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ISO/IEC 17 6523 - Identifier scheme code (ICD)

Structure for the identification of organizations and organization parts is an international standard that defines a structure for uniquely identifying organizations and parts thereof in computer data interchange and specifies the registration procedure to obtain an International Code Designator (ICD) value for an identification scheme.

code scheme-name description
0002 System Information et Repertoire des Entreprise et des Etablissements: SIRENE Notes on Use of Code: The Sirene number is used in France mainly for the official registration in the Trade Register and as the only number used between authorities and organizations, and between authorities when dealing with data interchange on organizations. Issuing agency: Institut National de la Statistique et des Etudes Economiques, (I.N.S.E.E.), France.
0003 Codification Numerique des Etablissments Financiers En Belgique Notes on Use of Code: Many financial institutions have more than one code number, e.g. to indicate each branch individually. The codes can be reallocated over the time (mostly in the case where a financial institution terminates its activity). Some code numbers are currently unused. Code numbers 990 through 999 are reserved. Issuing agency: Association Belge des Banques, Belgium.
0004 NBS/OSI NETWORK Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code forms the initial part of the OSI network addressing and naming tree as depicted in Addendum 2 to ISO 8348. Issuing agency: National Bureau of Standards, USA.
0005 USA FED GOV OSI NETWORK Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code forms the initial part of the OSI network addressing and naming tree as depicted in Addendum 2 to ISO 8348. Issuing agency: National Bureau of Standards, USA.
0006 USA DOD OSI NETWORK Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code forms the initial part of the OSI network addressing and naming tree as depicted in Addendum 2 to ISO 8348. Issuing agency: Defense Communication Agency, USA.
0007 Organisationsnummer Notes on Use of Code: The third digit in the organisation number is never lower than 2 in order to avoid it being confused with personal numbers. Issuing agency: The National Tax Board, SWEDEN.
0008 LE NUMERO NATIONAL Issuing agency: Ministere De L'interieur et de la Fonction Publique, Belgium.
0009 SIRET-CODE Issuing agency: DU PONT DE NEMOURS (FRANCE) S.A. France.
0010 Organizational Identifiers for Structured Names under ISO 9541 Part 2 Notes on Use of Code: The organizational codes established under this coding systems constitute the registered organizational identifiers recognised under ISO 9541-2. That standard effectively establishes agreements under which, as allowed by clauses 5.1 and 5.3 of ISO 6523, both the ICD and the organization name are generally omitted, from the SIO, and thus only the organization code portion of the SIO is interchanged. Issuing agency: Association for Font Information Interchange, USA.
0011 International Code Designator for the Identification of OSI-based, Amateur Radio Organizations, Network Objects and Application Services. Notes on Use of Code: Specific object and attribute naming conventions are currently being defined. Issuing agency: The Radio Amateur Telecommunications Society, USA.
0012 European Computer Manufacturers Association: ECMA Issuing agency: European Computer Manufacturers Association, SWITZERLAND.
0013 VSA FTP CODE (FTP = File Transfer Protocol) Notes on Use of Code: The code serves the addressing between the communicating partners. Issuing agency: Verband der Automobilindustrie e.V., GERMANY.
0014 NIST/OSI Implememts' Workshop Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code forms the initial part of the Workshop naming and addressing tree. Issuing agency: United States Department of Commerce, National Institute of Standards and Technology, Gaithersburg, USA.
0015 Electronic Data Interchange: EDI Issuing agency: Avon Rubber p.l.c. UK.
0016 EWOS Object Identifiers Notes on Use of Code: a) In the SIO the Organization Name will normally be omitted, b) The code is primarily intended for the registration of Objects Identifiers according to ISO 8824: Level 1: iso (1), Level 2: identified-organization (3), Level 3: ewos (0016), Level 4: and higher: (defined by EWOS conventions) Issuing agency: EWOS (European Workshop for Open Systems), BELGIUM.
0017 COMMON LANGUAGE Notes on Use of Code: Codes for named populated places, geographic places, geopolitical places, outlaying areas, and other related entities of the state of the United States, provinces and territories of Canada, countries of the world, and other, unique areas. Also for the identification of organizations, places, equipment and governmental entities by the telecommunication industry. Issuing agency: Data Communications Technology Planning, USA.
0018 SNA/OSI Network Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code will also form the initial part of the OSI Network addressing and naming tree as depicted in Addendum 2 to ISO 8348. Issuing agency: International Business Machines Corporation, USA.
0019 Air Transport Industry Services Communications Network The ICD code forms the initial part of the OSI network addressing and naming tree as depicted in Addendum 2 to ISO 8348. Issuing agency: International Air Transport Association, Switzerland.
0020 European Laboratory for Particle Physics: CERN Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code forms the initial part of the OSI network addressing and naming tree as depicted in Addendum 2 of ISO 8348. Issuing agency: European Laboratory for Particle Physics, Switzerland.
0022 OSF Distributed Computing Object Identification Notes on Use of Code: OSF provides public domain software in OS, ISO networking and management. The initial use of the coding system are for identifying the following objects in OSF's distributed computing environment: the attributes of entries in the distributed directory, the object class of each entry in the directory, the type of name components (RDNs), the communication protocol profiles, the interfaces offered by. Issuing agency: Open Software Foundation, USA.
0023 Nordic University and Research Network: NORDUnet Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code forms the initial part of the OSI network addressing and tree as depicted in Addendum 2 of ISO 8348. Issuing agency: NORDUnet, c/o SICS, Sweden.
0024 Digital Equipment Corporation: DEC Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code forms the initial part of the OSI network addressing as described in ISO8348 Addendum 2. Issuing agency: Digital Equipment (Europe) S.A.R.L. France.
0025 OSI ASIA-OCEANIA WORKSHOP Notes on Use of Code: The code is used as an element of object identifiers which need to be assigned relating the ISPs (International Standardized Profiles) that AOW is working on. Issuing agency: OSI ASIA-OCEANIA WORKSHOP, JAPAN.
0026 NATO ISO 6523 ICDE coding scheme Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code forms the initial part of the OSI network addressing and naming tree depicted in Addendum 2 of ISO 8348. Issuing agency: North Atlantic Treaty Organisation (NATO), Belgium.
0027 Aeronautical Telecommunications Network (ATN) Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code forms the initial part of the ISO network addressing and naming tree as depicted in Addendum No 2 to ISO 8348 Issuing agency: International Civil Aviation Organization (ICAO), CANADA.
0028 International Standard ISO 6523 Issuing agency: Styria Federn GmbH, AUSTRIA.
0029 The All-Union Classifier of Enterprises and Organisations Issuing agency: General Computing Centre of the State, Committee of the USSR on Statistics, U S S R.
0030 AT&T/OSI Network Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code will also form the Initial Domain Part of the OSI network, addressing and naming tree as specified in Addendum 2 to ISO 8348. Issuing agency: AT&T, Standards and Regulatory Support, UNITED STATES OF AMERICA.
0031 EDI Partner Identification Code Notes on Use of Code: To identify EDI partners. Issuing agency: Odette NL, The Netherlands.
0032 Telecom Australia Notes on Use of Code: The code is used as an element of Object Identifier when defining objects within Telecom Australia. In addition the code shall be used as an element of NSAP addressing. Issuing agency: Australia Telecommunications Corporation, AUSTRALIA.
0033 S G W OSI Internetwork Notes on Use of Code: Exclusive use by S G W .Issuing agency: S G Warburg Group Management Ltd, UK.
0034 Reuter Open Address Standard Notes on Use of Code: To be used in the formation of OSI Network Service Access Point (NSAP) addresses. Issuing agency: Reuters Ltd, UK.
0035 ISO 6523 - ICD Notes on Use of Code: This code will be used internationally by BP thus a non-geographic code is requested. Issuing agency: The British Petroleum Co Plc, UK.
0036 TeleTrust Object Identifiers Notes on Use of Code: a) In the SIO the Organization name will normally be omitted. b) The code is primarily intended for the registration of Object Identifiers for security related objects according to ISO/IEC 8824, Level 1: iso(1), Level 2: identified-organization(3), Level 3: teletrust(0036), Level 4 and higher: (defined by TeleTrust conventions) Issuing agency: TeleTrust Deutschland e.V., GERMANY.
0037 LY-tunnus Notes on Use of Code: It is possible to add 0-4 characters set to the code for more detailed use ofone organization. Characters are digits or capital letter. Issuing agency: National Board of Taxes, FINLAND.
0038 The Australian GOSIP Network Notes on Use of Code: As noted above it will be used as the initial identifier of an NSAP codingscheme. Issuing agency: Standards Australia.
0039 The OZ DOD OSI Network The ICD code forms the initial part of the OSI naming and addressing, tree as depicted in ISO 8348/Add 2 standard. Format of the tree is described in the Australian GOSIP Manuals and used globally. Issuing agency: The Australian Department of Defence, AUSTRALIA.
0040 Unilever Group Companies Notes on Use of Code: To be used in data communications to form part of the Network Address as defined in ISO 8348. The ISO 6523, ICD IDI format with Binary syntax will be used. Issuing agency: Information Technology Group, Unilever Plc, UK.
0041 Citicorp Global Information Network Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code will also form the initial part of the Citicorp Network addressing object identifier tree and naming tree as depicted in Addendum 2 to ISO 8348. Issuing agency: Citicorp Global Information Network, USA.
0042 DBP Telekom Object Identifiers Notes on Use of Code: 1) The ICD is primarily intended for the registration of Object Identifiers, according to ISO 8824/8825 (ANS.1) to be used for the identification resp. registration of: - application layer protocols, - file & document formats, - information objects, - local/remote procedures. The OID structure and the inclusion of the ICD therein is given below: level 1: iso(1), level 2: identifiedOrganisation(3), level 3 (ICD): dbpt(0042), level 4 to n: (defined by Telekom). Issuing agency: DBP Telekom, GERMANY.
0043 HydroNETT Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code forms the initial part of the OSI network addressing as depicted in ISO 8348/AD2. Issuing agency: Norsk Hydro a.s., Norway.
0044 Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI) Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code forms the initial part of international addressing for Thailand. Issuing agency: Thai Industrial Standards Institute (TISI), THAILAND.
0045 ICI Company Identification System Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code will be used to manage NSAP allocation for all ICI companies on a worldwide basis. The organisation code is used Worldwide by ICI application systems to identify ICI registered companies in machine to machine communications. Issuing agency: ICI PLC, UK.
0046 FUNLOC Notes on Use of Code: Current applications are Philips accounting and logistic systems; new application is the identification of objects in the open network environment according to ISO 8824 which starts with a party identification Issuing agency: Royal Philips Electronics N.V., The Netherlands.
0047 BULL ODI/DSA/UNIX Network Notes on Use of Code: To be used in data communications to form part of the network address. The ISO 6523 ICD IDI format with binary syntax will be used. Issuing agency: BULL S.A. FRANCE.
0048 OSINZ Notes on Use of Code: ISO 6523 ICD IDI format with binary syntax will be used. Issuing agency: OSINZ, New Zealand.
0049 Auckland Area Health Notes on Use of Code: ISO 6523 ICD IDI format with binary syntax will be used Issuing agency: Auckland Area Health Board, Information Systems, Greenlane/National Women's Hospital, New Zealand.
0050 Firmenich Notes on Use of Code: Interconnect the plants by an OSI network essentially over X.25 carrier. Issuing agency: Firmenich S A, Switzerland.
0051 AGFA-DIS Notes on Use of Code: Medical Communication Issuing agency: AGFA N.V. BELGIUM.
0052 Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE) Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code will also be used to identify SMPTE constituent organizations (committees, working groups, task forces, etc./), and the objects they, define. The ICD code will also form the Initial Domain Part of the OSI network addressing and naming tree as specified in Addendum 2 tot ISO 8348 Issuing agency: Society of Motion Picture and Television Engineers (SMPTE), USA.
0053 Migros_Network M_NETOPZ Issuing agency: Migros-Genossenschafts-Bund, Switzerland.
0054 ISO6523 - ICDPCR Notes on Use of Code: This code could be used internationally by Pfizer thus a non-geographic code is required. The code forms the initial part of the OSI network addressing and naming tree depicted in Addendum 2 of ISO 8348. Issuing agency: Pfizer Central Research, UK.
0055 Energy Net Issuing agency: ABB Asea Brown Boveri Ltd, Switzerland.
0056 Nokia Object Identifiers (NOI) Notes on Use of Code: a) In the SIO the organization name will normally be omitted, b) The code is primarily intended for the registration of Object Identifiers according to ISO/IEC 8824: Level 1:iso(1), Level 2:identified-organization(3), Level 3:nokia(xxxx), Level 4 and higher:defined by Nokia conventions Issuing agency: Nokia Corporation, FINLAND.
0057 Saint Gobain Notes on Use of Code: To be used for assignment of: N.E.T (ISO 8348/Add 2), A.E.T (FTAM, X.400 Psaps, and so on), and object identification (ISO 8824/8825) Issuing agency: Saint Gobain, France.
0058 Siemens Corporate Network Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code will form the initial part of the OSI Network addressing and naming tree as depicted in Addendum 2 to ISO 8348 (Network layer addressing). These addresses will uniquely identify systems within SCN and to the outside world. Issuing agency: Siemens AG, Germany.
0059 DANZNET Issuing agency: DANZAS AG, Switzerland.
0060 Data Universal Numbering System (D-U-N-S Number) Notes on Use of Code: The D-U-N-S Number originated to facilitate the compilation of financial status reports on those involved in business transactions but it is now widely used for other purposes also. The number has world wide recognition as a means of identifying businesses and institutions. Issuing agency: Dun and Bradstreet Ltd, UK.
0061 SOFFEX OSI Notes on Use of Code: This code is to assist in uniquely identifying data network node addresses in an international supporting network for financial applications. This supporting network may have operational interfaces to other (private) data networks. Issuing agency: SOFFEX Swiss Options and Financial Futures Exchange AG. Switzerland.
0062 KPN OVN Notes on Use of Code: This code is used in the VTOA network of KPN OVN. Issuing agency: Koninklijke KPN, The Netherlands.
0063 ascomOSINet Issuing agency: Ascom AG, Switzerland.
0064 UTC: Uniforme Transport Code Notes on Use of Code: The code identifies an individual transport or handling unit (e.g. pallet, parcel) for reasons of tracing or tracing. The unit may have an international destination. Issuing agency: Foundation UTC, The Netherlands.
0065 SOLVAY OSI CODING Notes on Use of Code: Whenever possible, ISO 8348 addresses using this code will comply with FIPS PUB 146, with an End System ID of exactly 4 octets, so that the DSP can also conform to ECMA 117 where ECMA's subnet-address maps onto FIPS's Subnet ID concatenated with the End System ID. Issuing agency: Direction Centrale Technique (Informatique Scientifique), Belgium.
0066 Roche Corporate Network Notes on Use of Code: Will be used internationaly by Roche thus a non-geographic code is required. Issuing agency: F. HOFFMANN - LA ROCHE AG, Switzerland.
0067 ZellwegerOSINet Notes on Use of Code: BAKOM - Switzerland. Issuing agency: Zellweger Uster AG, Switzerland.
0068 Intel Corporation OSI Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code will be used to form the Initial Domain Identifier (IDI) portion of the Initial Domain Part (IDP) as described in ISO 8348 Addendum 2 for OSI NSAP addressing. Issuing agency: Intel Corporation, USA.
0069 SITA Object Identifier Tree Notes on Use of Code: SITA intends to use its OID Tree to define its own Objects for use with its OSI-based services (e.g. MHS & OSI Management). Issuing agency: SITA, France.
0070 DaimlerChrysler Corporate Network Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code will form the initial part of the OSI Network addressing and naming free as depicted in Addendum 2 to ISO 8348 (Network Layer addressing). These addresses will uniquely identify systems within DBCN and to the outside world. Issuing agency: DaimlerChrysler AG, GERMANY.
0071 LEGO /OSI NETWORK Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code will also form the Initial Domain Part of the OSI network addressing and naming tree as specified in addendum 2 to ISO 8348. Issuing agency: LEGO Systems Inc, USA.
0072 NAVISTAR/OSI Network Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code will also form the Initial Domain Part of the OSI Network addressing and naming tree as specified in Addendum 2 to ISO 8348. Issuing agency: International Truck & Engine Corp, USA.
0073 ICD Formatted ATM address Notes on Use of Code: Used as an ATM address prefix by, 1) Newbridge ATM terminal equipment: a) when performing user - network address registration, b) transparently initiating signalled ATM connections on behalf of other non-ATM (LAN) devices, c) directly initiating signalled ATM connections, 2) Newbridge ATM switching equipment used to: a) perform network - user address registration, b) perform routing of Switched Virtual Connections across a private ATM cell switching network. Issuing agency: Newbridge Networks Corporation, CANADA.
0074 ARINC Notes on Use of Code: ARINC will define its own Objects for use with its OSI-based systems and services. ARINC will also define Objects for use within the Aeronautical industry. Issuing agency: ARINC Incorporated, USA.
0075 Alcanet/Alcatel-Alsthom Corporate Network Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code forms the initial part of the OSI network addressing scheme as depicted in Addendum 2 of ISO 8384. Issuing agency: Alcatel Network Services Deutschland GmbH, GERMANY.
0076 Sistema Italiano di Identificazione di ogetti gestito da UNINFO Notes on Use of Code: To be used for assignments of object identifiers according to ISO 8824 and ISO 8825. Issuing agency: UNINFO, ITALY.
0077 Sistema Italiano di Indirizzamento di Reti OSI Gestito da UNINFO Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code forms the initial part of the OSI network Addressing and naming tree depicted in Addendum 2 of ISO 8348. Issuing agency: UNINFO, ITALY.
0078 Mitel terminal or switching equipment Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code will form the initial part of the naming tree for: 1 - Private Integrated Services Network manufacturer-specific information as the Organization identifier forming the initial part of the OBJECT IDENTIFIER tree. 2 - OSI Application Layer such as CSTA (ECMA 179). Issuing agency: Mitel Corporation, Canada.
0079 ATM Forum Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code will also form part of the Initial Domain Part of the OSI network addressing as specified in Addendum 2 to ISO 8348. Issuing agency: The ATM Forum, USA.
0080 UK National Health Service Scheme, (EDIRA compliant) Notes on Use of Code: EDIRA recommendations for coding in EDIFACT and other EDI systems. Issuing agency: National Health Service, UK.
0081 International NSAP Issuing agency: Federal Office for Communications, Switzerland.
0082 Norwegian Telecommunications Authority's, NTA'S, EDI, identifier scheme (EDIRA compliant) Notes on Use of Code: For use in EDIFACT messages in accordance with current national recommendation on identification of EDI objects. (EDIRA compliant). Issuing agency: Norwegian Telecommunications Authority, NORWAY.
0083 Advanced Telecommunications Modules Limited, Corporate Network Notes on Use of Code: The ICD code will also form part of the Initial Domain Part of the OSI network addressing as specified in Addendum 2 to ISO 8348. Issuing agency: ATM Ltd, ENGLAND.
0084 Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry Scheme (EDIRA compliant) Notes on Use of Code : EDIRA recommendations for coding in EDIFACT and other EDI syntaxes. Issuing agency: Athens Chamber of Commerce & Industry, Greece.
0085 Swiss Chambers of Commerce Scheme (EDIRA) compliant Intended Purpose/App. Area Numerical identifiers of organizations. Issuing agency: Zurich Chamber of Commerce on behalf of Swiss Chambers, of Commerce, Switzerland.
0086 United States Council for International Business (USCIB) Scheme, (EDIRA compliant) EDIRA recommendations for coding in EDIFACT and other EDI syntaxes. Issuing agency: United States Council for Internationa Business (USCIB), 1212 Avenue of the Americas, USA.
0087 National Federation of Chambers of Commerce & Industry of Belgium, Scheme (EDIRA compliant) Issuing agency: National Federartion of Chambers of Commerce & Industry of, Belgium, Belgium.
0088 EAN Location Code Issuing agency: EAN International, Belgium.
0089 The Association of British Chambers of Commerce Ltd. Scheme, (EDIRA compliant) Issuing agency: The Association of British Chambers of Commerce Ltd., UK.
0090 Internet IP addressing - ISO 6523 ICD encoding Issuing agency: Internet Assigned Numbers Authority, USA.
0091 Cisco Sysytems / OSI Network Issuing agency: Cisco Systems, USA.
0093 Revenue Canada Business Number Registration (EDIRA compliant) Issuing agency: Revenue Canada, CANADA.
0094 DEUTSCHER INDUSTRIE- UND HANDELSTAG (DIHT) Scheme (EDIRA compliant) Issuing agency: Deutscher Industrie -und Handelstag (DIHT), Germany.
0095 Hewlett - Packard Company Internal AM Network Issuing agency: Hewlett - Packard Company, USA.
0096 DANISH CHAMBER OF COMMERCE Scheme (EDIRA compliant) Issuing agency: Danish Chamber of Commerce, Denmark.
0097 FTI - Ediforum Italia, (EDIRA compliant) Issuing agency: FTI - Ediforum Italia, ITALY.
0098 CHAMBER OF COMMERCE TEL AVIV-JAFFA Scheme (EDIRA compliant) Issuing agency: Chamber of Commerce Tel Aviv-Jaffa, ISRAEL.
0099 Siemens Supervisory Systems Network Issuing agency: Siemens AG, Germany.
0100 PNG_ICD Scheme Issuing agency: GPT Limited, UK.
0101 South African Code Allocation Issuing agency: Thawte Consulting, 33 Protea Way, Durbanville 7550, South Africa
0102 HEAG Issuing agency: Hessische Elektrizitats-AG, Germany.
0104 BT - ICD Coding System Issuing agency: Tony Holmes, UK.
0105 Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry Scheme (EDIRA compliant) Issuing agency: Portuguese Chamber of Commerce and Industry, Portugal.
0106 Vereniging van Kamers van Koophandel en Fabrieken in Nederland (Association of Chambers of Commerce and Industry in the Netherlands), Scheme (EDIRA compliant) Issuing agency: Vereniging van Kamers van Koophandel en Fabrieken in Nederland Watermolenlaan, The Netherlands.
0107 Association of Swedish Chambers of Commerce and Industry Scheme (EDIRA compliant) Issuing agency: Association of Swedish Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Sweden.
0108 Australian Chambers of Commerce and Industry Scheme (EDIRA compliant) Issuing agency: Australian Chambers of Commerce and Industry, Australia.
0109 BellSouth ICD AESA (ATM End System Address) Issuing agency: BellSouth Corporation, USA.
0110 Bell Atlantic Issuing agency: Bell Atlantic, USA.
0111 Object Identifiers Issuing agency: Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers, USA.
0112 ISO register for Standards producing Organizations Issuing agency: International Organization for Standardization (ISO), SWITZERLAND.
0113 OriginNet Issuing agency: Origin BV, The Netherlands.
0114 Check Point Software Technologies Issuing agency: Check Point Software Technologies Ltd, ISRAEL.
0115 Pacific Bell Data Communications Network Issuing agency: Pacific Bell, USA.
0116 PSS Object Identifiers Issuing agency: PSS (Postal Security Services), FINLAND.
0117 STENTOR-ICD CODING SYSTEM Issuing agency: Stentor Resource Centre Inc., Canada.
0118 ATM-Network ZN'96 Issuing agency: Deutsche Telekom AG, Germany.
0119 MCI / OSI Network Issuing agency: MCI Telecommunications Corporation, Technical Standards Management, USA.
0120 Advantis Issuing agency: Advantis, USA.
0121 Affable Software Data Interchange Codes Issuing agency: Affable Software Corporation, Canada.
0122 BB-DATA GmbH Issuing agency: BB-DATA GmbH, Germany.
0123 BASF Company ATM-Network Issuing agency: BASF Computer Services GmbH, Germany.
0124 IOTA Identifiers for Organizations for Telecommunications Addressing using the ICD system format defined in ISO/IEC 8348 Issuing agency: DISC, British Standards Institution, UK.
0125 Henkel Corporate Network (H-Net) Issuing agency: Henkel KgaA, Germany.
0126 GTE/OSI Network Issuing agency: GTE, Industry Standards, USA.
0127 Dresdner Bank Corporate Network Issuing agency: Dresdner Bank AG, Germany.
0128 BCNR (Swiss Clearing Bank Number) Issuing agency: Telekurs AG, Switzerland.
0129 BPI (Swiss Business Partner Identification) code Issuing agency: Telekurs AG, Switzerland.
0130 Directorates of the European Commission Issuing agency: European Commission, Belgium
0131 Code for the Identification of National Organizations Issuing agency: China National Organization Code Registration Authority, P.R. of China.
0132 Certicom Object Identifiers Issuing agency: Certicom Corp, U.S.A.
0133 TC68 OID Issuing agency: ISO TC68, Banking and Related Financial Services, USA.
0134 Infonet Services Corporation Issuing agency: Infonet NV/SA, Belgium.
0135 SIA Object Identifiers Issuing agency: SIA-Società Interbancaria per l'Automazione S.p.A., ITALIA.
0136 Cable & Wireless Global ATM End-System Address Plan Issuing agency: Cable & Wireless Global Business Inc., USA
0137 Global AESA scheme Construct and Administer AESAs, Routing of ATM switched connections Use to from globally unique Global One ICD AESAs. Issuing agency: Global One, Belgium.
0138 France Telecom ATM End System Address Plan The coding system will be used to provide ATM End System Addresses based on ICD format NSAP addresses. These addresses will be used to uniquely identify User Network. Interfaces to ATM networks as specified by the ATM Forum UNI specifications. France telecom will also use these addresses Internally and to provide worldwide customers with non- Geographic private AESAs. These global addresses should be Reachable by non-France Telecom ATM users via Interconnecting ATM carriers. The ICD Code will also form part of the Initial Domain Part of the OSI network addressing as specified in Addendum 2 to ISO 8348. Issuing agency: France Telecom, France.
0139 Savvis Communications AESA:. Global Addressing of Savvis ATM Switches and any direct customer ATM networks for implementation of PNNI Used to form a globally unique Savvis ICD ATM End System Address. Issuing agency: Savvis Communications,USA.
0140 Toshiba Organizations, Partners, And Suppliers' (TOPAS) Code The purpose of this coding system is to identify organizations world-wide that have business or technical transactions with Toshiba Corporation in terms of ISO 13584 Parts Library standard based electronic catalogue interchange service. The interchange is not limited to those between a member organization and Toshiba Corporation. Interchanges between member organizations based on the organization identifier of this coding system are also in scope. Reference to this organization identification code in other business transactions is also allowed Reference to this organization identifier in other business transactions is also possible provided the organizations concerned are registered as members of the. Issuing agency: Toshiba Corporation, Japan.
