Yes <=ylimmax(k));
inboth = intersect(inX, inY);
if (k == 2 | k== 4) %|k== 1 | k== 5 %& vel(inboth(z))>threshold
posQuadmax(inboth) = 1;
elseif k == 3 %& vel(inboth(z))>threshold
posQuadmax(inboth) = 2;
elseif (k== 1 | k== 5)
posQuadmax(inboth) = 0;
elseif k == 6 %& vel(inboth(z))>threshold
posQuadmax(inboth) = 3;
elseif (k == 8 | k== 10 ) %| k== 7 | k== 11 %& vel(inboth(z))>threshold
posQuadmax(inboth) = 5;
elseif (k== 7 | k== 11)
posQuadmax(inboth) = 6;
elseif k == 9 %& vel(inboth(z))>threshold
posQuadmax(inboth) = 4;
posQuadmax(inboth) = NaN;

val = ~isnan(dir);

f = [dir(val); allaverage(val); minusaverage(val); plusaverage(val); maxes(val); posQuadmax(val)'; maxtime(val)]';

fnot = [dir(val); notallaverage(val); notminusaverage(val); notplusaverage(val); notmaxes(val); posQuadmax(val)']';

allcors = allcors(:,val);
Pos0 = find(f(:,6)==0);
Pos1 = find(f(:,6)==1);
Pos2 = find(f(:,6)==2);
Pos3 = find(f(:,6)==3);
Pos4 = find(f(:,6)==4);
Pos5 = find(f(:,6)==5);
Pos6 = find(f(:,6)==6);

%plot(-100:10:100, nanmean((allcors(:,[Pos0;Pos1]))'))
%hold on
%plot(-100:10:100, nanmean((allcors(:,[Pos5; Pos6]))'))

errorbar(-100:10:100, nanmean((allcors(:,[Pos0;Pos1]))'), std((allcors(:,[Pos0;Pos1]))')./sqrt(length([Pos0;Pos1])), 'Color', 'red');
hold on
errorbar(-100:10:100,nanmean((allcors(:,[Pos3]))'), std((allcors(:,[Pos3]))')./sqrt(length([Pos3])), 'Color', 'green');
errorbar(-100:10:100, nanmean((allcors(:,[Pos5; Pos6]))'), std((allcors(:,[Pos5; Pos6]))')./sqrt(length([Pos5;Pos6])), 'Color','blue');

%output distance from reward, distance from eachother, and cross corr all, +100, and -100, max

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