Utilities for installing libraries developed in Motor Intelligence Laboratory in Osaka University. See the project page for more details.
To download the latest version of cure, type the following:
./download cure
To download all the public versions of cure, type the following:
mkdir -p archive
tac versions/cure.public | xargs -n 1 ./download --output-dir archive
To download all the versions of cure including ones which are stored on Motor Intelligence Laboratory's wiki, type the following:
mkdir -p archive
tac versions/cure | xargs -n 1 ./download --output-dir archive --user USERNAME --passwd PASSWORD
Or, you can create a file which contains username and password for authentication to wiki.
echo "USERNAME" >>passwd # this command should not remain in the command history
echo "PASSWORD" >>passwd # this command should not remain in the command history
chmod 400 passwd
tac versions/cure | xargs -n 1 ./download --output-dir archive --passwd-file passwd
To update source files to a specific version of cure, type the following:
./update --no-git cure-1.0.0-beta5.tgz cure
To make a Git commit when updating, type the following:
./update cure-1.0.0-beta5.tgz cure
To make a series of Git commit history, type the following:
tac versions/cure | xargs -n 1 -i ./update --skip archive/{} cure