0141 NATO Commercial and Government Entity system To identify all Commercial and Governmental entities that provide material and/or services to the Armed Forces of the NATO nations and several non-NATO nations (Sponsored) around the world. This information is used by NATO and Sponsored nations' Logisticians to identify Commercial and Government Entities they deal with. This Information is used by all functions of Logistics support such as Acquisition, Sourcing, EDI, Re-Provisioning, Material Management, etc. Determination of the real source for an item of supply is one of the most important prerequisites for proper application of the Uniform System of Item Identification within NATO. It is the source where documentation will be obtained from and its location normally gives advice for codification responsibility. Within the NATO Codification System the term Manufacturer covers the whole range of possible sources of technical data for items entering the supply chains or participating, countries. The primary use of manufacturers coding is in ADP operations related to support management programs such as material management codification, standardization, etc. Issuing agency: NATO Group of National Director on Codification (AC/135), Luxembourg.
0142 SECETI Object Identifiers The function as the 'Application Centre' for the Italian National Interbank Network, having been authorized by the Bank of Italy, and the Italian Banking Association to operate in that capacity. The scheme is intended for the registration of object identifiers according to ISO 8824 and ISO 8825 The code is primarily intended for the registration of Object Identifiers according to ISO 8824/8825, Level 1: ISO (), Level 2: identified -organization (), Level 3: SECETI S.p.A. (), Level 4: and higher: (defined by SECETI conventions).Issuing agency: Servizi Centralizzati SECETI S.p.A., ITALY.
0143 EINESTEINet AG Initially the Network covers the geographical area of Germany with the intention of expanding into all the European countries EINSTEINet's goal is to provide Application Services using an ATM network to customers located throughout Europe. The need for the international ATM address structure is to serve EINSTENet's customers with consistent ATM addresses from end-to-end. Issuing agency: EINSTEINet AG, Germany.
0144 DoDAAC (Department of Defense Activity Address Code) A code assigned to uniquely identify all military units in the United States Department of Defense. Issuing agency: DoD (Unites States Department of Defense), USA.
0145 DGCP (Direction Générale de la Comptabilité Publique)administrative accounting identification scheme de assigned by the French public accounting office. Issuing agency: DGCP (Direction Générale de la Comptabilité Publique), 139 Rue de Bercy, 75572 Paris Cedex 12, France
0146 DGI (Direction Générale des Impots) code French taxation authority. Issuing agency: DGI (Direction Générale des Impots), France.
0147 Standard Company Code Partner identification code which is registered with JIPDEC/ECPC. Issuing agency: Japan Information Processing Development Corporation, / Electronic Commerce Promotion Center (JIPDEC/ECPC),Japan.
0148 ITU (International Telecommunications Union)Data Network Identification Codes (DNIC) Data Network Identification Codes assigned by the ITU. Issuing agency: ITU (International Telecommunications Union), Switzerland.
0149 Global Business Identifier For a company's ability to obtain complete and accurate information about potential suppliers Used to identify and designate in electronic commerce Issuing agency: ResolveNet (IOM) Ltd, UK.
0150 Madge Networks Ltd- ICD ATM Addressing Scheme The code will be used as part of an ATM NSAP addressing scheme for the establishment of PVC and SPVC connections Addressing for Madge Networks global ATM network and the connections of any Madge Customers requiring the allocation of ATM addresses from Madge Networks. Issuing agency: Madge Networks, UK.
0151 Australian Business Number (ABN) Scheme The ABN will be a unique identifier for a business to interact with Government (Commonwealth, State and Local) throughout, Australia and is the supporting number for the Goods and Service Tax (GST). The Legislation covering the use of ABN, (see notes on use) will have application throughout the Commonwealth of The ABN is established by: A New Tax System (Australian, Business Number) Act 1999, enacted by the Australian Parliament. The scheme is expected to last for at least 100 Years without reallocation of identification numbers. The ABN is specified in English. Issuing agency: Australian Taxation Office, AUSTRALIA.
0152 Edira Scheme Identifier Code For the unambiguous identification of registration scheme used in e-commerce (not to be used for the identification of organizations). The code is used to designate unambiguously schemes used in e-commerce to specify any entity but organizations. Issuing agency: EDIRA Association, c/o Zurich chamber of commerce, Switzerland.
0153 Concert Global Network Services ICD AESA Global Addressing of the Concert ATM switches and any direct customer ATM networks for implementation of PNNI. It will also be used for any attached carrier ATM networks. Used to form globally unique Concert ICD ATM End System Addresses (AESA's). Issuing agency: Concert Global Network Services Ltd, Bermuda.
0154 Identification number of economic subjects: (ICO) Unique identification of economic subjects for all administrative purposes The identification number ICO is used in the Czech Republic mainly in all administrative acts (tax system, banking system, statistics. etc.) Issuing agency: Czech Statistical Office, Czech Republic.
0155 Global Crossing AESA (ATM End System Address) Construction, administration and implementation of a scalable AESA schema for routing if ATM switched connections. ICD will be used as a component of the IDP (Initial Domain Part) for OSI addressing. Issuing agency: Global Crossing Ltd, Bermuda.
0156 AUNA Telecommunication network of operators in the AUNA Group. This code shall be used as an element of NSAP addressing Issuing agency: AUNA, Spain.
0157 ATM interconnection with the Dutch KPN Telecom ITO Drager Net. The ICD code also form the initial part of the OSI network addressing scheme (Addendum 2 of ISO 8384) Issuing agency: Informatie en Communicatie Technologie Organisatie, The Netherlands.
0158 Identification number of economic subject (ICO) Act on State Statistics of 29 November 2001, § 27 The unique identification of economic subjects (legal persons and natural persons-entrepreneurs) used for registration The identification number ICO is used in Slovakia in almost all administrative acts (tax system, banking system, statistics, etc.) Issuing agency: Slovak Statistical Office, Slovak Republic.
0159 ACTALIS Object Identifiers The code is primarily intended for the registration of Object Identifiers (OIDs) according to ISO 8824/8825: Level 1: iso (1), Level 2: identified-organization (3), Level 3: ACTALIS SpA (0159), Level 4 and higher: (defined by ACTALIS) See "Intended purpose/application area" Issuing agency: ACTALIS S.p.A., ITALY.
0160 GTIN - Global Trade Item Number The GTIN is a globally unique identifier of trade items. A trade item is any item (product or service) upon which there is a need to retrieve pre-defined information and that may be priced, ordered or invoiced at any point in any supply chain. The GTIN identification scheme is currently (2002) used by more than 900,000 organizations in the world. It is widely in the consumer goods and other industries to identify items and packages. The GTIN can be represented in a standard bar code format. Issuing agency: EAN Inernational.
0161 ECCMA Open Technical Directory A centralized dictionary of names and definitions of trading concepts, essentially goods and services that are bought, sold or exchanged. This is a classification neutral dictionary of names and attributes (also referred to as characteristics or properties). The eOTD will help improve the speed and accuracy of Internet searches and can be imported into sourcing, procurement and ERP systems with minimal data transformation costs. Issuing agency: Electronic Commerce Code Management Association, USA.
0162 CEN/ISSS Object Identifier Scheme To allocate OIDs to objects defined in the standards and specifications developed in CEN’s technical bodies (TCs, Workshops, etc) The code is primarily intended for the registration ofObject Identifiers according to ISO 8824-1 Annex BLevel 1: iso (1)Level 2: identified-organization (3)Level 3: CEN (nnnn –the ICD allocated)Level 4: and higher: (defined by CEN conventions). Issuing agency: Comité Européen de Normalization, Belgium.
0163 US-EPA Facility Identifier To provide for the unique identification of facilities regulated or monitored by the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA).A facility is a distinct real property entity (i.e., a man-made object and its surrounding real estate). Facilities incorporate the characteristics of being: (1) objects, established at (2) specific places, for (3) specific purposes. A facility can include monitoring stations, waste sites, and other entities of environmental interest that cannot be classified as single facilities. This is maintained within the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Facility Registration System (FRS). Issuing agency: U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, USA.
0164 TELUS Corporation SA Addressing Scheme for ATM PNNI Implementation ICD is required for PNNI implementation on TELUS’ ATM network in order to establish an addressing scheme for SPVC connections within and between regions Issuing agency: TELUS Corporation, Canada.
0165 FIEIE Object identifiers To provide identifiers for international enterprises and organizations operating in fields of business served by the Jaakko Poyry Group. On the date of the application, these fields include Forest industry, Energy, Infrastructure and Environment. To provide an internationally unambiguous framework for existing coding practices in this The code is primarily intended for the registration of Object Identifiers according to ISO/IEC 8824, 8825 and 11179: Level 1: iso (1) Level 2: identified organization (3) Level 3: fieie code (nnnn, the ICD allocated) Level 4 and higher: (defined by FIEIE conventions). Issuing agency: Jaakko Poyry Group Oyj, Finland.
0166 Swissguide Identifier Scheme To uniquely identify objects, esp. companies and professionals in directories/databases The code is used to uniquely identify the objects in the Swissguide directory. Issuing agency: Swissguide AG, Switzerland.
0167 Priority Telecom ATM End System Address Plan The coding system will be used to provide ATM End System Address based on IDC format NSAP addresses required for Priority Telecom ATM PNNI implementation. These addresses will be used to uniquely identify User Network interfaces to Priority Telecom ATM Networks as specified by the ATM Forum UNI specifications. PT plans to use these addresses to connect to other public ATM networks in the countries PT is operating (The Netherlands, Norway and Austria) Used to form a globally unique Priority Telecom ATM End System Address. PT customers and interconnect with public ATM networks requires the use of unique AESA Issuing agency: Priority Telecom Netherlands, The Netherlands.
0168 Vodafone Ireland OSI Addressing Implementation of an ATM network in connection with 3G rollout. The code will be used for ATM network related addressing purposes, and for CLNS network. Issuing agency: Vodafone Ireland Limited, Ireland.
0169 Swiss Federal Business Identification Number. Central Business names Index (zefix) Identification Number To uniquely identify all companies/organizations registered in the Swiss Register of Commerce and the Swiss Central Business Names Index To uniquely identify entries in Swiss Central Business Names Index (zefix). The principle purpose of the zefix on internet is to provide a swisswide search function, and thus provide the public with a service to determine the legal domicile, the cantonal office for the register of commerce in charge, and the latter’s address. Issuing agency: Swiss Federal Office of Justice, Switzerland.
0170 Teikoku Company Code Teikoku Company Code is allocated to all incorporations, business owners, government organizations and other public offices in Japan. TDB (Teikoku Databank Ltd.) retains company codes of approximately 1.7 million companies within Japan. Teikoku Company Code, a unique company ID, has already been adopted by many companies both as a standard company code in customer data managements and as an identification code for online electronic commerce transactions. Since every company trades with companies abroad, they need to use it in their international business transaction. Therefore, it is desired to register TDB as an ICD to RA of the ISO/IEC 6523. Issuing agency: TEIKOKU DATABANK LTD., JAPAN.
0171 Luxembourg CP & CPS (Certification Policy and Certification Practice Statement) Index Index of the Certification Policies and Certification Practice Statement issued by Luxembourg PKI Issuing agency: Ministry of The Economy and Foreign Trade, Luxembourg.
0172 Project Group “Lists of Properties” (PROLIST®) To uniquely identify properties, blocks and lists of properties (LOP) for products and services in the process industry. The products are electrical and process control devices. The code is used to uniquely identify the objects in the PROLIST online dictionary. Issuing agency: Project Group “Lists of Properties” (PROLIST®) c/o Bayer Technology Services GmbH Geb., Germany.
0173 eCI@ss To uniquely identify properties, classes and list of characteristics (LoC) for products and services available in the eCI@ss classification system The code is used to uniquely identify objects in the eCI@ss classification system. Issuing agency: eCI@ss, Germany.
0174 StepNexus To provide identifiers within StepNexus loader objects. These addresses will be used to uniquely identify StepNexu key usage fields within X509 certificates for use in the StepNexus loader scheme. Used to define unique certificate attributes within X509 certificates Issuing agency: StepNexus, UK.
0175 Siemens AG To uniquely identify properties, blocks, classes and lists of properties used or specified by Siemens AG - Power Generation The code is used to uniquely identify objects in the Siemens AG - Power Generation corporate dictionary Issuing agency: Siemens AG, Germany.
0176 Paradine GmbH To uniquely identify properties, classes,and list of properties (LoP) for products and services available in Paradine Reference Dictionary Systems The code is used to uniquely identify objects in Paradine Reference Dictionary Systems. Issuing agency: Paradine GmbH, Austria.
0177 Odette International Limited For use in EDI and other B2B exchanges in the European automotive industry to identify business entities (organisations). The scheme is used to identify organisations, and parts of organisations which are parties to or are referenced in automotive supply chain transactions such as EDI messaging and other B2B exchanges. Issuing agency: Odette International Limited, UK.
0178 Route1 MobiNET For rooting OIDs defined by Route1 Security Corporation for Route1 MobiNET. Intended to cover MobiNET connected organizations, Route1 Security Corporation, its subdivisions, customers and any organization using MobiNET or Route1's services and products For rooting OIDs defined by Route1 Security Corporation for Route1 MobiNET. Intended to cover MobiNET connected organizations, Route1 Security Corporation, its subdivisions, customers and any organization using MobiNET or Route1's services and products. The OID structure and the inclusion therein of the ICS is as follows: ISO.Identifiedorganization.ICD(Route1 MobiNET).AFI.PCI.Org_ID.OPI.MC Issuing agency: Route1 Security Corporation,Canada.
0179 Penango Object Identifiers To identify objects, policies, and data related to Penango’s products and services. The ICD is primarily intended for registration of Object Identifiers in accordance with ISO/IEC 8824 (ASN.1). Issuing agency: Penango, Inc., Canada.
0180 Lithuanian military PKI dex of the Certification Policies and Certification Practices Statements issued by Lithuanian military PKI The code is used to uniquely identify Certification Policies and Certification Practice Statements in Lithuanian military PKI Issuing agency: The Ministry of National Defence of the Republic of Lithuania, Lithuania.
0183 Numéro d'identification suisse des enterprises (IDE), Swiss Unique Business Identification Number (UIDB) Intended Purpose/App. Area: To uniquely identify all companies/organizations registered in Switzerland in all official register (Swiss Register of Commerce, VAT register, Canton register, etc) The UIDB shall make lt possible to identify an enterprise quickly, unambiguously and on a permanent basis. The UIDB and the other identification characteristics associated with it shall be managed via a specific UIDB register. The main identification characteristics (status, address, etc.) shall be accessible to the public. Issuing agency: Swiss Federal Statistical Office (FSO), Switzerland).
0184 DIGSTORG Intended Purpose/App. Area: To be used for identifying Danish companies included juridical persons and associations in international trade It is possible to add 0-4 characters set to the code for more detailed use of one organization. Characters are digits or capital letter. Issuing agency: The Danish Agency for Digitisation, Denmark.
0185 Perceval Object Code Intended Purpose/App. Area: Intended to uniquely identify in an international context any physical and or abstract entities related to Perceval products and services using Abstract Syntax Notation One in accordance with ISO/IEC 8824 The ICD is primarily intended for registration and resolution of Object Identifiers in accordance with ISO/IEC 8824 with reduced encoding size and non-geographic context Issuing agency: Perceval SA, Tenbosch, Belgium.
0186 TrustPoint Object Identifiers Intended Purpose/App. Area: To uniquely identify objects and mechanisms globally throughout communications networks using TrustPoint security products and services Issuing agency: TrustPoint Innovation Technologies, Attn: Sherry Shannon-Vanstone, 816 Hideaway Circle East, Unit 244 Marco Island, FL 34145 USA Tel: +1 905 302 6929 Email: [email protected]
0187 Amazon Unique Identification Scheme Intended Purpose/App. Area: To provide identifiers for properties, classes, groups, or lists of data and objects specified by or used by, Inc. and its Affiliates Identifiers assigned under this scheme may be usable as Object Identifiers in accordance with ISO/IEC 8824, usable with Directories in accordance with ISO/IEC 9594, usable in accordance with ISO/IEC 8348, or usable in other contexts as defined by Amazon. Issuing agency: Amazon Technologies, Inc. in the United States.
0188 Corporate Number of The Social Security and Tax Number System Intended Purpose/App. Area: The number system of Japan is a social infrastructure to improve efficiency and the transparency of the social security and the tax system, and to achieve a highly convenient, impartial, and fair society. Additionally, the profit of the number system can be free usage for various purposes, so we want to use the Corporate Number as identifiers in various fields, like in electronic commerce, transportation, etc. The preliminary work, numbering the identifiers for the beginning of usage in January 2016, is being done. Issuing agency: National Tax Agency Japan.
0189 European Business Identifier (EBID) Intended Purpose/App. Area: For use in EDI or other B2B exchanges to identify business entities (organizations). The scheme is used to identify organisations, and parts of organisations which are parties to or are referenced in electronic transactions such as EDI messaging or other B2B exchanges. Issuing agency: EBID Service AG CAS-Weg in Germany.
0190 Organisatie Indentificatie Nummer (OIN) Intended Purpose/App. Area: The OIN is part of the Dutch standard ‘Digikoppeling’ and is used for identifying the organisations that take part in electronic message exchange with the Dutch Government. The OIN must also be included in the PKIo certificate. Issuing agency: Logius in the Netherlands.
0191 Company Code (Estonia) Intended Purpose/App. Area: Company code is major and only unique identifier of all institutions and organisations in Estonia. This code is widely used for various purposes, including electronic commerce. Usage of company code is required in communication between institutions and also in communication between private and public organisations. For use in EDI or other B2B (B2C) exchanges to identify private and public organisations. Issuing agency: Centre of Registers and Information Systems of the Ministry of Justice in Estonia.
0192 Organisasjonsnummer Intended Purpose/App. Area: Identify entities registered in the Central Coordinating Register for Legal Entities in Norway. The scheme with ICD code + organization number will be used to identify organisations that are parties to or referenced in electronic transactions such as electronic invoicing or other B2B exchanges. Issuing agency: The Brønnøysund Register Centre in Norway.
0193 UBL.BE Party Identifier Intended Purpose/App. Area: Identification and addressing of different parties involved in invoicing. Issuing agency: UBL.BE in Belgium.
0194 KOIOS Open Technical Dictionary Intended Purpose/App. Area: The KOIOS OTD is a collection of terminology defined by and obtained from consensus bodies such as ISO, IEC, and other groups that have a consensus process for developing terminology. The KOIOS OTD contains terms, definitions, and images of concepts used to describe individuals, organizations, locations, goods and services. The KOIOS OTD conforms to ISO 22745 (all parts) and is designed to enable the exchange of characteristic data in all stages of the life-cycle of an item, and to ensure that the resulting specifications conform to ISO 8000-110. Issuing agency: KOIOS Master Data Limited in UK.
0195 Singapore Nationwide E-lnvoice Framework Intended Purpose/App. Area: For use in electronic messages in accordance to the Singapore nationwide e-invoice framework on Identification of organization. Issuing agency: Infocomm Media Development Authority in Singapore.
0196 Icelandic identifier - Íslensk kennitala Intended Purpose/App. Area: Identification of Icelandic individuals and legal entities. Issuing agency: For individual, Icelandic National Registry, For legal entities, Directorate of Internal Revenue, in Iceland.
0197 APPLiA Pl Standard Intended Purpose/App. Area: Through their European industry association APPLiA (Home Appliance Europe), manufacturers of home appliances have launched the Product Information (Pl) initiative. The initiative introduces a standard structure for product information. Pl Standard helps retailers to take full advantage of electronic communication and data processing, as the Internet and ICT are fundamentally changing how products and services are offered, bought, and sold.. Issuing agency: APPLiA Home Appliance Europe, in Belgium
0198 ERSTORG Intended Purpose/App. Area: To be used for identifying Danish companies based on VAT numbers included juridical. Issuing agency: The Danish Business Authority in Denmark.
0199 Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) Intended Purpose/App. Area: The LEI is the global, open identifier established at the urging of the Financial Stability Board and the recommendation of the G20. The LEI is established as the ISO 17442 standard, is governed by the LEI Regulatory Oversight Committee (LEI-ROC) and has been implemented by the Global Legal Entity Identifier Foundation (GLEIF). The LEI code connects to key reference information that enables clear and unique identification of legal entities participating in financial transactions. Each LEI contains information about an entity's ownership structure and thus answers the questions of 'who is who' and 'who owns whom'. Simply put, the publicly available LEI data pool can be regarded as a global directory, which greatly enhances transparency in the global marketplace. Already applied very broadly within financial regulation and rapidly being adopted for KYC and a number of other purposes in financial markets, the LEI is set to spread into a range of other fields, including trade facilitation, business reporting and supply chain management. Issuing agency: GLEIF, a global organization.
0200 Legal entity code (Lithuania) Intended Purpose/App. Area: For use in EDI (electronic data interchange) for C2B and others exchanges to identify legal entities. Issuing agency: State Enterprise Centre of Registers in Lithuania.
0201 Codice Univoco Unità Organizzativa iPA Intended Purpose/App. Area: Used to identify uniquely all organizational units of public bodies, authorities and public services in Italy. Issuing agency: Agenzia per l’Italia digitale in Italy.
0202 Indirizzo di Posta Elettronica Certificata Intended Purpose/App. Area: Used to identify senders and receivers of certified electronic mail as defined by Italian law. Issuing agency: Agenzia per l’Italia digitale in Italy.
0203 eDelivery Network Participant identifier Intended Purpose/App. Area: Used as an electronic address identifier for participants within a secure data communication network. Issuing agency: Agency for Digital Government in Sweden.
0204 Leitweg-ID Intended Purpose/App. Area: Identification of Public Authorities. Issuing agency: Koordinierungsstelle für IT-Standards (KoSIT) in Germany.
0205 CODDEST Intended Purpose/App. Area: Electronic Invoicing trough Sdl, the Exchange System used in Italy where the electronic invoices are transmitted to the Public Administration (Article 1, paragraph 211, of Italian Law no. 244 of 24 December 2007) or to private entities (Article 1, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree 127/2015). Issuing agency: Agenzia delle Entrate in Italy.
0206 Registre du Commerce et de l’Industrie : RCI Intended Purpose/App. Area: To provide identifiers for organizations at national level in Monaco. Issuing agency: Agence Monégasque de Sécurité Numérique (AMSN) in Monaco.
0207 PiLog Ontology Codification Identifier (POCI) Intended Purpose/App. Area: A repository of concepts pertaining to any entity such as products, services, business partners, assets, organizations, locations, persons, addresses, languages, records etc along with the terminologies to describe each entity using class, characteristics, values, JoMs, QoMs, groups, definitions, guidelines, images, drawings, pictures. codes and any classification thereof. The codification will help exchange/integrate the data between operational, ERP, CRM, SRM or any other systems without any human interpretation and interaction without losing the meaning of the information in multiple languages, this will help organizations achieve their digital transformation goals more precisely in order to assess the real value-proposition of the underlying data that is driving their businesses. Issuing agency: PiLog Group in South Africa.
0208 Numero d'entreprise / ondernemingsnummer / Unternehmensnummer Intended Purpose/App. Area: Identification number attributed by the BCE/KBO/ZDU (the Belgian register) to identify entities and establishment units operating in Belgium. Issuing agency: Banque-Carrefour des Entreprises (BCE) / Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen (KBO) / Zentrale Datenbank der Unternehmen (ZOU) Service public fédéral Economie, Belgium.
Classes moyennes et Energie
0209 GS1 identification keys Intended Purpose/App. Area: GS1 identification keys and key qualifiers may be used by an information system to refer unambiguously to an entity such as a trade item, logistics unit, physical location, document, or service relationship. Issuing agency: GS1, a global organization.
0210 CODICE FISCALE Intended Purpose/App. Area: Electronic Invoicing and e-procurement. Issuing agency: Agenzia delle Entrate, Italy.
0211 PARTITA IVA Intended Purpose/App. Area: Electronic Invoicing and e-procurement. Issuing agency: Agenzia delle Entrate, Italy.
0212 Finnish Organization Identifier Intended Purpose/App. Area: Identification scheme will be used for electronic trade purposes in e-invoicing, purchasing, electronic receipts. Issuing agency: State Treasury of Finland / Valtiokonttor.
0213 Finnish Organization Value Add Tax Identifier Intended Purpose/App. Area: Identification scheme will be used for electronic trade purposes in e-invoicing, purchasing, electronic receipts. Issuing agency: State Treasury of Finland / Valtiokonttor.
0214 Tradeplace TradePI Standard
0215 Net service ID
0216 OVTcode
XR01 DiGAVEID eindeutiges Kennzeichen für eine Verordnungseinheit einer digitalen Gesundheitsanwendung (DiGA) nach Paragraph 139e SGB V
XR02 Freischaltcode digitaler Gutschein für die Nutzung einer digitale Gesundheitsanwendung (DiGA) nach Paragraph 139e SGB V
XR03 IK eindeutiges Kennzeichen für einen Leistungserbringer nach Paragraph 293 SGB V


