: manage symlinks in both MacOS and Ubuntuhomebrew-bundle
: backup and restore brew packages (MacOS only)
: entry point to setting up a new machine. This script just setup log output and delegates actual installation to
: main installation script/scripts
: contains scripts used during setting up a new machine. Scripts in this folder follows convention of prepending platform in front of script names.
is only applicable to MacOS,
is only applicable to Ubuntu
is applicable to both MacOS and Ubuntu/link
: contains settings to be stowed during stow step. These settings are also organized according to platforms./tests
: contains tests written usingbats
: git submodules for bats and additional libraries used during testing/others
: contains additional setup/tools that are not covered
script and need to be setup manually. E.g. iterm settings
To setup a new machine using this dotfiles repo, follow instructions at Wiki