This repository show-cases the use of Botan::TLS::Stream
to implement an asynchronous HTTPS server.
The server implementation is based on the Boost.Beast asynchronous https server example.
The changes required to use Botan::TLS::Stream
instead of the OpenSSL-based beast::ssl_stream
are very small and can be seen in this commit.
Most notably,
is set up using a number of Botan-specific types and replacesssl::context
In addition, reads the server certificate and private key are read from local files for the sake of simplicity of the example.
Botan 2.14 or newer is required. To compile the example:
mkdir build && cd build
cmake .. -DBOTAN_ROOT_DIR=<path-to-botan-directory>
cmake --build .
To run the example, generate a self-signed server certificate and key, e.g. using botan-cli
./botan-cli keygen --algo=ECDSA --params=secp384r1 --output=server_key.pem
./botan-cli gen_self_signed server_key.pem CA --ca --country=VT --dns=ca.example --hash=SHA-384 --output=ca.crt
./botan-cli gen_pkcs10 server_key.pem localhost --output=crt.req
./botan-cli sign_cert ca.crt server_key.pem crt.req --output=server_cert.crt
Finally, run the server:
./botan-tls-stream-server 8080 . 3 server_cert.crt server_key.pem