The code list is based on code list 5305 (customs or tax or fee category code) of the United Trade Data Interchange Directory (UNTDID).

Code Name Description
A Mixed tax rate Code specifying that the rate is based on mixed tax.
AA Lower rate Tax rate is lower than standard rate.
AB Exempt for resale A tax category code indicating the item is tax exempt when the item is bought for future resale.
AC Value Added Tax (VAT) not now due for payment A code to indicate that the Value Added Tax (VAT) amount which is due on the current invoice is to be paid on receipt of a separate VAT payment request.
AD Value Added Tax (VAT) due from a previous invoice A code to indicate that the Value Added Tax (VAT) amount of a previous invoice is to be paid.
AE VAT Reverse Charge Code specifying that the standard VAT rate is levied from the invoicee.
B Transferred (VAT) VAT not to be paid to the issuer of the invoice but directly to relevant tax authority.
C Duty paid by supplier Duty associated with shipment of goods is paid by the supplier; customer receives goods with duty paid.
D Value Added Tax (VAT) margin scheme - travel agents Indication that the VAT margin scheme for travel agents is applied.
E Exempt from tax Code specifying that taxes are not applicable.
F Value Added Tax (VAT) margin scheme - second-hand goods Indication that the VAT margin scheme for second-hand goods is applied.
G Free export item, tax not charged Code specifying that the item is free export and taxes are not charged.
H Higher rate Code specifying a higher rate of duty or tax or fee.
I Value Added Tax (VAT) margin scheme - works of art Margin scheme — Works of art Indication that the VAT margin scheme for works of art is applied.
J Value Added Tax (VAT) margin scheme - collector’s items and antiques Indication that the VAT margin scheme for collector’s items and antiques is applied.
K VAT exempt for EEA intra-community supply of goods and services A tax category code indicating the item is VAT exempt due to an intra-community supply in the European Economic Area.
L Canary Islands general indirect tax Impuesto General Indirecto Canario (IGIC) is an indirect tax levied on goods and services supplied in the Canary Islands (Spain) by traders and professionals, as well as on import of goods.
M Tax for production, services and importation in Ceuta and Melilla Impuesto sobre la Producción, los Servicios y la Importación (IPSI) is an indirect municipal tax, levied on the production, processing and import of all kinds of movable tangible property, the supply of services and the transfer of immovable property located in the cities of Ceuta and Melilla.
O Services outside scope of tax Code specifying that taxes are not applicable to the services.
S Standard rate Code specifying the standard rate.
Z Zero rated goods Code specifying that the goods are at a zero rate.


In EN 16931, only the tax type "turnover tax" with the code "VAT" is supported. If other tax types are to be specified, such as insurance tax or mineral oil tax, the EXTENDED profile must be used. The code for the tax type must then be taken from the code list UNTDID 5153.


The code list is based on code list 7161 (Special service description code) of the United Trade Data Interchange Directory (UNTDID).

Code Name Description
AA Advertising The service of providing advertising.
AAA Telecommunication The service of providing telecommunication activities and/or faclities.
AAC Technical modification The service of making technical modifications to a product.
AAD Job-order production The service of producing to order.
AAE Outlays The service of providing money for outlays on behalf of a trading partner.
AAF Off-premises The service of providing services outside the premises of the provider.
AAH Additional processing The service of providing additional processing.
AAI Attesting The service of certifying validity.
AAS Acceptance The service of accepting goods or services.
AAT Rush delivery The service to provide a rush delivery.
AAV Special construction The service of providing special construction.
AAY Airport facilities The service of providing airport facilities.
AAZ Concession The service allowing a party to use another party's facilities.
ABA Compulsory storage The service provided to hold a compulsory inventory.
ABB Fuel removal Remove or off-load fuel from vehicle, vessel or craft.
ABC Into plane Service of delivering goods to an aircraft from local storage.
ABD Overtime The service of providing labour beyond the established limit of working hours.
ABF Tooling The service of providing specific tooling.
ABK Miscellaneous Miscellaneous services.
ABL Additional packaging The service of providing additional packaging.
ABN Dunnage The service of providing additional padding materials required to secure and protect a cargo within a shipping container.
ABR Containerisation The service of packing items into a container.
ABS Carton packing The service of packing items into a carton.
ABT Hessian wrapped The service of hessian wrapping.
ABU Polyethylene wrap packing The service of packing in polyethylene wrapping.
ACF Miscellaneous treatment Miscellaneous treatment service.
ACG Enamelling treatment The service of providing enamelling treatment.
ACH Heat treatment The service of treating with heat.
ACI Plating treatment The service of providing plating treatment.
ACJ Painting The service of painting.
ACK Polishing The service of polishing.
ACL Priming The service of priming.
ACM Preservation treatment The service of preservation treatment.
ACS Fitting Fitting service.
ADC Consolidation The service of consolidating multiple consignments into one shipment.
ADE Bill of lading The service of providing a bill of lading document.
ADJ Airbag The service of surrounding a product with an air bag.
ADK Transfer The service of transferring.
ADL Slipsheet The service of securing a stack of products on a slipsheet.
ADM Binding Binding service.
ADN Repair or replacement of broken returnable package The service of repairing or replacing a broken returnable package.
ADO Efficient logistics A code indicating efficient logistics services.
ADP Merchandising A code indicating that merchandising services are in operation.
ADQ Product mix A code indicating that product mixing services are in operation.
ADR Other services A code indicating that other non-specific services are in operation.
ADT Pick-up The service of picking up or collection of goods.
ADW Chronic illness The special services provided due to chronic illness.
ADY New product introduction A service provided by a buyer when introducing a new product from a suppliers range to the range traded by the buyer.
ADZ Direct delivery Direct delivery service.
AEA Diversion The service of diverting deliverables.
AEB Disconnect The service is a disconnection.
AEC Distribution Distribution service.
AED Handling of hazardous cargo A service for handling hazardous cargo.
AEF Rents and leases The service of renting and/or leasing.
AEH Location differential Delivery to a different location than previously contracted.
AEI Aircraft refueling Fuel being put into the aircraft.
AEJ Fuel shipped into storage Fuel being shipped into a storage system.
AEK Cash on delivery The provision of a cash on delivery (COD) service.
AEL Small order processing service A service related to the processing of small orders.
AEM Clerical or administrative services The provision of clerical or administrative services.
AEN Guarantee The service of providing a guarantee.
AEO Collection and recycling The service of collection and recycling products.
AEP Copyright fee collection The service of collecting copyright fees.
AES Veterinary inspection service The service of providing veterinary inspection.
AET Pensioner service Special service when the subject is a pensioner.
AEU Medicine free pass holder Special service when the subject holds a medicine free pass.
AEV Environmental protection service The provision of an environmental protection service.
AEW Environmental clean-up service The provision of an environmental clean-up service.
AEX National cheque processing service outside account area Service of processing a national cheque outside the ordering customer's bank trading area.
AEY National payment service outside account area Service of processing a national payment to a beneficiary holding an account outside the trading area of the ordering customer's bank.
AEZ National payment service within account area Service of processing a national payment to a beneficiary holding an account within the trading area of the ordering customer's bank.
AJ Adjustments The service of making adjustments.
AU Authentication The service of authenticating.
CA Cataloguing The provision of cataloguing services.
CAB Cartage Movement of goods by heavy duty cart or vehicle.
CAD Certification The service of certifying.
CAE Certificate of conformance The service of providing a certificate of conformance.
CAF Certificate of origin The service of providing a certificate of origin.
CAI Cutting The service of cutting.
CAJ Consular service The service provided by consulates.
CAK Customer collection The service of collecting goods by the customer.
CAL Payroll payment service Provision of a payroll payment service.
CAM Cash transportation Provision of a cash transportation service.
CAN Home banking service Provision of a home banking service.
CAO Bilateral agreement service Provision of a service as specified in a bilateral special agreement.
CAP Insurance brokerage service Provision of an insurance brokerage service.
CAQ Cheque generation Provision of a cheque generation service.
CAR Preferential merchandising location Service of assigning a preferential location for merchandising.
CAS Crane The service of providing a crane.
CAT Special colour service Providing a colour which is different from the default colour.
CAU Sorting The provision of sorting services.
CAV Battery collection and recycling The service of collecting and recycling batteries.
CAW Product take back fee The fee the consumer must pay the manufacturer to take back the product.
CAX Quality control released Informs the stockholder it is free to distribute the quality controlled passed goods.
CAY Quality control held Instructs the stockholder to withhold distribution of the goods until the manufacturer has completed a quality control assessment.
CAZ Quality control embargo Instructs the stockholder to withhold distribution of goods which have failed quality control tests.
CD Car loading Car loading service.
CG Cleaning Cleaning service.
CS Cigarette stamping The service of providing cigarette stamping.
CT Count and recount The service of doing a count and recount.
DAB Layout/design The service of providing layout/design.
DAC Assortment allowance Allowance given when a specific part of a suppliers assortment is purchased by the buyer.
DAD Driver assigned unloading The service of unloading by the driver.
DAF Debtor bound A special allowance or charge applicable to a specific debtor.
DAG Dealer allowance An allowance offered by a party dealing a certain brand or brands of products.
DAH Allowance transferable to the consumer An allowance given by the manufacturer which should be transfered to the consumer.
DAI Growth of business An allowance or charge related to the growth of business over a pre-determined period of time.
DAJ Introduction allowance An allowance related to the introduction of a new product to the range of products traded by a retailer.
DAK Multi-buy promotion A code indicating special conditions related to a multi-buy promotion.
DAL Partnership An allowance or charge related to the establishment and on-going maintenance of a partnership.
DAM Return handling An allowance or change related to the handling of returns.
DAN Minimum order not fulfilled charge Charge levied because the minimum order quantity could not be fulfilled.
DAO Point of sales threshold allowance Allowance for reaching or exceeding an agreed sales threshold at the point of sales.
DAP Wholesaling discount A special discount related to the purchase of products through a wholesaler.
DAQ Documentary credits transfer commission Fee for the transfer of transferable documentary credits.
DL Delivery The service of providing delivery.
EG Engraving The service of providing engraving.
EP Expediting The service of expediting.
ER Exchange rate guarantee The service of guaranteeing exchange rate.
FAA Fabrication The service of providing fabrication.
FAB Freight equalization The service of load balancing.
FAC Freight extraordinary handling The service of providing freight's extraordinary handling.
FC Freight service The service of moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another.
FH Filling/handling The service of providing filling/handling.
FI Financing The service of providing financing.
GAA Grinding The service of grinding.
HAA Hose The service of providing a hose.
HD Handling Handling service.
HH Hoisting and hauling The service of hoisting and hauling.
IAA Installation The service of installing.
IAB Installation and warranty The service of installing and providing warranty.
ID Inside delivery The service of providing delivery inside.
IF Inspection The service of inspection.
IR Installation and training The service of providing installation and training.
IS Invoicing The service of providing an invoice.
KO Koshering The service of preparing food in accordance with Jewish law.
L1 Carrier count The service of counting by the carrier.
LA Labelling Labelling service.
LAA Labour The service to provide required labour.
LAB Repair and return The service of repairing and returning.
LF Legalisation The service of legalising.
MAE Mounting The service of mounting.
MI Mail invoice The service of mailing an invoice.
ML Mail invoice to each location The service of mailing an invoice to each location.
NAA Non-returnable containers The service of providing non-returnable containers.
OA Outside cable connectors The service of providing outside cable connectors.
PA Invoice with shipment The service of including the invoice with the shipment.
PAA Phosphatizing (steel treatment) The service of phosphatizing the steel.
PC Packing The service of packing.
PL Palletizing The service of palletizing.
RAB Repacking The service of repacking.
RAC Repair The service of repairing.
RAD Returnable container The service of providing returnable containers.
RAF Restocking The service of restocking.
RE Re-delivery The service of re-delivering.
RF Refurbishing The service of refurbishing.
RH Rail wagon hire The service of providing rail wagons for hire.
RV Loading The service of loading goods.
SA Salvaging The service of salvaging.
SAA Shipping and handling The service of shipping and handling.
SAD Special packaging The service of special packaging.
SAE Stamping The service of stamping.
SAI Consignee unload The service of unloading by the consignee.
SG Shrink-wrap The service of shrink-wrapping.
SH Special handling The service of special handling.
SM Special finish The service of providing a special finish.
SU Set-up The service of setting-up.
TAB Tank renting The service of providing tanks for hire.
TAC Testing The service of testing.
TT Transportation - third party billing The service of providing third party billing for transportation.
TV Transportation by vendor The service of providing transportation by the vendor.
V1 Drop yard The service of delivering goods at the yard.
V2 Drop dock The service of delivering goods at the dock.
WH Warehousing The service of storing and handling of goods in a warehouse.
XAA Combine all same day shipment The service of combining all shipments for the same day.
YY Split pick-up The service of providing split pick-up.
ZZZ Mutually defined A code assigned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.


