The goal here is to compute different realizations of the CHIANTI atomic data for use in interpreting observed density sensitive line ratios. Here is a description of the current directories:
- phase2_20161006 -> Latest versions of emissivities and intensities for CfA meeting
- phase2_20161006/01_chianti_errors -> the latest CHIANTI emissivities
- phase2_20161006/02_test -> some test data
- phase2_20161006/03_MHD -> some test data from a MHD simulation [in progress]
- phase2_20161006/04_observed -> observed EIS intensities
- phase2_20161006/05_statistics -> R routines for inferring densities
older stuff:
- atomic_data_v1_hpw -> HPW's calculations with uniform uncertainties
- atomic_data_v2_gdz -> GDZ's calculations with non-uniform uncertainties (current)
- chianti_errors_fe_13 -> GDZ's work on Fe XIII
- chianti_errors_o_7 -> GDZ and CB's work on O VII
- data/HinodeAnalysisGDZ_v1 -> The analysis of EIS Fe XIII spectra with GDZ atomic data (current)
- data/HinodeAnalysisHPW_v1 -> Older analysis with HPW atomic data
- TestR -> A test R script for reading various files