def data = """
name: A
type: X
version: 12
name: B
type: Y
version: 13
name: C
type: Z
version: 14
def lines = data.trim().split("\n")
def ret = []
def map = [:]
lines.each { line ->
def (key, value) = line.split(":").collect { it.trim() }
if (key == 'name' && map) {
ret << map
map = [:]
map[key] = value
ret << map // Add the last map
println ret
OnePageDemo Objective: Do a Demo just one page. and then understand the basic feature.
#Jenkinsfile for Pipeline
sh '/usr/local/bin/oc login -udeveloper -pa --insecure-skip-tls-verify'
sh '/usr/local/bin/oc get route '
def commit = sh (returnStdout: true, script: '/usr/local/bin/oc get route | grep "tomcat"').split()
def myurl = "account-management-api-web/healthcheck"
echo "http://${commit[1]}/${myurl}"
"extends": "recommended",
"rules": {
"NoDef": "off",
"UnnecessaryGString": "off"
when {
expression { return !env.Myvar.contains('INIT') && env.Yourvar.contains('OK') }