The code list is based on code list 5189 (Allowance or charge identification code) of the United Trade Data Interchange Directory (UNTDID).

Code Name Description
1 Handling commission Fee for the processing of documentary credit, collection and payment which are charged to the customer.
2 Amendment commission Fee for amendments in documentary credit and collection business (not extensions and increases of documentary credits).
3 Acceptance commission Fee for the acceptance of draft in documentary credit and collection business which are drawn on us (also to be seen as a kind of 'guarantee commission').
4 Commission for obtaining acceptance Fee for obtaining an acceptance under collections on the basis of 'documents against acceptance'.
5 Commission on delivery Fee for delivery of documents without corresponding payment.
6 Advising commission Fee for advising documentary credits (charged also in case of confirmed credits).
7 Confirmation commission Fee for confirmation of credit.
8 Deferred payment commission Fee for the deferred payment period under documentary credits confirmed by bank. This fee are charges for the period from presentation of the document until due date of payment.
9 Commission for taking up documents Fee charged to the foreign bank for the processing of documentary credit.
10 Opening commission Fee for opening revocable documentary credit.
11 Fee for payment under reserve Fee charged to the customer for discrepancies in credit documents in the case of which the bank have to stipulate payment under reserve.
12 Discrepancy fee Fee charged to the foreign bank for discrepancies in credit documents.
13 Domicilation commission Fee for the domicilation of bills with the bank.
14 Commission for release of goods Commission for the release of goods sent to the bank.
15 Collection commission Fee for settling collections on the basis of 'documents against payments'.
16 Negotiation commission Fee for the purchase of documents under sight credit for the first ten days.
17 Return commission Fee for cheques, bills and collections returned unpaid and/or recalled.
18 B/L splitting charges Fee for the splitting of bills of lading.
19 Trust commission Fee for the handling on a fiduciary basis of imported goods that have been warehoused.
20 Transfer commission Fee for the transfer of transferable documentary credits.
21 Commission for opening irrevocable documentary credits Fee for opening irrevocable documentary credits. This fee is a kind of 'Guarantee commission' as compensation for the commitment into which the bank have entered on the customers behalf; similar to confirmation commission, acceptance commission.
22 Pre-advice commission Fee for the pre-advice of a documentary credit.
23 Supervisory commission Fee for the supervising unconfirmed documentary credits with a deferred payment period.
24 Model charges Fee for decoding telex messages.
25 Risk commission Commission in addition to the confirmation commission for documentary credits from sensitive countries.
26 Guarantee commission Commission for drawing up guaranties.
27 Reimbursement commission Fee for reimbursement of, for example, documentary credits.
28 Stamp duty Tax payable on bills in accordance with national bill of exchange legislation.
29 Brokerage Brokers commission arising, in trade with foreign currencies.
30 Bank charges Charges deducted/claimed by other banks involved in the transaction.
31 Bank charges information Charges not included in the total charge amount i.e. the charges are for information only.
32 Courier fee Fee for use of courier service.
33 Phone fee Fee for use of phone.
34 Postage fee Fee for postage.
35 S.W.I.F.T. fee Fee for use of S.W.I.F.T.
36 Telex fee Fee for telex.
37 Penalty for late delivery of documents Penalty imposed when documents are delivered late.
38 Penalty for late delivery of valuation of works Penalty imposed when valuation of works is delivered late.
39 Penalty for execution of works behind schedule Penalty imposed when the execution of works is behind schedule.
40 Other penalties Penalty imposed for other reasons.
41 Bonus for works ahead of schedule Bonus for completing work ahead of schedule.
42 Other bonus Bonus earned for other reasons.
44 Project management cost Cost for project management.
45 Pro rata retention Proportional retention charge.
46 Contractual retention Contractual retention charge.
47 Other retentions Retention charge not otherwise specified.
48 Interest on arrears Interest for late payment.
49 Interest Cost of using money.
50 Charge per credit cover Unit charge per credit cover established.
51 Charge per unused credit cover Unit charge per unused credit cover.
52 Minimum commission Minimum commission charge.
53 Factoring commission Commission charged for factoring services.
54 Chamber of commerce charge Identifies the charges from the chamber of commerce.
55 Transfer charges Charges for transfer.
56 Repatriation charges Charges for repatriation.
57 Miscellaneous charges Not specifically defined charges.
58 Foreign exchange charges Charges for foreign exchange.
59 Agreed debit interest charge Charge for agreed debit interest
60 Manufacturer's consumer discount A discount given by the manufacturer which should be passed on to the consumer.
61 Fax advice charge Charge for fax advice.
62 Due to military status Allowance granted because of the military status.
63 Due to work accident Allowance granted to a victim of a work accident.
64 Special agreement An allowance or charge as specified in a special agreement.
65 Production error discount A discount given for the purchase of a product with a production error.
66 New outlet discount A discount given at the occasion of the opening of a new outlet.
67 Sample discount A discount given for the purchase of a sample of a product.
68 End-of-range discount A discount given for the purchase of an end-of-range product.
69 Charge for a customer specific finish A charge for the addition of a customer specific finish to a product.
70 Incoterm discount A discount given for a specified Incoterm.
71 Point of sales threshold allowance Allowance for reaching or exceeding an agreed sales threshold at the point of sales.
72 Technical modification costs Costs for technical modifications to a product.
73 Job-order production costs Costs of job-order production.
74 Off-premises costs Expenses for non-local activities.
75 Additional processing costs Costs of additional processing.
76 Attesting charge Costs of official attestation.
77 Rush delivery surcharge Charge for increased delivery speed.
78 Special construction costs Charge for costs incurred as result of special constructions.
79 Freight charges Amount to be paid for moving goods, by whatever means, from one place to another.
80 Packing charge Charge for packing.
81 Repair charge Charge for repair.
82 Loading charge Charge for loading.
83 Setup charge Charge for setup.
84 Testing charge Charge for testing.
85 Warehousing charge Charge for storage and handling.
86 Gold surcharge Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price in relation to gold content.
87 Copper surcharge Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price in relation to copper content.
88 Material surcharge/deduction Surcharge/deduction, calculated for higher/ lower material's consumption.
89 Lead surcharge Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price in relation to lead content.
90 Price index surcharge Higher/lower price, resulting from change in costs between the times of making offer and delivery.
91 Platinum surcharge Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price in relation to platinum content.
92 Silver surcharge Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price in relation to silver content.
93 Wolfram surcharge Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price in relation to wolfram content.
94 Aluminum surcharge Difference between current price and basic value contained in product price in relation to aluminum content.
95 Discount A reduction from a usual or list price.
96 Insurance Charge for insurance.
97 Minimum order / minimum billing charge Charge for minimum order or minimum billing.
98 Material surcharge (special materials) Surcharge for (special) materials.
99 Surcharge An additional amount added to the usual charge.
100 Special rebate A return of part of an amount paid for goods or services, serving as a reduction or discount.
101 Carbon footprint charge A monetary amount charged for carbon footprint related to a regulatory requirement.
102 Fixed long term A fixed long term allowance or charge.
103 Temporary A temporary allowance or charge.
104 Standard The standard available allowance or charge.
105 Yearly turnover An allowance or charge based on yearly turnover.
106 Withheld taxes and social security contributions The amount of taxes and contributions for social security, that is subtracted from the payable amount as it is to be paid separately.


The code list is based on code list 1153 (Reference code qualifier) of the United Trade Data Interchange Directory (UNTDID).

