Potential security vulnerability found in the lodash dependency
lodash has a security issue. I have made the package.json into a text file so that the dependancy is not active. Not really sure what is wrong with lodash.
I don't presently use this repository anyway.
and a really easy example of using webhooks
photon-json.ino should be flashed to the Particle photon
myhook3.json should be uploaded to particle using the CLI installed on your computer or a virtual client described below
the command to upload myhook3.json is
particle webhook create myhook3.json
To make a virtual particle CLI follow these steps:
login and make a new workspace.
Click Node.js and then enter the github repository
click create workspace and wait a few seconds
In the lower box terminal enter the command (and wait about 5 minutes)
npm install
then npm start
or just type
particle login
in that terminal you can then type the other particle commands such as
particle help
particle webhook creat myhook3.json (creates a webhook)
particle webhook list (lists your webhooks and the webhook number)
particle webhook delete (needs the webhook number)
particle list (lists your devices)
particle subscribe mine (shows the traffic to and from your device)