code name description
AAA Order acknowledgement document identifier [1018] Reference number identifying the acknowledgement of an order.
AAB Proforma invoice document identifier [1088] Reference number to identify a proforma invoice.
AAC Documentary credit identifier [1172] Reference number to identify a documentary credit.
AAD Contract document addendum identifier [1318] Reference number to identify an addendum to a contract.
AAE Goods declaration number Reference number assigned to a goods declaration.
AAF Debit card number A reference number identifying a debit card.
AAG Offer number (1332) Reference number assigned by issuing party to an offer.
AAH Bank's batch interbank transaction reference number Reference number allocated by the bank to a batch of different underlying interbank transactions.
AAI Bank's individual interbank transaction reference number Reference number allocated by the bank to one specific interbank transaction.
AAJ Delivery order number Reference number assigned by issuer to a delivery order.
AAK Despatch advice number [1035] Reference number assigned by issuing party to a despatch advice.
AAL Drawing number Reference number identifying a specific product drawing.
AAM Waybill number Reference number assigned to a waybill, see: 1001 = 700.
AAN Delivery schedule number Reference number assigned by buyer to a delivery schedule.
AAO Consignment identifier, consignee assigned [1362] Reference number assigned by the consignee to identify a particular consignment.
AAP Partial shipment identifier [1310] Identifier of a shipment which is part of an order.
AAQ Transport equipment identifier [8260] To identify a piece if transport equipment e.g. container or unit load device.
AAR Municipality assigned business registry number A reference number assigned by a municipality to identify a business.
AAS Transport contract document identifier [1188] Reference number to identify a document evidencing a transport contract.
AAT Master label number Identifies the master label number of any package type.
AAU Despatch note document identifier [1128] Reference number to identify a Despatch Note.
AAV Enquiry number Reference number assigned to an enquiry.
AAW Docket number A reference number identifying the docket.
AAX Civil action number A reference number identifying the civil action.
AAY Carrier's agent reference number Reference number assigned by the carriers agent to a transaction.
AAZ Standard Carrier Alpha Code (SCAC) number For maritime shipments, this code qualifies a Standard Alpha Carrier Code (SCAC) as issued by the United Stated National Motor Traffic Association Inc.
ABA Customs valuation decision number Reference by an importing party to a previous decision made by a Customs administration regarding the valuation of goods.
ABB End use authorization number Reference issued by a Customs administration authorizing a preferential rate of duty if a product is used for a specified purpose, see: 1001 = 990.
ABC Anti-dumping case number Reference issued by a Customs administration pertaining to a past or current investigation of goods "dumped" at a price lower than the exporter's domestic market price.
ABD Customs tariff number (7357) Code number of the goods in accordance with the tariff nomenclature system of classification in use where the Customs declaration is made.
ABE Declarant's reference number Unique reference number assigned to a document or a message by the declarant for identification purposes.
ABF Repair estimate number A number identifying a repair estimate.
ABG Customs decision request number Reference issued by Customs pertaining to a pending tariff classification decision requested by an importer or agent.
ABH Sub-house bill of lading number Reference assigned to a sub-house bill of lading.
ABI Tax payment identifier [1168] Reference number identifying a payment of a duty or tax e.g. under a transit procedure.
ABJ Quota number Reference number allocated by a government authority to identify a quota.
ABK Transit (onward carriage) guarantee (bond) number Reference number to identify the guarantee or security provided for Customs transit operation (CCC).
ABL Customs guarantee number Reference assigned to a Customs guarantee.
ABM Replacing part number New part number which replaces the existing part number.
ABN Seller's catalogue number Identification number assigned to a seller's catalogue.
ABO Originator's reference A unique reference assigned by the originator.
ABP Declarant's Customs identity number Reference to the party whose posted bond or security is being declared in order to accept responsibility for a goods declaration and the applicable duties and taxes.
ABQ Importer reference number Reference number assigned by the importer to identify a particular shipment for his own purposes.
ABR Export clearance instruction reference number Reference number of the clearance instructions given by the consignor through different means.
ABS Import clearance instruction reference number Reference number of the import clearance instructions given by the consignor/consignee through different means.
ABT Goods declaration document identifier, Customs [1426] Reference number, assigned or accepted by Customs, to identify a goods declaration.
ABU Article number A number that identifies an article.
ABV Intra-plant routing To define routing within a plant.
ABW Stock keeping unit number A number that identifies the stock keeping unit.
ABX Text Element Identifier deletion reference The reference used within a given TEI (Text Element Identifier) which is to be deleted.
ABY Allotment identification (Air) Reference assigned to guarantied capacity on one or more specific flights on specific date(s) to third parties as agents and other airlines.
ABZ Vehicle licence number Number of the licence issued for a vehicle by an agency of government.
AC Air cargo transfer manifest A number assigned to an air cargo list of goods to be transferred.
ACA Cargo acceptance order reference number Reference assigned to the cargo acceptance order.
ACB US government agency number A number that identifies a United States Government agency.
ACC Shipping unit identification Identifying marks on the outermost unit that is used to transport merchandise.
ACD Additional reference number [1010] Reference number provided in addition to another given reference.
ACE Related document number Reference number identifying a related document.
ACF Addressee reference A reference number of an addressee.
ACG ATA carnet number Reference number assigned to an ATA carnet.
ACH Packaging unit identification Identifying marks on packing units.
ACI Outerpackaging unit identification Identifying marks on packing units contained within an outermost shipping unit.
ACJ Customer material specification number Number for a material specification given by customer.
ACK Bank reference Cross reference issued by financial institution.
ACL Principal reference number A number that identifies the principal reference.
ACN Collection advice document identifier [1030] Reference number to identify a collection advice document.
ACO Iron charge number Number attributed to the iron charge for the production of steel products.
ACP Hot roll number Number attributed to a hot roll coil.
ACQ Cold roll number Number attributed to a cold roll coil.
ACR Railway wagon number (8260) Registered identification initials and numbers of railway wagon. Synonym: Rail car number.
ACT Unique claims reference number of the sender A number that identifies the unique claims reference of the sender.
ACU Loss/event number To reference to the unique number that is assigned to each major loss hitting the reinsurance industry.
ACV Estimate order reference number Reference number assigned by the ordering party of the estimate order.
ACW Reference number to previous message Reference number assigned to the message which was previously issued (e.g. in the case of a cancellation, the primary reference of the message to be cancelled will be quoted in this element).
ACX Banker's acceptance Reference number for banker's acceptance issued by the accepting financial institution.
ACY Duty memo number Reference number assigned by customs to a duty memo.
ACZ Equipment transport charge number Reference assigned to a specific equipment transportation charge.
ADA Buyer's item number [7304] Reference number assigned by the buyer to an item.
ADB Matured certificate of deposit Reference number for certificate of deposit allocated by issuing financial institution.
ADC Loan Reference number for loan allocated by lending financial institution.
ADD Analysis number/test number Number given to a specific analysis or test operation.
ADE Account number Identification number of an account.
ADF Treaty number A number that identifies a treaty.
ADG Catastrophe number A number that identifies a catastrophe.
ADI Bureau signing (statement reference) A statement reference that identifies a bureau signing.
ADJ Company / syndicate reference 1 First reference of a company/syndicate.
ADK Company / syndicate reference 2 Second reference of a company/syndicate.
ADL Ordering customer consignment reference number Reference number assigned to the consignment by the ordering customer.
ADM Shipowner's authorization number Reference number assigned by the shipowner as an authorization number to transport certain goods (such as hazardous goods, cool or reefer goods).
ADN Inland transport order number Reference number assigned by the principal to the transport order for inland carriage.
ADO Container work order reference number Reference number assigned by the principal to the work order for a (set of) container(s).
ADP Statement number A reference number identifying a statement.
ADQ Unique market reference A number that identifies a unique market.
ADT Group accounting A number that identifies group accounting.
ADU Broker reference 1 First reference of a broker.
ADV Broker reference 2 Second reference of a broker.
ADW Lloyd's claims office reference A number that identifies a Lloyd's claims office.
ADX Secure delivery terms and conditions agreement reference A reference to a secure delivery terms and conditions agreement. A secured delivery agreement is an agreement containing terms and conditions to secure deliveries in case of failure in the production or logistics process of the supplier.
ADY Report number Reference to a report to Customs by a carrier at the point of entry, encompassing both conveyance and consignment information.
ADZ Trader account number Number assigned by a Customs authority which uniquely identifies a trader (i.e. importer, exporter or declarant) for Customs purposes.
AE Authorization for expense (AFE) number A number that identifies an authorization for expense (AFE).
AEA Government agency reference number Coded reference number that pertains to the business of a government agency.
AEB Assembly number A number that identifies an assembly.
AEC Symbol number A number that identifies a symbol.
AED Commodity number A number that identifies a commodity.
AEE Eur 1 certificate number Reference number assigned to a Eur 1 certificate.
AEF Customer process specification number Retrieval number for a process specification defined by customer.
AEG Customer specification number Retrieval number for a specification defined by customer.
AEH Applicable instructions or standards Instructions or standards applicable for the whole message or a message line item. These instructions or standards may be published by a neutral organization or authority or another party concerned.
AEI Registration number of previous Customs declaration Registration number of the Customs declaration lodged for the previous Customs procedure.
AEJ Post-entry reference Reference to a message related to a post-entry.
AEK Payment order number A number that identifies a payment order.
AEL Delivery number (transport) Reference number by which a haulier/carrier will announce himself at the container terminal or depot when delivering equipment.
AEM Transport route A predefined and identified sequence of points where goods are collected, agreed between partners, e.g. the party in charge of organizing the transport and the parties where goods will be collected. The same collecting points may be included in different transport routes, but in a different sequence.
AEN Customer's unit inventory number Number assigned by customer to a unique unit for inventory purposes.
AEO Product reservation number Number assigned by seller to identify reservation of specified products.
AEP Project number Reference number assigned to a project.
AEQ Drawing list number Reference number identifying a drawing list.
AER Project specification number Reference number identifying a project specification.
AES Primary reference A number that identifies the primary reference.
AET Request for cancellation number A number that identifies a request for cancellation.
AEU Supplier's control number Reference to a file regarding a control of the supplier carried out on departure of the goods.
AEV Shipping note number [1123] Reference number assigned to a shipping note.
AEW Empty container bill number Reference number assigned to an empty container bill, see: 1001 = 708.
AEX Non-negotiable maritime transport document number Reference number assigned to a sea waybill, see: 1001 = 712.
AEY Substitute air waybill number Reference number assigned to a substitute air waybill, see: 1001 = 743.
AEZ Despatch note (post parcels) number (1128) Reference number assigned to a despatch note (post parcels), see: 1001 = 750.
AF Airlines flight identification number (8028) Identification of a commercial flight by carrier code and number as assigned by the airline (IATA).
AFA Through bill of lading number Reference number assigned to a through bill of lading, see: 1001 = 761.
AFB Cargo manifest number [1037] Reference number assigned to a cargo manifest.
AFC Bordereau number Reference number assigned to a bordereau, see: 1001 = 787.
AFD Customs item number Number (1496 in CST) assigned by the declarant to an item.
AFE Export Control Commodity number (ECCN) Reference number to relevant item within Commodity Control List covering actual products change functionality.
AFF Marking/label reference Reference where marking/label information derives from.
AFG Tariff number A number that identifies a tariff.
AFH Replenishment purchase order number Purchase order number specified by the buyer for the assignment to vendor's replenishment orders in a vendor managed inventory program.
AFI Immediate transportation no. for in bond movement A number that identifies immediate transportation for in bond movement.
AFJ Transportation exportation no. for in bond movement A number that identifies the transportation exportation number for an in bond movement.
AFK Immediate exportation no. for in bond movement A number that identifies the immediate exportation number for an in bond movement.
AFL Associated invoices A number that identifies associated invoices.
AFM Secondary Customs reference A number that identifies the secondary customs reference.
AFN Account party's reference Reference of the account party.
AFO Beneficiary's reference Reference of the beneficiary.
AFP Second beneficiary's reference Reference of the second beneficiary.
AFQ Applicant's bank reference Reference number of the applicant's bank.
AFR Issuing bank's reference Reference number of the issuing bank.
AFS Beneficiary's bank reference Reference number of the beneficiary's bank.
AFT Direct payment valuation number Reference number assigned to a direct payment valuation.
AFU Direct payment valuation request number Reference number assigned to a direct payment valuation request.
AFV Quantity valuation number Reference number assigned to a quantity valuation.
AFW Quantity valuation request number Reference number assigned to a quantity valuation request.
AFX Bill of quantities number Reference number assigned to a bill of quantities.
AFY Payment valuation number Reference number assigned to a payment valuation.
AFZ Situation number Common reference number given to documents concerning a determined period of works.
AGA Agreement to pay number A number that identifies an agreement to pay.
AGB Contract party reference number Reference number assigned to a party for a particular contract.
AGC Account party's bank reference Reference number of the account party's bank.
AGD Agent's bank reference Reference number issued by the agent's bank.
AGE Agent's reference Reference number of the agent.
AGF Applicant's reference Reference number of the applicant.
AGG Dispute number Reference number to a dispute notice.
AGH Credit rating agency's reference number Reference number assigned by a credit rating agency to a debtor.
AGI Request number The reference number of a request.
AGJ Single transaction sequence number A number that identifies a single transaction sequence.
AGK Application reference number A number that identifies an application reference.
AGL Delivery verification certificate Formal identification of delivery verification certificate which is a formal document from Customs etc. confirming that physical goods have been delivered. It may be needed to support a tax reclaim based on an invoice.
AGM Number of temporary importation document Number assigned by customs to identify consignment in transit.
AGN Reference number quoted on statement Reference number quoted on the statement sent to the beneficiary for information purposes.
AGO Sender's reference to the original message The reference provided by the sender of the original message.
AGP Company issued equipment ID Owner/operator, non-government issued equipment reference number.
AGQ Domestic flight number Airline flight number assigned to a flight originating and terminating within the same country.
AGR International flight number Airline flight number assigned to a flight originating and terminating across national borders.
AGS Employer identification number of service bureau Reference number assigned by a service/processing bureau to an employer.
AGT Service group identification number Identification used for a group of services.
AGU Member number Reference number assigned to a person as a member of a group of persons or a service scheme.
AGV Previous member number Reference number previously assigned to a member.
AGW Scheme/plan number Reference number assigned to a service scheme or plan.
AGX Previous scheme/plan number Reference number previously assigned to a service scheme or plan.
AGY Receiving party's member identification Identification used by the receiving party for a member of a service scheme or group of persons.
AGZ Payroll number Reference number assigned to the payroll of an organisation.
AHA Packaging specification number Reference number of documentation specifying the technical detail of packaging requirements.
AHB Authority issued equipment identification Identification issued by an authority, e.g. government, airport authority.
AHC Training flight number Non-revenue producing airline flight for training purposes.
AHD Fund code number Reference number to identify appropriation and branch chargeable for item.
AHE Signal code number Reference number to identify a signal.
AHF Major force program number Reference number according to Major Force Program (US).
AHG Nomination number Reference number assigned by a shipper to a request/ commitment-to-ship on a pipeline system.
AHH Laboratory registration number Reference number is the official registration number of the laboratory.
AHI Transport contract reference number Reference number of a transport contract.
AHJ Payee's reference number Reference number of the party to be paid.
AHK Payer's reference number Reference number of the party who pays.
AHL Creditor's reference number Reference number of the party to whom a debt is owed.
AHM Debtor's reference number Reference number of the party who owes an amount of money.
AHN Joint venture reference number Reference number assigned to a joint venture agreement.
AHO Chamber of Commerce registration number The registration number by which a company/organization is known to the Chamber of Commerce.
AHP Tax registration number The registration number by which a company/organization is identified with the tax administration.
AHQ Wool identification number Shipping Identification Mark (SIM) allocated to a wool consignment by a shipping company.
AHR Wool tax reference number Reference or indication of the payment of wool tax.
AHS Meat processing establishment registration number Registration number allocated to a registered meat packing establishment by the local quarantine and inspection authority.
AHT Quarantine/treatment status reference number Coded quarantine/treatment status of a container and its cargo and packing materials, generated by a shipping company based upon declarations presented by a shipper.
AHU Request for quote number Reference number assigned by the requestor to a request for quote.
AHV Manual processing authority number Number allocated to allow the manual processing of an entity.
AHX Rate note number Reference assigned to a specific rate.
AHY Freight Forwarder number An identification code of a Freight Forwarder.
AHZ Customs release code A code associated to a requirement that must be presented to gain the release of goods by Customs.
AIA Compliance code number Number assigned to indicate regulatory compliance.
AIB Department of transportation bond number Number of a bond assigned by the department of transportation.
AIC Export establishment number Number to identify export establishment.
AID Certificate of conformity Certificate certifying the conformity to predefined definitions.
AIE Ministerial certificate of homologation Certificate of approval for components which are subject to legal restrictions and must be approved by the government.
AIF Previous delivery instruction number The identification of a previous delivery instruction.
AIG Passport number Number assigned to a passport.
AIH Common transaction reference number Reference number applicable to different underlying individual transactions.
AII Bank's common transaction reference number Bank's reference number allocated by the bank to different underlying individual transactions.
AIJ Customer's individual transaction reference number Customer's reference number allocated by the customer to one specific transaction.
AIK Bank's individual transaction reference number Bank's reference number allocated by the bank to one specific transaction.
AIL Customer's common transaction reference number Customer's reference number allocated by the customer to different underlying individual transactions.
AIM Individual transaction reference number Reference number applying to one specific transaction.
AIN Product sourcing agreement number Reference number assigned to a product sourcing agreement.
AIO Customs transhipment number Approval number issued by Customs for cargo to be transhipped under Customs control.
AIP Customs preference inquiry number The number assigned by Customs to a preference inquiry.
AIQ Packing plant number Number to identify packing establishment.
AIR Original certificate number Number giving reference to an original certificate number.
AIS Processing plant number Number to identify processing plant.
AIT Slaughter plant number Number to identify slaughter plant.
AIU Charge card account number Number to identify charge card account.
AIV Event reference number [1007] Reference number identifying an event.
AIW Transport section reference number A number identifying a transport section.
AIX Referred product for mechanical analysis A product number identifying the product which is used for mechanical analysis considered valid for a group of products.
AIY Referred product for chemical analysis A product number identifying the product which is used for chemical analysis considered valid for a group of products.
AIZ Consolidated invoice number Invoice number into which other invoices are consolidated.
AJA Part reference indicator in a drawing To designate the number which provides a cross reference between parts contained in a drawing and a parts catalogue.
AJB U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR) A reference indicating a citation from the U.S. Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).
AJC Purchasing activity clause number A number indicating a clause applicable to a purchasing activity.
AJD U.S. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement A reference indicating a citation from the U.S. Defense Federal Acquisition Regulation Supplement.
AJE Agency clause number A number indicating a clause applicable to a particular agency.
AJF Circular publication number A number specifying a circular publication.
AJG U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulation A reference indicating a citation from the U.S. Federal Acquisition Regulation.
AJH U.S. General Services Administration Regulation A reference indicating a citation from U.S. General Services Administration Regulation.
AJI U.S. Federal Information Resources Management Regulation A reference indicating a citation from U.S. Federal Information Resources Management Regulation.
AJJ Paragraph A reference indicating a paragraph cited as the source of information.
AJK Special instructions number A number indicating a citation used for special instructions.
AJL Site specific procedures, terms, and conditions number A number indicating a set of site specific procedures, terms and conditions.
AJM Master solicitation procedures, terms, and conditions number A number indicating a master solicitation containing procedures, terms and conditions.
AJN U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Acquisition Regulation A reference indicating a citation from the U.S. Department of Veterans Affairs Acquisition Regulation.
AJO Military Interdepartmental Purchase Request (MIPR) number A number indicating an interdepartmental purchase request used by the military.
AJP Foreign military sales number A number specifying a sale to a foreign military.
AJQ Defense priorities allocation system priority rating A reference indicating a priority rating assigned to allocate resources for defense purchases.
AJR Wage determination number A number specifying a wage determination.
AJS Agreement number A number specifying an agreement between parties.
AJT Standard Industry Classification (SIC) number A number specifying a standard industry classification.
AJU End item number A number specifying the end item applicable to a subordinate item.
AJV Federal supply schedule item number A number specifying an item listed in a federal supply schedule.
AJW Technical document number A number specifying a technical document.
AJX Technical order number A reference to an order that specifies a technical change.
AJY Suffix A reference to specify a suffix added to the end of a basic identifier.
AJZ Transportation account number An account number to be charged or credited for transportation.
AKA Container disposition order reference number Reference assigned to the empty container disposition order.
AKB Container prefix The first part of the unique identification of a container formed by an alpha code identifying the owner of the container.
AKC Transport equipment return reference Reference known at the address to return equipment to.
AKD Transport equipment survey reference Reference number assigned by the ordering party to the transport equipment survey order.
AKE Transport equipment survey report number Reference number used by a party to identify its transport equipment survey report.
AKF Transport equipment stuffing order Reference number assigned to the order to stuff goods in transport equipment.
AKG Vehicle Identification Number (VIN) The identification number which uniquely distinguishes one vehicle from another through the lifespan of the vehicle.
AKH Government bill of lading Bill of lading as defined by the government.
AKI Ordering customer's second reference number Ordering customer's second reference number.
AKJ Direct debit reference Reference number assigned to the direct debit operation.
AKK Meter reading at the beginning of the delivery Meter reading at the beginning of the delivery.
AKL Meter reading at the end of delivery Meter reading at the end of the delivery.
AKM Replenishment purchase order range start number Starting number of a range of purchase order numbers assigned by the buyer to vendor's replenishment orders.
AKN Third bank's reference Reference number of the third bank.
AKO Action authorization number A reference number authorizing an action.
AKP Appropriation number The number identifying a type of funding for a specific purpose (appropriation).
AKQ Product change authority number Number which authorises a change in form, fit or function of a product.
AKR General cargo consignment reference number Reference number identifying a particular general cargo (non-containerised or break bulk) consignment.
AKS Catalogue sequence number A number which uniquely identifies an item within a catalogue according to a standard numbering system.
AKT Forwarding order number Reference number assigned to the forwarding order by the ordering customer.
AKU Transport equipment survey reference number Reference number known at the address where the transport equipment will be or has been surveyed.
AKV Lease contract reference Reference number of the lease contract.
AKW Transport costs reference number Reference number of the transport costs.
AKX Transport equipment stripping order Reference number assigned to the order to strip goods from transport equipment.
AKY Prior policy number The number of the prior policy.
AKZ Policy number Number assigned to a policy.
ALA Procurement budget number A number which uniquely identifies a procurement budget against which commitments or invoices can be allocated.
ALB Domestic inventory management code Code to identify the management of domestic inventory.
ALC Customer reference number assigned to previous balance of payment information Identification number of the previous balance of payments information from customer message.
ALD Previous credit advice reference number Reference number of the previous "Credit advice" message.
ALE Reporting form number Reference number assigned to the reporting form.
ALF Authorization number for exception to dangerous goods regulations Reference number allocated by an authority. This number contains an approval concerning exceptions on the existing dangerous goods regulations.
ALG Dangerous goods security number Reference number allocated by an authority in order to control the dangerous goods on board of a specific means of transport for dangerous goods security purposes.
ALH Dangerous goods transport licence number Licence number allocated by an authority as to the permission of carrying dangerous goods by a specific means of transport.
ALI Previous rental agreement number Number to identify the previous rental agreement number.
ALJ Next rental agreement reason number Number to identify the reason for the next rental agreement.
ALK Consignee's invoice number The invoice number assigned by a consignee.
ALL Message batch number A number identifying a batch of messages.
ALM Previous delivery schedule number A reference number identifying a previous delivery schedule.
ALN Physical inventory recount reference number A reference to a re-count of physically held inventory.
ALO Receiving advice number A reference number to a receiving advice.
ALP Returnable container reference number A reference number identifying a returnable container.
ALQ Returns notice number A reference number to a returns notice.
ALR Sales forecast number A reference number identifying a sales forecast.
ALS Sales report number A reference number identifying a sales report.
ALT Previous tax control number A reference number identifying a previous tax control number.
ALU AGERD (Aerospace Ground Equipment Requirement Data) number Identifies the equipment required to conduct maintenance.
ALV Registered capital reference Registered capital reference of a company.
ALW Standard number of inspection document Code identifying the standard number of the inspection document supplied.
ALX Model (7242) A reference used to identify a model.
ALY Financial management reference A financial management reference.
ALZ NOTIfication for COLlection number (NOTICOL) A reference assigned by a consignor to a notification document which indicates the availability of goods for collection.
AMA Previous request for metered reading reference number Number to identify a previous request for a recording or reading of a measuring device.
AMB Next rental agreement number Number to identify the next rental agreement.
AMC Reference number of a request for metered reading Number to identify a request for a recording or reading of a measuring device to be taken.
AMD Hastening number A number which uniquely identifies a request to hasten an action.
AME Repair data request number A number which uniquely identifies a request for data about repairs.
AMF Consumption data request number A number which identifies a request for consumption data.
AMG Profile number Reference number allocated to a discrete set of criteria.
AMH Case number Number assigned to a case.
AMI Government quality assurance and control level Number A number which identifies the level of quality assurance and control required by the government for an article.
AMJ Payment plan reference A number which uniquely identifies a payment plan.
AMK Replaced meter unit number Number identifying the replaced meter unit.
AML Replenishment purchase order range end number Ending number of a range of purchase order numbers assigned by the buyer to vendor's replenishment orders.
AMM Insurer assigned reference number A unique reference number assigned by the insurer.
AMN Canadian excise entry number An excise entry number assigned by the Canadian Customs.
AMO Premium rate table Identifies the premium rate table.
AMP Advise through bank's reference Financial institution through which the advising bank is to advise the documentary credit.
AMQ US, Department of Transportation bond surety code A bond surety code assigned by the United States Department of Transportation (DOT).
AMR US, Food and Drug Administration establishment indicator An establishment indicator assigned by the United States Food and Drug Administration.
AMS US, Federal Communications Commission (FCC) import condition number A number known as the United States Federal Communications Commission (FCC) import condition number applying to certain types of regulated communications equipment.
AMT Goods and Services Tax identification number Identifier assigned to an entity by a tax authority for Goods and Services Tax (GST) related purposes.
AMU Integrated logistic support cross reference number Provides the identification of the reference which allows cross referencing of items between different areas of integrated logistics support.
AMV Department number Number assigned to a department within an organization.
AMW Buyer's catalogue number Identification of a catalogue maintained by a buyer.
AMX Financial settlement party's reference number Reference number of the party who is responsible for the financial settlement.
AMY Standard's version number The version number assigned to a standard.
AMZ Pipeline number Number to identify a pipeline.
ANA Account servicing bank's reference number Reference number of the account servicing bank.
ANB Completed units payment request reference A reference to a payment request for completed units.
ANC Payment in advance request reference A reference to a request for payment in advance.
AND Parent file Identifies the parent file in a structure of related files.
ANE Sub file Identifies the sub file in a structure of related files.
ANF CAD file layer convention Reference number identifying a layer convention for a file in a Computer Aided Design (CAD) environment.
ANG Technical regulation Reference number identifying a technical regulation.
ANH Plot file Reference number indicating that the file is a plot file.
ANI File conversion journal Reference number identifying a journal recording details about conversion operations between file formats.
ANJ Authorization number A number which uniquely identifies an authorization.
ANK Reference number assigned by third party Reference number assigned by a third party.
ANL Deposit reference number A reference number identifying a deposit.
ANM Named bank's reference Reference number of the named bank.
ANN Drawee's reference Reference number of the drawee.
ANO Case of need party's reference Reference number of the case of need party.
ANP Collecting bank's reference Reference number of the collecting bank.
ANQ Remitting bank's reference Reference number of the remitting bank.
ANR Principal's bank reference Reference number of the principal's bank.
ANS Presenting bank's reference Reference number of the presenting bank.
ANT Consignee's reference Reference number of the consignee.
ANU Financial transaction reference number Reference number of the financial transaction.
ANV Credit reference number The reference number of a credit instruction.
ANW Receiving bank's authorization number Authorization number of the receiving bank.
ANX Clearing reference Reference allocated by a clearing procedure.
ANY Sending bank's reference number Reference number of the sending bank.
AOA Documentary payment reference Reference of the documentary payment.
AOD Accounting file reference Reference of an accounting file.
AOE Sender's file reference number File reference number assigned by the sender.
AOF Receiver's file reference number File reference number assigned by the receiver.
AOG Source document internal reference Reference number assigned to a source document for internal usage.
AOH Principal's reference Reference number of the principal.
AOI Debit reference number The reference number of a debit instruction.
AOJ Calendar A calendar reference number.
AOK Work shift A work shift reference number.
AOL Work breakdown structure A structure reference that identifies the breakdown of work for a project.
AOM Organisation breakdown structure A structure reference that identifies the breakdown of an organisation.
AON Work task charge number A reference assigned to a specific work task charge.
AOO Functional work group A reference to identify a functional group performing work.
AOP Work team A reference to identify a team performing work.
AOQ Department Section of an organisation.
AOR Statement of work A reference number for a statement of work.
AOS Work package A reference for a detailed package of work.
AOT Planning package A reference for a planning package of work.
AOU Cost account A cost control account reference.
AOV Work order Reference number for an order to do work.
AOW Transportation Control Number (TCN) A number assigned for transportation purposes.
AOX Constraint notation Identifies a reference to a constraint notation.
AOY ETERMS reference Identifies a reference to the ICC (International Chamber of Commerce) ETERMS(tm) repository of electronic commerce trading terms and conditions.
AOZ Implementation version number Identifies a version number of an implementation.
AP Accounts receivable number Reference number assigned by accounts receivable department to the account of a specific debtor.
APA Incorporated legal reference Identifies a legal reference which is deemed incorporated by reference.
APB Payment instalment reference number A reference number given to a payment instalment to identify a specific instance of payment of a debt which can be paid at specified intervals.
APC Equipment owner reference number Reference number issued by the owner of the equipment.
APD Cedent's claim number To identify the number assigned to the claim by the ceding company.
APE Reinsurer's claim number To identify the number assigned to the claim by the reinsurer.
APF Price/sales catalogue response reference number A reference number identifying a response to a price/sales catalogue.
APG General purpose message reference number A reference number identifying a general purpose message.
APH Invoicing data sheet reference number A reference number identifying an invoicing data sheet.
API Inventory report reference number A reference number identifying an inventory report.
APJ Ceiling formula reference number The reference number which identifies a formula for determining a ceiling.
APK Price variation formula reference number The reference number which identifies a price variation formula.
APL Reference to account servicing bank's message Reference to the account servicing bank's message.
APM Party sequence number Reference identifying a party sequence number.
APN Purchaser's request reference Reference identifying a request made by the purchaser.
APO Contractor request reference Reference identifying a request made by a contractor.
APP Accident reference number Reference number assigned to an accident.
APQ Commercial account summary reference number A reference number identifying a commercial account summary.
APR Contract breakdown reference A reference which identifies a specific breakdown of a contract.
APS Contractor registration number A reference number used to identify a contractor.
APT Applicable coefficient identification number The identification number of the coefficient which is applicable.
APU Special budget account number The number of a special budget account.
APV Authorisation for repair reference Reference of the authorisation for repair.
APW Manufacturer defined repair rates reference Reference assigned by a manufacturer to their repair rates.
APX Original submitter log number A control number assigned by the original submitter.
APY Original submitter, parent Data Maintenance Request (DMR) log number A Data Maintenance Request (DMR) original submitter's reference log number for the parent DMR.
APZ Original submitter, child Data Maintenance Request (DMR) log number A Data Maintenance Request (DMR) original submitter's reference log number for a child DMR.
AQA Entry point assessment log number The reference log number assigned by an entry point assessment group for the DMR.
AQB Entry point assessment log number, parent DMR The reference log number assigned by an entry point assessment group for the parent Data Maintenance Request (DMR).
AQC Entry point assessment log number, child DMR The reference log number assigned by an entry point assessment group for a child Data Maintenance Request (DMR).
AQD Data structure tag The tag assigned to a data structure.
AQE Central secretariat log number The reference log number assigned by the central secretariat for the Data Maintenance Request (DMR).
AQF Central secretariat log number, parent Data Maintenance Request (DMR) The reference log number assigned by the central secretariat for the parent Data Maintenance Request (DMR).
AQG Central secretariat log number, child Data Maintenance Request (DMR) The reference log number assigned by the central secretariat for the child Data Maintenance Request (DMR).
AQH International assessment log number The reference log number assigned to a Data Maintenance Request (DMR) changed in international assessment.
AQI International assessment log number, parent Data Maintenance Request (DMR) The reference log number assigned to a Data Maintenance Request (DMR) changed in international assessment that is a parent to the current DMR.
AQJ International assessment log number, child Data Maintenance Request (DMR) The reference log number assigned to a Data Maintenance Request (DMR) changed in international assessment that is a child to the current DMR.
AQK Status report number (1125) The reference number for a status report.
AQL Message design group number Reference number for a message design group.
AQM US Customs Service (USCS) entry code An entry number assigned by the United States (US) customs service.
AQN Beginning job sequence number The number designating the beginning of the job sequence.
AQO Sender's clause number The number that identifies the sender's clause.
AQP Dun and Bradstreet Canada's 8 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code Dun and Bradstreet Canada's 8 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code identifying activities of the company.
AQQ Activite Principale Exercee (APE) identifier The French industry code for the main activity of a company.
AQR Dun and Bradstreet US 8 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code Dun and Bradstreet United States' 8 digit Standard Industrial Classification (SIC) code identifying activities of the company.
AQS Nomenclature Activity Classification Economy (NACE) identifier A European industry classification code used to identify the activity of a company.
AQT Norme Activite Francaise (NAF) identifier A French industry classification code assigned by the French government to identify the activity of a company.
AQU Registered contractor activity type Reference number identifying the type of registered contractor activity.
AQV Statistic Bundes Amt (SBA) identifier A German industry classification code issued by Statistic Bundes Amt (SBA) to identify the activity of a company.
AQW State or province assigned entity identification Reference number of an entity assigned by a state or province.
AQX Institute of Security and Future Market Development (ISFMD) serial number A number used to identify a public but not publicly traded company.
AQY File identification number A number assigned to identify a file.
AQZ Bankruptcy procedure number A number identifying a bankruptcy procedure.
ARA National government business identification number A business identification number which is assigned by a national government.
ARB Prior Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number A previously assigned Data Universal Number System (DUNS) number.
ARC Companies Registry Office (CRO) number Identifies the reference number assigned by the Companies Registry Office (CRO).
ARD Costa Rican judicial number A number assigned by the government to a business in Costa Rica.
ARE Numero de Identificacion Tributaria (NIT) A number assigned by the government to a business in some Latin American countries.
ARF Patron number A number assigned by the government to a business in some Latin American countries. Note that "Patron" is a Spanish word, it is not a person who gives financial or other support.
ARG Registro Informacion Fiscal (RIF) number A number assigned by the government to a business in some Latin American countries.
ARH Registro Unico de Contribuyente (RUC) number A number assigned by the government to a business in some Latin American countries.
ARI Tokyo SHOKO Research (TSR) business identifier A number assigned to a business by TSR.
ARJ Personal identity card number An identity card number assigned to a person.
ARK Systeme Informatique pour le Repertoire des ENtreprises (SIREN) number An identification number known as a SIREN assigned to a business in France.
ARL Systeme Informatique pour le Repertoire des ETablissements (SIRET) number An identification number known as a SIRET assigned to a business location in France.
ARM Publication issue number A number assigned to identify a publication issue.
ARN Original filing number A number assigned to the original filing.
ARO Document page identifier [1212] To identify a page number.
ARP Public filing registration number A number assigned at the time of registration of a public filing.
ARQ Regiristo Federal de Contribuyentes A federal tax identification number assigned by the Mexican tax authority.
ARR Social security number An identification number assigned to an individual by the social security administration.
ARS Document volume number The number of a document volume.
ART Book number A number assigned to identify a book.
ARU Stock exchange company identifier A reference assigned by the stock exchange to a company.
ARV Imputation account An account to which an amount is to be posted.
ARW Financial phase reference A reference which identifies a specific financial phase.
ARX Technical phase reference A reference which identifies a specific technical phase.
ARY Prior contractor registration number A previous reference number used to identify a contractor.
ARZ Stock adjustment number A number identifying a stock adjustment.
ASA Dispensation reference A reference number assigned to an official exemption from a law or obligation.
ASB Investment reference number A reference to a specific investment.
ASC Assuming company A number that identifies an assuming company.
ASD Budget chapter A reference to the chapter in a budget.
ASE Duty free products security number A security number allocated for duty free products.
ASF Duty free products receipt authorisation number Authorisation number allocated for the receipt of duty free products.
ASG Party information message reference Reference identifying a party information message.
ASH Formal statement reference A reference to a formal statement.
ASI Proof of delivery reference number A reference number identifying a proof of delivery which is generated by the goods recipient.
ASJ Supplier's credit claim reference number A reference number identifying a supplier's credit claim.
ASK Picture of actual product Reference identifying the picture of an actual product.
ASL Picture of a generic product Reference identifying a picture of a generic product.
ASM Trading partner identification number Code specifying an identification assigned to an entity with whom one conducts trade.
ASN Prior trading partner identification number Code specifying an identification number previously assigned to a trading partner.
ASO Password Code used for authentication purposes.
ASP Formal report number A number uniquely identifying a formal report.
ASQ Fund account number Account number of fund.
ASR Safe custody number The number of a file or portfolio kept for safe custody on behalf of clients.
ASS Master account number A reference number identifying a master account.
AST Group reference number The reference number identifying a group.
ASU Accounting transmission number A number used to identify the transmission of an accounting book entry.
ASV Product data file number The number of a product data file.
ASW Cadastro Geral do Contribuinte (CGC) Brazilian taxpayer number.
ASX Foreign resident identification number Number assigned by a government agency to identify a foreign resident.
ASY CD-ROM Identity number of the Compact Disk Read Only Memory (CD-ROM).
ASZ Physical medium Identifies the physical medium.
ATA Financial cancellation reference number Reference number of a financial cancellation.
ATB Purchase for export Customs agreement number A number assigned by a Customs authority allowing the purchase of goods free of tax because they are to be exported immediately after the purchase.
ATC Judgment number A reference number identifying the legal decision.
ATD Secretariat number A reference number identifying a secretariat.
ATE Previous banking status message reference Message reference number of the previous banking status message being responded to.
ATF Last received banking status message reference Reference number of the latest received banking status message.
ATG Bank's documentary procedure reference Reference allocated by the bank to a documentary procedure.
ATH Customer's documentary procedure reference Reference allocated by a customer to a documentary procedure.
ATI Safe deposit box number Number of the safe deposit box.
ATJ Receiving Bankgiro number Number of the receiving Bankgiro.
ATK Sending Bankgiro number Number of the sending Bankgiro.
ATL Bankgiro reference Reference of the Bankgiro.
ATM Guarantee number Number of a guarantee.
ATN Collection instrument number To identify the number of an instrument used to remit funds to a beneficiary.
ATO Converted Postgiro number To identify the reference number of a giro payment having been converted to a Postgiro account.
ATP Cost centre alignment number Number used in the financial management process to align cost allocations.
ATQ Kamer Van Koophandel (KVK) number An identification number assigned by the Dutch Chamber of Commerce to a business in the Netherlands.
ATR Institut Belgo-Luxembourgeois de Codification (IBLC) number An identification number assigned by the Luxembourg National Bank to a business in Luxembourg.
ATS External object reference A reference identifying an external object.
ATT Exceptional transport authorisation number Authorisation number for exceptional transport (using specific equipment, out of gauge, materials and/or specific routing).
ATU Clave Unica de Identificacion Tributaria (CUIT) Tax identification number in Argentina.
ATV Registro Unico Tributario (RUT) Tax identification number in Chile.
ATW Flat rack container bundle identification number Reference number assigned to a bundle of flat rack containers.
ATX Transport equipment acceptance order reference Reference number assigned to an order to accept transport equipment that is to be delivered by an inland carrier to a specified facility.
ATY Transport equipment release order reference Reference number assigned to an order to release transport equipment which is to be picked up by an inland carrier from a specified facility.
ATZ Ship's stay reference number (1099) Reference number assigned by a port authority to the stay of a vessel in the port.
AU Authorization to meet competition number A number assigned by a requestor to an offer incoming following request for quote.
AUA Place of positioning reference Identifies the reference pertaining to the place of positioning.
AUB Party reference The reference to a party.
AUC Issued prescription identification The identification of the issued prescription.
AUD Collection reference A reference identifying a collection.
AUE Travel service Reference identifying a travel service.
AUF Consignment stock contract Reference identifying a consignment stock contract.
AUG Importer's letter of credit reference Letter of credit reference issued by importer.
AUH Performed prescription identification The identification of the prescription that has been carried into effect.
AUI Image reference A reference number identifying an image.
AUJ Proposed purchase order reference number A reference number assigned to a proposed purchase order.
AUK Application for financial support reference number Reference number assigned to an application for financial support.
AUL Manufacturing quality agreement number Reference number of a manufacturing quality agreement.
AUM Software editor reference Reference identifying the software editor.
AUN Software reference Reference identifying the software.
AUO Software quality reference Reference allocated to the software by a quality assurance agency.
AUP Consolidated orders' reference A reference number to identify orders which have been, or shall be consolidated.
AUQ Customs binding ruling number Binding ruling number issued by customs.
AUR Customs non-binding ruling number Non-binding ruling number issued by customs.
AUS Delivery route reference A reference to the route of the delivery.
AUT Net area supplier reference A reference identifying a supplier within a net area.
AUU Time series reference Reference to a time series.
AUV Connecting point to central grid Reference to a connecting point to a central grid.
AUW Marketing plan identification number (MPIN) Number identifying a marketing plan.
AUX Entity reference number, previous The previous reference number assigned to an entity.
AUY International Standard Industrial Classification (ISIC) code A code specifying an international standard industrial classification.
AUZ Customs pre-approval ruling number Pre-approval ruling number issued by Customs.
AV Account payable number Reference number assigned by accounts payable department to the account of a specific creditor.
AVA First financial institution's transaction reference Identifies the reference given to the individual transaction by the financial institution that is the transaction's point of entry into the interbank transaction chain.
AVB Product characteristics directory A reference to a product characteristics directory.
AVC Supplier's customer reference number A number, assigned by a supplier, to reference a customer.
AVD Inventory report request number Reference number assigned to a request for an inventory report.
AVE Metering point Reference to a metering point.
AVF Passenger reservation number Number assigned by the travel supplier to identify the passenger reservation.
AVG Slaughterhouse approval number Veterinary licence number allocated by a national authority to a slaughterhouse.
AVH Meat cutting plant approval number Veterinary licence number allocated by a national authority to a meat cutting plant.
AVI Customer travel service identifier A reference identifying a travel service to a customer.
AVJ Export control classification number Number identifying the classification of goods covered by an export licence.
AVK Broker reference 3 Third reference of a broker.
AVL Consignment information Code identifying that the reference number given applies to the consignment information segment group in the referred message .
AVM Goods item information Code identifying that the reference number given applies to the goods item information segment group in the referred message.
AVN Dangerous Goods information Code identifying that the reference number given applies to the dangerous goods information segment group in the referred message.
AVO Pilotage services exemption number Number identifying the permit to not use pilotage services.
AVP Person registration number A number assigned to an individual.
AVQ Place of packing approval number Approval Number of the place where goods are packaged.
AVR Original Mandate Reference Reference to a specific related original mandate given by the relevant party for underlying business or action in case of reference or mandate change.
AVS Mandate Reference Reference to a specific mandate given by the relevant party for underlying business or action.
AVT Reservation station indentifier Reference to the station where a reservation was made.
AVU Unique goods shipment identifier Unique identifier assigned to a shipment of goods linking trade, tracking and transport information.
AVV Framework Agreement Number A reference to an agreement between one or more contracting authorities and one or more economic operators, the purpose of which is to establish the terms governing contracts to be awarded during a given period, in particular with regard to price and, where appropriate, the quantity envisaged.
AVW Hash value Contains the hash value of a related document.
AVX Movement reference number Number assigned by customs referencing receipt of an Entry Summary Declaration.
AVY Economic Operators Registration and Identification Number (EORI) Number assigned by an authority to an economic operator.
AVZ Local Reference Number Number assigned by a national customs authority to an Entry Summary Declaration.
AWA Rate code number Number assigned by a buyer to rate a product.
AWB Air waybill number Reference number assigned to an air waybill, see: 1001 = 740.
AWC Documentary credit amendment number Number of the amendment of the documentary credit.
AWD Advising bank's reference Reference number of the advising bank.
AWE Cost centre A number identifying a cost centre.
AWF Work item quantity determination A reference assigned to a work item quantity determination.
AWG Internal data process number A number identifying an internal data process.
AWH Category of work reference A reference identifying a category of work.
AWI Policy form number Number assigned to a policy form.
AWJ Net area Reference to an area of a net.
AWK Service provider Reference of the service provider.
AWL Error position Reference to the position of an error in a message.
AWM Service category reference Reference identifying the service category.
AWN Connected location Reference of a connected location.
AWO Related party Reference of a related party.
AWP Latest accounting entry record reference Code identifying the reference of the latest accounting entry record.
AWQ Accounting entry Accounting entry to which this item is related.
AWR Document reference, original The original reference of a document.
AWS Hygienic Certificate number, national Nationally set Hygienic Certificate number, such as sanitary, epidemiologic.
AWT Administrative Reference Code Reference number assigned by Customs to a ‘shipment of excise goods’.
AWU Pick-up sheet number Reference number assigned to a pick-up sheet.
AWV Phone number A sequence of digits used to call from one telephone line to another in a public telephone network.
AWW Buyer's fund number A reference number indicating the fund number used by the buyer.
AWX Company trading account number A reference number identifying a company trading account.
AWY Reserved goods identifier A reference number identifying goods in stock which have been reserved for a party.
AWZ Handling and movement reference number A reference number identifying a previously transmitted cargo/goods handling and movement message.
AXA Instruction to despatch reference number A reference number identifying a previously transmitted instruction to despatch message.
AXB Instruction for returns number A reference number identifying a previously communicated instruction for return message.
AXC Metered services consumption report number A reference number identifying a previously communicated metered services consumption report.
AXD Order status enquiry number A reference number to a previously sent order status enquiry.
AXE Firm booking reference number A reference number identifying a previous firm booking.
AXF Product inquiry number A reference number identifying a previously communicated product inquiry.
AXG Split delivery number A reference number identifying a split delivery.
AXH Service relation number A reference number identifying the relationship between a service provider and a service client, e.g., treatment of a patient in a hospital, usage by a member of a library facility, etc.
AXI Serial shipping container code Reference number identifying a logistic unit.
AXJ Test specification number A reference number identifying a test specification.
AXK Transport status report number [1125] A reference number identifying a transport status report.
AXL Tooling contract number A reference number of the tooling contract.
AXM Formula reference number The reference number which identifies a formula.
AXN Pre-agreement number A reference number identifying a pre-agreement.
AXO Product certification number Number assigned by a governing body (or their agents) to a product which certifies compliance with a standard.
AXP Consignment contract number Reference number identifying a consignment contract.
AXQ Product specification reference number Number assigned by the issuer to his product specification.
AXR Payroll deduction advice reference A reference number identifying a payroll deduction advice.
AXS TRACES party identification The party identification number used in the European Union's Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES).
BA Beginning meter reading actual Meter reading at the beginning of an invoicing period.
BC Buyer's contract number Reference number assigned by buyer to a contract.
BD Bid number Number assigned by a submitter of a bid to his bid.
BE Beginning meter reading estimated Meter reading at the beginning of an invoicing period where an actual reading is not available.
BH House bill of lading number [1039] Reference number assigned to a house bill of lading.
BM Bill of lading number Reference number assigned to a bill of lading, see: 1001 = 705.
BN Consignment identifier, carrier assigned [1016] Reference number assigned by a carrier of its agent to identify a specific consignment such as a booking reference number when cargo space is reserved prior to loading.
BO Blanket order number Reference number assigned by the order issuer to a blanket order.
BR Broker or sales office number A number that identifies a broker or sales office.
BT Batch number/lot number [7338] Reference number assigned by manufacturer to a series of similar products or goods produced under similar conditions.
BTP Battery and accumulator producer registration number Registration number of producer of batteries and accumulators.
BW Blended with number The batch/lot/package number a product is blended with.
CAS IATA Cargo Agent CASS Address number Code issued by IATA to identify agent locations for CASS billing purposes.
CAT Matching of entries, balanced Reference to a balanced matching of entries.
CAU Entry flagging Reference to a flagging of entries.
CAV Matching of entries, unbalanced Reference to an unbalanced matching of entries.
CAW Document reference, internal Internal reference to a document.
CAX European Value Added Tax identification Value Added Tax identification number according to European regulation.
CAY Cost accounting document The reference to a cost accounting document.
CAZ Grid operator's customer reference number A number, assigned by a grid operator, to reference a customer.
CBA Ticket control number Reference giving access to all the details associated with the ticket.
CBB Order shipment grouping reference A reference number identifying the grouping of purchase orders into one shipment.
CD Credit note number [1113] Reference number assigned to a credit note.
CEC Ceding company Company selling obligations to a third party.
CED Debit letter number Reference number identifying the letter of debit document.
CFE Consignee's further order Reference of an order given by the consignee after departure of the means of transport.
CFF Animal farm licence number Veterinary licence number allocated by a national authority to an animal farm.
CFO Consignor's further order Reference of an order given by the consignor after departure of the means of transport.
CG Consignee's order number A number that identifies a consignee's order.
CH Customer catalogue number Number identifying a catalogue for customer's usage.
CK Cheque number Unique number assigned to one specific cheque.
CKN Checking number Number assigned by checking party to one specific check action.
CM Credit memo number Reference number assigned by issuer to a credit memo.
CMR Road consignment note number Reference number assigned to a road consignment note, see: 1001 = 730.
CN Carrier's reference number Reference number assigned by carrier to a consignment.
CNO Charges note document attachment indicator [1070] Indication that a charges note has been established and attached to a transport contract document or not.
COF Call off order number A number that identifies a call off order.
CP Condition of purchase document number Reference number identifying the conditions of purchase relevant to a purchase.
CR Customer reference number Reference number assigned by the customer to a transaction.
CRN Transport means journey identifier [8028] To identify a journey of a means of transport, for example voyage number, flight number, trip number.
CS Condition of sale document number Reference number identifying the conditions of sale relevant to a sale.
CST Team assignment number Team number assigned to a group that is responsible for working a particular transaction.
CT Contract number [1296] Reference number of a contract concluded between parties.
CU Consignment identifier, consignor assigned [1140] Reference number assigned by the consignor to identify a particular consignment.
CV Container operators reference number Reference number assigned by the party operating or controlling the transport container to a transaction or consignment.
CW Package number (7070) Reference number identifying a package or carton within a consignment.
CZ Cooperation contract number Number issued by a party concerned given to a contract on cooperation of two or more parties.
DA Deferment approval number Number assigned by authorities to a party to approve deferment of payment of tax or duties.
DAN Debit account number Reference number assigned by issuer to a debit account.
DB Buyer's debtor number Reference number assigned to a debtor.
DI Distributor invoice number Reference number assigned by issuer to a distributor invoice.
DL Debit note number [1117] Reference number assigned by issuer to a debit note.
DM Document identifier [1004] Reference number identifying a specific document.
DQ Delivery note number [1033] Reference number assigned by the issuer to a delivery note.
DR Dock receipt number Number of the cargo receipt submitted when cargo is delivered to a marine terminal.
EA Ending meter reading actual Meter reading at the end of an invoicing period.
EB Embargo permit number Reference number assigned by issuer to an embargo permit.
ED Export declaration Number assigned by the exporter to his export declaration number submitted to an authority.
EE Ending meter reading estimated Meter reading at the end of an invoicing period where an actual reading is not available.
EEP Electrical and electronic equipment producer registration number Registration number of producer of electrical and electronic equipment.
EI Employer's identification number Number issued by an authority to identify an employer.
EN Embargo number Number assigned to specific goods or a family of goods in a classification of embargo measures.
EQ Equipment number Number assigned by the manufacturer to specific equipment.
ER Container/equipment receipt number Number of the Equipment Interchange Receipt issued for full or empty equipment received.
ERN Exporter's reference number Reference to a party exporting goods.
ET Excess transportation number (1041) Number assigned to excess transport.
EX Export permit identifier [1208] Reference number to identify an export licence or permit.
FC Fiscal number Tax payer's number. Number assigned to individual persons as well as to corporates by a public institution; this number is different from the VAT registration number.
FF Consignment identifier, freight forwarder assigned [1460] Reference number assigned by the freight forwarder to identify a particular consignment.
FI File line identifier Number assigned by the file issuer or sender to identify a specific line.
FLW Flow reference number Number given to a usual sender which has regular expeditions of the same goods, to the same destination, defining all general conditions of the transport.
FN Freight bill number Reference number assigned by issuing party to a freight bill.
FO Foreign exchange Exchange of two currencies at an agreed rate.
FS Final sequence number A number that identifies the final sequence.
FT Free zone identifier Identifier to specify the territory of a State where any goods introduced are generally regarded, insofar as import duties and taxes are concerned, as being outside the Customs territory and are not subject to usual Customs control (CCC).
FV File version number Number given to a version of an identified file.
FX Foreign exchange contract number Reference number identifying a foreign exchange contract.
GA Standard's number Number to identify a standardization description (e.g. ISO 9375).
GC Government contract number Number assigned to a specific government/public contract.
GD Standard's code number Number to identify a specific parameter within a standardization description (e.g. M5 for screws or DIN A4 for paper).
GDN General declaration number Number of the declaration of incoming goods out of a vessel.
GN Government reference number A number that identifies a government reference.
HS Harmonised system number Number specifying the goods classification under the Harmonised Commodity Description and Coding System of the Customs Co-operation Council (CCC).
HWB House waybill number Reference number assigned to a house waybill, see: 1001 = 703.
IA Internal vendor number Number identifying the company-internal vending department/unit.
IB In bond number Customs assigned number that is used to control the movement of imported cargo prior to its formal Customs clearing.
ICA IATA cargo agent code number Code issued by IATA identify each IATA Cargo Agent whose name is entered on the Cargo Agency List.
ICE Insurance certificate reference number A number that identifies an insurance certificate reference.
ICO Insurance contract reference number A number that identifies an insurance contract reference.
II Initial sample inspection report number Inspection report number given to the initial sample inspection.
IL Internal order number Number assigned to an order for internal handling/follow up.
INB Intermediary broker A number that identifies an intermediary broker.
INN Interchange number new Number assigned by the interchange sender to identify one specific interchange. This number points to the actual interchange.
INO Interchange number old Number assigned by the interchange sender to identify one specific interchange. This number points to the previous interchange.
IP Import permit identifier [1107] Reference number to identify an import licence or permit.
IS Invoice number suffix A number added at the end of an invoice number.
IT Internal customer number Number assigned by a seller, supplier etc. to identify a customer within his enterprise.
IV Invoice document identifier [1334] Reference number to identify an invoice.
JB Job number [1043] Identifies a piece of work.
JE Ending job sequence number A number that identifies the ending job sequence.
LA Shipping label serial number The serial number on a shipping label.
LAN Loading authorisation identifier [4092] Identifier assigned to the loading authorisation granted by the forwarding location e.g. railway or airport, when the consignment is subject to traffic limitations.
LAR Lower number in range Lower number in a range of numbers.
LB Lockbox Type of cash management system offered by financial institutions to provide for collection of customers 'receivables'.
LC Letter of credit number Reference number identifying the letter of credit document.
LI Document line identifier [1156] To identify a line of a document.
LO Load planning number The reference that identifies the load planning number.
LRC Reservation office identifier Reference to the office where a reservation was made.
LS Bar coded label serial number The serial number on a bar code label.
MA Ship notice/manifest number The number assigned to a ship notice or manifest.
MB Master bill of lading number Reference number assigned to a master bill of lading, see: 1001 = 704.
MF Manufacturer's part number Reference number assigned by the manufacturer to his product or part.
MG Meter unit number Number identifying a unique meter unit.
MH Manufacturing order number Reference number assigned by manufacturer for a given production quantity of products.
MR Message recipient A number that identifies the message recipient.
MRN Mailing reference number Identifies the party designated by the importer to receive certain customs correspondence in lieu of its being mailed directly to the importer.
MS Message sender A number that identifies the message sender.
MSS Manufacturer's material safety data sheet number A number that identifies a manufacturer's material safety data sheet.
MWB Master air waybill number Reference number assigned to a master air waybill, see: 1001 = 741.
NA North American hazardous goods classification number Reference to materials designated as hazardous for purposes of transportation in North American commerce.
NF Nota Fiscal Nota Fiscal is a registration number for shipments / deliveries within Brazil, issued by the local tax authorities and mandated for each shipment.
OH Current invoice number Reference number identifying the current invoice.
OI Previous invoice number Reference number identifying a previously issued invoice.
ON Order document identifier, buyer assigned [1022] Identifier assigned by the buyer to an order.
OP Original purchase order Reference to the order previously sent.
OR General order number Customs number assigned to imported merchandise that has been left unclaimed and subsequently moved to a Customs bonded warehouse for storage.
PB Payer's financial institution account number Originated company account number (ACH transfer), check, draft or wire.
PC Production code Number assigned by the manufacturer to a specified article or batch to identify the manufacturing date etc. for subsequent reference.
PD Promotion deal number Number assigned by a vendor to a special promotion activity.
PE Plant number A number that identifies a plant.
PF Prime contractor contract number Reference number assigned by the client to the contract of the prime contractor.
PI Price list version number A number that identifies the version of a price list.
PK Packing list number [1014] Reference number assigned to a packing list.
PL Price list number Reference number assigned to a price list.
POR Purchase order response number Reference number assigned by the seller to an order response.
PP Purchase order change number Reference number assigned by a buyer for a revision of a purchase order.
PQ Payment reference Reference number assigned to a payment.
PR Price quote number Reference number assigned by the seller to a quote.
PS Purchase order number suffix A number added at the end of a purchase order number.
PW Prior purchase order number Reference number of a purchase order previously sent to the supplier.
PY Payee's financial institution account number Receiving company account number (ACH transfer), check, draft or wire.
RA Remittance advice number A number that identifies a remittance advice.
RC Rail/road routing code International Western and Eastern European route code used in all rail organizations and specified in the international tariffs (rail tariffs) known by the customers.
RCN Railway consignment note number Reference number assigned to a rail consignment note, see: 1001 = 720.
RE Release number Reference number assigned to identify a release of a set of rules, conventions, conditions, etc.
REN Consignment receipt identifier [1150] Reference number assigned to identify a consignment upon its arrival at its destination.
RF Export reference number Reference number given to an export shipment.
RR Payer's financial institution transit routing No.(ACH transfers) ODFI (ACH transfer).
RT Payee's financial institution transit routing No. RDFI Transit routing number (ACH transfer).
SA Sales person number Identification number of a sales person.
SB Sales region number A number that identifies a sales region.
SD Sales department number A number that identifies a sales department.
SE Serial number Identification number of an item which distinguishes this specific item out of an number of identical items.
SEA Allocated seat Reference to a seat allocated to a passenger.
SF Ship from A number that identifies a ship from location.
SH Previous highest schedule number Number of the latest schedule of a previous period (ODETTE DELINS).
SI SID (Shipper's identifying number for shipment) A number that identifies the SID (shipper's identification) number for a shipment.
SM Sales office number A number that identifies a sales office.
SN Transport equipment seal identifier [9308] The identification number of a seal affixed to a piece of transport equipment.
SP Scan line A number that identifies a scan line.
SQ Equipment sequence number (1492) A temporary reference number identifying a particular piece of equipment within a series of pieces of equipment.
SRN Shipment reference number [1065] Reference number assigned to a shipment.
SS Sellers reference number Reference number assigned to a transaction by the seller.
STA Station reference number International UIC code assigned to every European rail station (CIM convention).
SW Swap order number Number assigned by the seller to a swap order (see definition of DE 1001, code 229).
SZ Specification number Number assigned by the issuer to his specification.
TB Trucker's bill of lading A cargo list/description issued by a motor carrier of freight.
TCR Terminal operator's consignment reference Reference assigned to a consignment by the terminal operator.
TE Telex message number Reference number identifying a telex message.
TF Transfer number An extra number assigned to goods or a container which functions as a reference number or as an authorization number to get the goods or container released from a certain party.
TI TIR carnet number Reference number assigned to a TIR carnet.
TIN Transport instruction number Reference number identifying a transport instruction.
TL Tax exemption licence number Number assigned by the tax authorities to a party indicating its tax exemption authorization. This number could relate to a specified business type, a specified local area or a class of products.
TN Transaction reference number Reference applied to a transaction between two or more parties over a defined life cycle; e.g. number applied by importer or broker to obtain release from Customs, may then used to control declaration through final accounting (synonyms: declaration, entry number).
TP Test report number Reference number identifying a test report document relevant to the product.
UAR Upper number of range Upper number in a range of numbers.
UC Ultimate customer's reference number The originator's reference number as forwarded in a sequence of parties involved.
UCN Unique consignment reference number [1202] Unique reference identifying a particular consignment of goods. Synonym: UCR, UCRN.
UN United Nations Dangerous Goods identifier [7124] United Nations Dangerous Goods Identifier (UNDG) is the unique serial number assigned within the United Nations to substances and articles contained in a list of the dangerous goods most commonly carried.
UO Ultimate customer's order number The originator's order number as forwarded in a sequence of parties involved.
URI Uniform Resource Identifier A string of characters used to identify a name of a resource on the worldwide web.
VA VAT registration number Unique number assigned by the relevant tax authority to identify a party for use in relation to Value Added Tax (VAT).
VC Vendor contract number Number assigned by the vendor to a contract.
VGR Transport equipment gross mass verification reference number Reference number identifying the documentation of a transport equipment gross mass (weight) verification.
VM Vessel identifier (8123) Reference identifying a vessel.
VN Order number (vendor) Reference number assigned by supplier to a buyer's purchase order.
VON Voyage number (8028) Reference number assigned to the voyage of the vessel.
VOR Transport equipment gross mass verification order reference Reference number identifying the order for obtaining a Verified Gross Mass (weight) of a packed transport equipment as per SOLAS Chapter VI, Regulation 2, paragraphs 4-6.
VP Vendor product number Number assigned by vendor to another manufacturer's product.
VR Vendor ID number A number that identifies a vendor's identification.
VS Vendor order number suffix The suffix for a vendor order number.
VT Motor vehicle identification number (8213) Reference identifying a motor vehicle used for transport. Normally is the vehicle registration number.
VV Voucher number Reference number identifying a voucher.
WE Warehouse entry number Entry number under which imported merchandise was placed in a Customs bonded warehouse.
WM Weight agreement number A number identifying a weight agreement.
WN Well number A number assigned to a shaft sunk into the ground.
WR Warehouse receipt number A number identifying a warehouse receipt.
WS Warehouse storage location number A number identifying a warehouse storage location.
WY Rail waybill number The number on a rail waybill.
XA Company/place registration number Company registration and place as legally required.
XC Cargo control number Reference used to identify and control a carrier and consignment from initial entry into a country until release of the cargo by Customs.
XP Previous cargo control number Where a consignment is deconsolidated and/or transferred to the control of another carrier or freight forwarder (e.g. housebill, abstract) this references the previous (e.g. master) cargo control number.
ZZZ Mutually defined reference number Number based on party agreement.


The code list is based on code list 4461 (Payment means code) of the United Trade Data Interchange Directory (UNTDID).

Code Name Description
1 Instrument not defined Not defined legally enforceable agreement between two or more parties (expressing a contractual right or a right to the payment of money).
2 Automated clearing house credit A credit transaction made through the automated clearing house system.
3 Automated clearing house debit A debit transaction made through the automated clearing house system.
4 ACH demand debit reversal A request to reverse an ACH debit transaction to a demand deposit account.
5 ACH demand credit reversal A request to reverse a credit transaction to a demand deposit account.
6 ACH demand credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account.
7 ACH demand debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account.
8 Hold Indicates that the bank should hold the payment for collection by the beneficiary or other instructions.
9 National or regional clearing Indicates that the payment should be made using the national or regional clearing.
10 In cash Payment by currency (including bills and coins) in circulation, including checking account deposits.
11 ACH savings credit reversal A request to reverse an ACH credit transaction to a savings account.
12 ACH savings debit reversal A request to reverse an ACH debit transaction to a savings account.
13 ACH savings credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account.
14 ACH savings debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account.
15 Bookentry credit A credit entry between two accounts at the same bank branch. Synonym: house credit.
16 Bookentry debit A debit entry between two accounts at the same bank branch. Synonym: house debit.
17 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CCD payment format.
18 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CCD payment format.
19 ACH demand corporate trade payment (CTP) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CTP payment format.
20 Cheque Payment by a pre-printed form on which instructions are given to an account holder (a bank or building society) to pay a stated sum to a named recipient.
21 Banker's draft Issue of a banker's draft in payment of the funds.
22 Certified banker's draft Cheque drawn by a bank on itself or its agent. A person who owes money to another buys the draft from a bank for cash and hands it to the creditor who need have no fear that it might be dishonoured.
23 Bank cheque (issued by a banking or similar establishment) Payment by a pre-printed form, which has been completed by a financial institution, on which instructions are given to an account holder (a bank or building society) to pay a stated sum to a named recipient.
24 Bill of exchange awaiting acceptance Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor but not yet accepted by the debtor.
25 Certified cheque Payment by a pre-printed form stamped with the paying bank's certification on which instructions are given to an account holder (a bank or building society) to pay a stated sum to a named recipient .
26 Local cheque Indicates that the cheque is given local to the recipient.
27 ACH demand corporate trade payment (CTP) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CTP payment format.
28 ACH demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CTX payment format.
29 ACH demand corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand account using the CTX payment format.
30 Credit transfer Payment by credit movement of funds from one account to another.
31 Debit transfer Payment by debit movement of funds from one account to another.
32 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CCD+ payment format.
33 ACH demand cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit account using the CCD+ payment format.
34 ACH prearranged payment and deposit (PPD) A consumer credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit or savings account.
35 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a demand deposit or savings account.
36 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement (CCD) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CCD payment format.
37 ACH savings corporate trade payment (CTP) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CTP payment format.
38 ACH savings corporate trade payment (CTP) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CTP payment format.
39 ACH savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CTX payment format.
40 ACH savings corporate trade exchange (CTX) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CTX payment format.
41 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) credit A credit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CCD+ payment format.
42 Payment to bank account Payment by an arrangement for settling debts that is operated by the Post Office.
43 ACH savings cash concentration/disbursement plus (CCD+) debit A debit transaction made through the ACH system to a savings account using the CCD+ payment format.
44 Accepted bill of exchange Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor and accepted by the debtor.
45 Referenced home-banking credit transfer A referenced credit transfer initiated through home-banking.
46 Interbank debit transfer A debit transfer via interbank means.
47 Home-banking debit transfer A debit transfer initiated through home-banking.
48 Bank card Payment by means of a card issued by a bank or other financial institution.
49 Direct debit The amount is to be, or has been, directly debited to the customer's bank account.
50 Payment by postgiro A method for the transmission of funds through the postal system rather than through the banking system.
51 FR, norme 6 97-Telereglement CFONB (French Organisation for Banking Standards) - Option A A French standard procedure that allows a debtor to pay an amount due to a creditor. The creditor will forward it to its bank, which will collect the money on the bank account of the debtor.
52 Urgent commercial payment Payment order which requires guaranteed processing by the most appropriate means to ensure it occurs on the requested execution date, provided that it is issued to the ordered bank before the agreed cut-off time.
53 Urgent Treasury Payment Payment order or transfer which must be executed, by the most appropriate means, as urgently as possible and before urgent commercial payments.
54 Credit card Payment made by means of credit card.
55 Debit card Payment made by means of debit card.
56 Bankgiro Payment will be, or has been, made by bankgiro.
57 Standing agreement The payment means have been previously agreed between seller and buyer and thus are not stated again.
58 SEPA credit transfer Credit transfer inside the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) system.
59 SEPA direct debit Direct debit inside the Single Euro Payment Area (SEPA) system.
60 Promissory note Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by one person to another, signed by the maker, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
61 Promissory note signed by the debtor Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the debtor to another person, signed by the debtor, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
62 Promissory note signed by the debtor and endorsed by a bank Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the debtor to another person, signed by the debtor and endorsed by a bank, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
63 Promissory note signed by the debtor and endorsed by a third party Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the debtor to another person, signed by the debtor and endorsed by a third party, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
64 Promissory note signed by a bank Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the bank to another person, signed by the bank, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
65 Promissory note signed by a bank and endorsed by another bank Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by the bank to another person, signed by the bank and endorsed by another bank, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
66 Promissory note signed by a third party Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by a third party to another person, signed by the third party, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
67 Promissory note signed by a third party and endorsed by a bank Payment by an unconditional promise in writing made by a third party to another person, signed by the third party and endorsed by a bank, engaging to pay on demand or at a fixed or determinable future time a sum certain in money, to order or to bearer.
68 Online payment service Payment will be made or has been made by an online payment service.
69 Transfer Advice Transfer of an amount of money in the books of the account servicer. An advice should be sent back to the account owner.
70 Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor Bill drawn by the creditor on the debtor.
74 Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank.
75 Bill drawn by the creditor, endorsed by another bank Bill drawn by the creditor, endorsed by another bank.
76 Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank and endorsed by a third party Bill drawn by the creditor on a bank and endorsed by a third party.
77 Bill drawn by the creditor on a third party Bill drawn by the creditor on a third party.
78 Bill drawn by creditor on third party, accepted and endorsed by bank Bill drawn by creditor on third party, accepted and endorsed by bank.
91 Not transferable banker's draft Issue a bankers draft not endorsable.
92 Not transferable local cheque Issue a cheque not endorsable in payment of the funds.
93 Reference giro Ordering customer tells the bank to use the payment system 'Reference giro'. Used in the Finnish national banking system.
94 Urgent giro Ordering customer tells the bank to use the bank service 'Urgent Giro' when transferring the payment. Used in Finnish national banking system.
95 Free format giro Ordering customer tells the ordering bank to use the bank service 'Free Format Giro' when transferring the payment. Used in Finnish national banking system.
96 Requested method for payment was not used If the requested method for payment was or could not be used, this code indicates that.
97 Clearing between partners Amounts which two partners owe to each other to be compensated in order to avoid useless payments.
ZZZ Mutually defined A code assigned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.


The code list is based on the 2005 code list (Date or time or period function code qualifier) of the United Trade Data Interchange Directory (UNTDID).

Code Name Description
1 Service completion date/time, actual Actual date/time on which the service was completed.
2 Delivery date/time, requested (2105) Date on which buyer requests goods to be delivered.
3 Invoice document issue date time [2377] Date of issue of an invoice.
4 Order document issue date time [2011] Date of order.
5 Saleable stock demand cover period, expected A period of time when saleable stocks are expected to cover demand for a product.
6 Moved from location date The date an entity moved from a location.
7 Effective from date/time (2069) Date and/or time at which specified event or document becomes effective.
8 Order received date/time Date/time when the purchase order is received by the seller.
9 Processing date/time Date/time of processing.
10 Shipment date/time, requested Date on which goods should be shipped or despatched by the supplier.
11 Despatch date and or time [2171] Date/time on which the goods are or are expected to be despatched or shipped.
12 Terms discount due date/time Date by which payment should be made if discount terms are to apply.
13 Terms net due date Date by which payment must be made.
14 Payment date/time, deferred Date/time when instalments are due.
15 Promotion start date/time Date/time when promotion activities begin.
16 Promotion end date/time Date/time when promotion activities end.
17 Delivery date/time, estimated (2109) Date and/or time when the shipper of the goods expects delivery will take place.
18 Installation date/time/period The date/time/period of the act, or an instance of installing something or someone.
19 Meat ageing period Period of time between slaughter and delivery during which meat is ageing.
20 Cheque date/time Date/time when cheque is issued.
21 Charge back date/time The date/time of the charge back.
22 Freight bill date/time Date/time when freight bill is issued.
23 Equipment reconditioning date/time, actual Actual date/time of the reconditioning of a piece of equipment.
24 Transfer note acceptance date and time Date and time when a transfer note (transfer document for transport exclusively using containers as equipment) is recognised as being valid by the carrier.
35 Delivery date/time, actual Date/time on which goods or consignment are delivered at their destination.
36 Expiry date Date of expiry of the validity of a referenced document, price information or any other referenced data element with a limited validity period.
37 Ship not before date/time Goods should not be shipped before given date/time.
38 Ship not later than date/time Date/time by which the goods should have been shipped.
39 Ship week of date Date identifying the week during which goods should be shipped.
40 Clinical information issue date and/or time Date and/or time when clinical information is issued.
41 Event duration, expected The expected duration of an event.
42 Superseded date/time Date/time being overlaid by a date given elsewhere.
43 Event duration, intended The intended duration of an event.
44 Availability Date/time when received item is available.
45 Compilation date and time Date and time of the compilation.
46 Cancellation date [2095] Date on which a document or message has been cancelled.
47 Statistical time series date Date for statistical time series purposes.
48 Duration Duration.
49 Deliver not before and not after dates Deliver not before and not after a specific date range.
50 Goods receipt date/time Date/time upon which the goods were received by a given party.
51 Cumulative quantity start date First Date for accumulation of delivery quantities.
52 Cumulative quantity end date Last Date for accumulation of delivery quantities.
53 Buyer's local time Time at the buyer's location.
54 Seller's local time Time at the seller's location.
55 Confirmed date/time Date/time which has been confirmed.
56 Original authorisation date and/or time Date and/or time when original authorisation was issued.
57 Precaution relevant period The period when a precaution is relevant.
58 Clearance date (Customs) Date on which Customs formalities necessary to allow goods to be exported, to enter home use, or to be placed under another Customs procedure has been accomplished (CCC).
59 Inbound movement authorization date Inland movement authorization date.
60 Engineering change level date Date the engineering level of goods is changed.
61 Cancel if not delivered by this date The date on which cancellation should take place, if delivery has not occurred.
62 Excluded date Date excluded from a period of time.
63 Delivery date time, last [2025] Last date, and optionally time of a delivery.
64 Delivery date/time, earliest [2091] Date identifying a point in time before which the goods shall not be delivered.
65 Delivery date/time, 1st schedule The first scheduled date/time for delivery.
66 Excluded period An interval of time excluded from a period of time.
67 Delivery date/time, current schedule Delivery Date deriving from actual schedule.
68 Additional period An interval of time added to a period of time.
69 Delivery date time, promised before [2139] Date and optionally time by which the merchandise should be delivered to the buyer, as agreed between the seller and the buyer (generic term).
70 Additional date Date added to a period of time.
71 Delivery date/time, requested for (after and including) Delivery is requested to happen after or on given date.
72 Delivery date/time, promised for (after and including) Delivery might take place earliest at given date.
73 Guarantee period The period for which the guarantee is or will be granted.
74 Delivery date/time, requested for (prior to and including) Delivery is requested to happen prior to or including the given date.
75 Delivery date/time, promised for (prior to and including) Delivery might take place latest at given date.
76 Delivery date/time, scheduled for The date/time for which delivery is scheduled.
77 Specification revision date Date of revision to a specification.
78 Event date/time/period, actual [2193] The actual date/time/period an event occurred.
79 Shipment date/time, promised for Shipment might happen at given date/time.
80 Planning end date and/or time, actual The actual date and/or time the planning ended.
81 Shipment date/time, requested for (after and including) Shipment should happen earliest at given date.
82 Medicine administration time Designated time of day for the administration of medicine.
83 Dispensing interval, minimum The shortest interval allowed between one dispensing of an item and the next dispensing of the same item.
84 Shipment date/time, requested for (prior to and including) Shipment should take place latest at given date.
85 Shipment date/time, promised for (prior to and including) Shipment might take place latest at given date.
86 Medication date/time, start Date and/or time when medication was started.
87 Travel service connection time Time elapsing between the arrival of a travel service and the departure of a connecting travel service.
88 Summer time, start Date/time at which the summer time starts.
89 Inquiry date The date on which an inquiry is made.
90 Report start date The date on which a report is to begin.
91 Report end date The date on which a report is to end.
92 Contract effective date Date when a contract becomes valid.
93 Contract expiry date Date when a contract expires.
94 Production/manufacture date Date on which goods are produced.
95 Bill of lading date Date as specified on the bill of lading.
96 Discharge date/time Date/time when goods should, might or have been discharged from the means of transport.
97 Transaction creation date The date on which a transaction was originated or brought into being.
98 Winter time, start Date/time at which the winter time starts.
99 Quotation opening date The date on which the quotation has been or may be opened.
100 Product ageing period before delivery Period of time before delivery during which the product is ageing.
101 Production date, no schedule established as of Date as of there is no valid production schedule.
102 Health problem period Period of time of health problem.
103 Closing date/time for breakbulk STORO Date/time on which delivering period for breakbulk STORO cargo ends (STORO = Stowing on Roll on-Roll off vessel).
104 Closing date/time for container RO-RO Date/time on which delivering period for container Roll on-Roll off (RO-RO) cargo ends.
105 Starting date/time for breakbulk STORO Date/time on which delivering period for breakbulk STORO cargo starts (STORO = Stowing on Roll on-Roll off vessel).
106 Starting date/time for container RO-RO Date/time on which delivering period for container Roll on-Roll off (RO-RO) cargo starts.
107 Deposit date/time The date/time on which a deposit was made.
108 Postmark date/time An official mark stamped on a letter identifying date/time of dispatch or arrival.
109 Receive at lockbox date The date on which a financial institution, serving as collection agency for a company located in another part of the country, collects an amount of money on behalf of that company.
110 Ship date, originally scheduled The date on which the shipment of goods was originally scheduled.
111 Manifest/ship notice date The date of issuance of a manifest or ship notice.
112 First interest-bearing date The first date from which interest is borne.
113 Sample required date Date as of a sample has to be available customer defined.
114 Tooling required date Date as of a tool has to be available customer defined.
115 Sample available date Date as of a sample will be available seller defined.
116 Equipment return period, expected Period until which equipment is expected to be hired.
117 Delivery date/time, first First possible date/time for delivery.
118 Cargo booking confirmed date/time Date/time at which the cargo booking has been accepted by the carrier.
119 Test completion date Date when a test has been completed.
120 Last interest-bearing date The last date from which interest is borne.
121 Entry date Date of entry.
122 Contract completion date The date a contract is completed.
123 Documentary credit expiry date/time (2211) The latest date/time for presentation of the documents to the bank where the credit expires.
124 Despatch note document issue date time [2219] Issue date of a despatch note.
125 Import permit issue date time [2293] Date of issue of an import licence.
126 Contract document issue date time [2327] Date on which a contract is issued.
127 Previous report date Date of the previous report.
128 Delivery date/time, last Date when the last delivery should be or has been accomplished.
129 Exportation date [2043] Date when the imported vessel/merchandise last left the country of export for the country of import.
130 Current report date Date of the current report.
131 Tax point date time [2221] Date on which tax is due or calculated.
132 Transport means arrival date time, estimated [2349] Date and or time of the estimated arrival of means of transport.
133 Transport means departure date/time, estimated (2195) Date/time when carrier estimates that a means of transport should depart at the place of departure.
134 Rate of exchange date/time Date/time on which the exchange rate was fixed.
135 Telex date Date identifying when a telex message was sent.
136 Transport means departure date time, actual [2281] Date and or time of the departure of a means of transport.
137 Document issue date time [2007] Date that a document was issued and when appropriate, signed or otherwise authenticated.
138 Payment availability date time [2035] Date that an amount due becomes available to a creditor under the terms of payment.
139 Property mortgage date, start The date the mortgage on a piece of property begins.
140 Payment due date [2481] Date/time at which funds should be made available.
141 Customs declaration document lodgement date time [2033] Presentation date of a declaration to customs.
142 Labour wage determination date The date a labour wage is determined.
143 Consignment acceptance date time, actual [2127] Actual date and optionally time when a consignment of goods is taken over by the carrier at the place of acceptance.
144 Quota date Date that the quota applies to.
145 Event date A date specifying an event.
146 Entry date, estimated (Customs) Date on which the official date of Customs entry is anticipated.
147 Export permit effective end date time [2079] Date on which an export licence expires.
148 Goods declaration document acceptance date time [2037] Date on which a Goods declaration has been or will be accepted by Customs in accordance with Customs legislation.
149 Invoice date, required Date required for invoice issue.
150 Declaration/presentation date Date when item has been or has to be declared/presented.
151 Importation date Date on which goods are imported, as determined by the governing Customs administration.
152 Exportation date for textiles Date when imported textiles last left the country of origin for the country of importation.
153 Cancellation date/time, latest The latest date/time on which cancellation of the payment order may be requested.
154 Acceptance date of document [2097] The date on which a document was accepted.
155 Accounting period start date The first date of an accounting period.
156 Accounting period end date The last date of an accounting period.
157 Validity start date The first date of a period for which something is valid.
158 Horizon start date The first date of a period forming a horizon.
159 Horizon end date The last date of a period forming a horizon.
160 Authorization date Date when an authorization was given.
161 Release date of customer Date the customer authorised the goods' release.
162 Release date of supplier Date when the supplier released goods.
163 Processing start date/time Date/Time when a specific process starts.
164 Processing end date/time Date/Time when a specific process ends.
165 Tax period start date Date when a tax period begins.
166 Tax period end date Date when a tax period ends.
167 Charge period start date The charge period's first date.
168 Charge period end date The charge period's last date.
169 Lead time Time required between order entry till earliest goods delivery.
170 Settlement due date More generic than 'payment due date' and therefore more apt for reinsurance/insurance business.
171 Reference date/time Date/time on which the reference was issued.
172 Hired from date Date from which an item has been or will be hired.
173 Hired until date Date until which an item has been or will be hired.
174 Advise after date/time The information must be advised after the date/time indicated.
175 Advise before date/time The information must be advised before the date/time indicated.
176 Advise completed date/time The advise has been completed at the date indicated.
177 Advise on date/time The information must be advised on the date/time indicated.
178 Transport means arrival date time, actual [2107] Date and or time of the arrival of means of transport.
179 Booking date/time Date at which the booking was made.
180 Closing date/time Final date for delivering cargo to a liner ship.
181 Positioning date/time of equipment Date/time when equipment is positioned.
182 Issue date Date when a document/message has been or will be issued.
183 Date, as at Date related to a given context.
184 Notification date/time Date/time of notification.
185 Commenced tank cleaning date/time The date/and or time tank cleaning was started.
186 Transport means departure date/time, actual (2280) Date (and time) of departure of means of transport.
187 Authentication date/time of document Date/time when the document is signed or otherwise authenticated.
188 Previous current account date Date of the previous current account.
189 Transport means departure date/time, scheduled Date (and time) of scheduled departure of means of transport.
190 Transhipment date/time Date and time of the transfer of the goods from one means of transport to another.
191 Delivery date/time, expected Date/time on which goods are expected to be delivered.
192 Expiration date/time of customs document Date on which validity of a customs document expires.
193 Execution date The date when ordered bank initiated the transaction.
194 Start date/time Date/time on which a period starts.
195 Import permit effective end date time [2273] Date on which the validity of an import licence expires.
196 Transport means departure date/time, earliest Date/time of earliest departure of means of transport.
197 Lay-time first day First of a number of days allowed in a charter party of the loading and discharging of cargo.
198 Lay-time last day Last of a number of days allowed in a charter party for the loading and discharging of cargo.
199 Positioning date/time of goods The date and/or time the goods have to be or have been positioned.
200 Cargo pick-up date / time Date/time at which the cargo is picked up. Synonym: collected.
201 Equipment pick-up date / time Date/time at which the equipment is picked up.
202 Posting date The date when an entry is posted to an account.
203 Execution date/time, requested The date/time on which the ordered bank is requested to initiate the payment order, as specified by the originator (e.g. the date of the debit).
204 Release date (Customs) (2135) Date on which Customs releases merchandise to the carrier or importer.
205 Settlement date Date for settlement of financial transaction e.g. foreign exchange securities.
206 End date/time Date/time on which a period (from - to) ends.
207 Commenced pumping ballast date/time Date/time on which the intake of materials to be carried to improve the trim and the stability of the means of transport, was commenced.
208 Transport means departure date/time, ultimate Date/time at which a means of transport has to depart ultimately.
209 Value date Date on which the funds are at the disposal of the beneficiary or cease to be at the disposal of the ordering customer.
210 Reinsurance current account period The date of the current reinsurance account.
211 360/30 Calculation is based on year of 360 days, month of 30 days.
212 360/28-31 Calculation is based on year of 360 days, month of 28-31 days.
213 365-6/30 Calculation is based on year of 365-6 days, month of 30 days.
214 365-6/28-31 Calculation is based on year of 365-6 days, month of 28-31 days.
215 365/28-31 Calculation is based on year of 365 days, month of 28-31 days.
216 365/30 Calculation is based on year of 365 days, month of 30 days.
217 From date of award to latest delivery Lead time to determine the latest date a delivery can be made based on the date an award is made.
218 Authentication/validation date/time The date/time of authentication and/or validation.
219 Crossborder date/time Date/time at which goods are transferred across a country border.
220 Property mortgage scheduled date, end The date the mortgage on a piece of property is scheduled to end.
221 Interest period Number of days used for the calculation of interests.
222 Presentation date, latest Latest date for presentation of a document.
223 Delivery date/time, deferred New date and time of delivery calculated on basis of a consignee's requirement (chargeable).
224 Permit to admit date Date on which permission was granted to move merchandise into a bonded warehouse or free trade zone.
225 Certification of weight date/time Date/time at which the carrier proceeds to the weighting of the goods.
226 Discrepancy date/time Date/time at which a discrepancy has been found.
227 Beneficiary's banks due date Date on which funds should be made available to the beneficiary's bank.
228 Debit value date, requested Date on which the account owner wants the debit value to his account.
229 Hoses connected date/time The date and/or time hoses were connected.
230 Hoses disconnected date/time The date and/or time hoses were disconnected.
231 Transport means arrival date/time, earliest Date/time of earliest arrival of means of transport.
232 Transport means arrival date/time, scheduled Date (and time) of scheduled arrival of means of transport.
233 Transport means arrival date/time, ultimate Date (and time) of ultimate arrival of means of transport.
234 Collection date/time, earliest The transport order may be issued before the goods are ready for picking up. This date/time indicates from when on the carrier can have access to the consignment.
235 Collection date/time, latest In relation with the arrangements agreed between buyer and seller or between sender and main transport it may be necessary to specify the latest collection date/time.
236 Completed pumping ballast date/time Date/time at which the intake of materials, to be carried to improve the trim and the stability of the means of transport, was completed.
237 Completed tank cleaning date/time The date and/or time tank cleaning was completed.
238 Tanks accepted date/time The date and/or time the tanks are to be or have been accepted.
239 Tanks inspected date/time The date and/or time the tanks are to be or have been inspected.
240 Reinsurance accounting period To identify a reinsurance account period via start and end dates. Note: 1. This period is not the same as "reinsurance current account period".
241 From date of award to earliest delivery Lead time to determine the earliest date a delivery can be made based on the date an award is made.
242 Preparation date/time of document Date and/or time that the document was prepared.
243 Transmission date/time of document The date/time at which a document was transmitted.
244 Settlement date, planned The date for which settlement is planned.
245 Underwriting year Year in which the treaty was commenced.
246 Accounting year Year considered for accounting of the treaty or portion of the treaty.
247 Year of occurrence Year in which a specific event (e.g. a loss) took place.
248 Loss Date, time, period on which a referenced loss occurred.
249 Cash call date Date on which a cash call was made for a loss suffered and covered.
250 Re-exportation date Date of re-exportation.
251 Re-importation date Date of re-importation.
252 Arrival date/time at initial port Date/time that the conveyance arrives at the initial port in the country of destination.
253 Departure date/time from last port of call Date/time that conveyance departed from the last foreign port of call.
254 Registration date of previous Customs declaration Registration date of the Customs declaration for the previous Customs procedure either in the same or another country.
255 Availability due date Date when ordered items should be available at a specified location.
256 From date of award to completion Lead time to determine the completion date of an effort based on the date an award is made.
257 Calculation date time [2253] Date on which the calculation was made.
258 Guarantee date Date when a guarantee is placed.
259 Conveyance registration date [2063] Date when a vessel, vehicle or other means of transport was registered by a competent authority.
260 Valuation date (Customs) Date when Customs valuation was made.
261 Release date/time Date/time assigned to identify the release of a set of rules, conditions, conventions, productions, etc.
262 Closure date/time/period Date/time/period when an enterprise is closed.
263 Invoicing period Period for which an invoice is issued.
264 Release frequency Frequency of a release.
265 Due date The date on which some action should occur.
266 Validation date The date on which something was made valid, ratified or confirmed.
267 Rate/price date/time Date/time on which a rate/price is determined.
268 Transit time/limits The time to go over a distance.
269 Discharge date/time, started Date/time when discharge operations were started.
270 Ship during date The date identifying the period during or in which the goods should be shipped.
271 Ship on or about date Date on or about which goods should be shipped.
272 Documentary credit presentation period [2060] The specification of the period of time, expressed in number of days, after the date of issuance of the transport document(s) within which the documents must be presented.
273 Validity period Dates (from/to)/period referenced documents are valid.
274 From date of order receipt to sample ready Lead time is the defined timespan.
275 From date of tooling authorization to sample ready Lead time is the defined timespan.
276 From date of receipt of tooling aids to sample ready Lead time is the defined timespan.
277 From date of sample approval to first product shipment Lead time is the defined timespan.
278 From date of order receipt to shipment Lead time is the defined timespan.
279 From date of order receipt to delivery Lead time is the defined timespan.
280 From last booked order to delivery Lead time is the defined timespan.
281 Date of order lead time Lead time is referenced to the date of order.
282 Confirmation date lead time Lead time is referenced to the date of confirmation.
283 Arrival date/time of transport lead time Lead time is referenced to the date a transport will arrive or has arrived.
284 Before inventory is replenished based on stock check lead time Lead time is the defined timespan.
285 Invitation to tender date/time Date/time on which the invitation to tender has been made available to relevant parties.
286 Tender submission date/time Date/time on which the tender was submitted.
287 Contract award date/time Date/time on which the contract is awarded to a tenderer.
288 Price base date/time Base date/time of prices.
289 Interest rate validity period Validity period of the interest rate.
290 Contractual start date/time Date/time on which activities stated in the contract must start.
291 Start date/time, planned The date/time for which something is planned to begin or commence.
292 Works completion date/time, planned The date/time for the completion of building or repair operations is planned.
293 Works completion date/time, actual The actual date/time for the completion of building or repair operations.
294 Hand over date/time, planned Date/time on which hand over (i.e. the transfer of responsibility for an object or activity such as documentation, system etc. from one party to another) is planned to take place.
295 Hand over date/time, actual Date/time on which hand over (i.e. the transfer of responsibility for an object or activity such as documentation, system etc. from one party to another) actually takes place.
296 Retention release date/time Date/time on which the retention is released.
297 Retention release date/time, partial Date/time on which the retention is partially released.
298 Goods pick-up date / time, planned Date/time at which goods can be picked up, according to a plan.
299 Price adjustment start date Value date of the indexes appearing as denominators in a price adjustment formula.
300 Price adjustment limit date Limit value date of indexes used as numerators in a price adjustment formula.
301 Value date of index Date of validity of index values.
302 Publication date The date of the act of making something publicly known.
303 Escalation date Value date of indexes appearing as numerators in an escalation formula.
304 Price adjustment date Value date of indexes appearing as numerators in a price adjustment formula.
305 Latest price adjustment date Date on which the latest price adjustment took place.
306 Work period Period of execution of works.
307 Payment instruction date/time Date/time on which a payment instruction was given.
308 Payment valuation presentation date/time Date/time on which the payment valuation is presented.
309 Banks' value date Date on which the funds are at the disposal of the receiving bank or cease to be at the disposal of the sending bank.
310 Received date/time Date/time of receipt.
311 On Fixed maturity day for deferred payment or time draft(s).
312 Ship not before and not after date/time Shipment(s) of goods is/are to be made not before the first specified date/time and not after the second specified date/time.
313 Order to proceed date Issue date of an instruction to start work.
314 Planned duration of works The period of time planned for the completion of building or repair operations.
315 Agreement to pay date Date on which the debtor agreed to pay.
316 Valuation date/time Date/time of valuation.
317 Reply date The date to answer or to respond in word or action.
318 Request date The date on which something was asked for.
319 Customer value date Date at which funds are taken into account for interest calculation (in debit or credit).
320 Declaration reference period Reference period of a set of items reported on the same declaration.
321 Promotion date/period Date/period relevant for specific promotion activities.
322 Accounting period A period of time for the recording of financial transactions for accounting.
323 Horizon period Period forming a (planning) horizon.
324 Processing date/period Date/period a specific process happened/will happen.
325 Tax period Period a tax rate/tax amount etc. is applicable.
326 Charge period Period a specified charge is valid for.
327 Instalment payment due date Date on which an instalment payment is due.
328 Payroll deduction date/time Date/time of a monetary deduction made from the salary of a person on a payroll.
329 Person birth date time [2491] (2051) Date on which an individual is or was born.
330 Joined employer date Date when a person joins an employer.
331 Contributions ceasing date/time Date/time when contributions cease.
332 Contribution period end date/time Date/time when a contribution period ends.
333 Part-time working change date/time Date/time when the proportion of part-time work changes.
334 Status change date/time Date/time when a status changes.
335 Contribution period start date/time Date/time when a contribution period commences.
336 Salary change effective date Date when a change in salary becomes effective.
337 Left employer date Date when a person leaves an employer.
338 Benefit change date/time Date/time when a benefit provided by a service provider is changed.
339 Category change date/time Date/time when a change of category is made.
340 Joined fund date/time Date/time when a person joins a fund.
341 Waiting time The period of time between the moment at which one wants an activity to begin and the moment at which this activity can actually begin.
342 Consignment loading date time [2347] Date and optionally time when a consignment is to be or has been loaded onto a means of transport.
343 Date/time of discount termination Date/time when the deduction from an amount comes to an end.
344 Date/time of interest due Date/time when the interest has to be paid.
345 Days of operation Week days of operation.
346 Latest check-in time Latest time of check-in.
347 Slaughtering start date Date on which slaughtering commenced.
348 Packing start date Date on which packing commenced.
349 Packing end date Date on which packing completed.
350 Test start date Date when a test has been started.
351 Inspection date Date of inspection.
352 Slaughtering end date Date on which slaughtering completed.
353 Accounting transaction date Date to which an accounting transaction refers.
354 Activity period date range A specific date range associated with an activity.
355 Contractual delivery date The date of delivery contractually agreed between parties.
356 Sales date, and or time, and or period The date, and or time, and or period on which a sale took place.
357 Cancel if not published by this date Cancel if not published by this date.
358 Scheduled for delivery on or after Scheduled for delivery on or after the specified date, and or time.
359 Scheduled for delivery on or before Scheduled for delivery on or before specified date and or time.
360 Sell by date The date by which a product should be sold.
361 Product best before date time [2497] Indication that freshness of goods is limited in time to the date shown.
362 End availability date The end date of availability.
363 Total shelf life period A period indicating the total shelf life of a product.
364 Minimum shelf life remaining at time of despatch period Period indicating the minimum shelf life remaining for a product at the time of leaving the supplier.
365 Packaging date The date on which the packaging of a product took place.
366 Inventory report date Date on which a inventory report is made.
367 Meter reading date, previous Date on which the previous reading of a meter took place.
368 Meter reading date, latest Date on which the latest reading of a meter took place.
369 Date and or time of handling, estimated The date and or time when the handling action is estimated to take place.
370 Date when container equipment becomes domestic The date on which foreign-built container equipment has entered into the commerce of another country and has become domestic equipment.
371 Hydrotest date The date equipment has been hydrotested.
372 Equipment pre-trip date The date on which equipment is pre-tripped.
373 Mooring, date and time Date and time of mooring.
374 Road fund tax expiry date The date of expiry of the road fund tax.
375 Date of first registration Date of first registration.
376 Biannual terminal inspection date The date on which a biannual inspection of a terminal has taken or will take place.
377 Federal HighWay Administration (FHWA) inspection date The date on which container equipment is to be or has been inspected in accordance with the requirements of the U.S. Federal Highway Administration.
378 Container Safety Convention (CSC) inspection date The date on which container equipment is to be or has been inspected as per the Container Safety Convention (CSC).
379 Periodic inspection date The date on which a periodic inspection has to take place.
380 Drawing revision date Date the drawing revision has been allocated to a design.
381 Product lifespan at time of production The total lifespan of a product at the time of its production.
382 Earliest sale date The earliest date on which the product may be made available for sale.
383 Cancel if not shipped by this date Cancel the order if goods not shipped by this date.
384 Previous invoice date Indicates the date which was allocated to a previous invoice.
385 Payment cancelled, violation of agreement Date/time when a payment is cancelled due to the fact that the transaction does not comply with the agreement.
386 Payment cancelled due to administrative error Date/time when a payment is cancelled due to an administrative error.
387 Repair turnaround time Provides the period of time necessary to turnaround a given repair.
388 Order amendment binding date The date when an order amendment becomes binding for both parties.
389 Cure time Specifies the length of time that an article was or should be cured.
390 From date of award to delivery Lead time to determine the delivery date based on the date an award is made.
391 From date of receipt of item to approval Lead time to determine the date an item will be approved based on the date the item was received.
392 Equipment pick-up date / time, earliest [2125] Earliest date/time at which the equipment can be picked up.
393 Equipment pick-up date / time, planned Date/time at which equipment can be picked up, either full or empty, according to a plan.
394 Equipment positioning date/time, actual Date/time on which equipment was actually positioned (delivered).
395 Equipment positioning date/time, estimated Date/time on which equipment is estimated to be positioned (delivered).
396 Equipment positioning date/time, requested Date/time on which equipment is requested to be positioned (delivered).
397 Equipment positioning date/time, ultimate Date/time on which equipment should be positioned (delivered) at the latest.
398 Goods collection or pick-up date/time, planned Date/time at which goods can be picked up, according to a planning.
399 Goods positioning date/time, expected Date/time on which goods are expected to be positioned.
400 Cargo release date/time, ultimate Ultimate date/time at which goods or equipment should be released.
401 Container Safety Convention (CSC) plate expiration date Date on which the validity of a Container Safety Convention (CSC) plate expires.
402 Document received date/time Date/time on which the document was actually received.
403 Discharge date/time, actual Date/time when the specified goods or transport equipment has or have been discharged from the means of transport.
404 Transport means loading date/time, actual Date/time when the specified goods or transport equipment has or have been loaded in or on the means of transport.
405 Equipment pick-up date / time, actual [2123] Date/time on which the equipment was actually collected.
406 Goods positioning date/time, planned The date/time on which the goods will be positioned according to a planning.
407 Document requested date/time Date/time on which the document is requested by a party.
408 Expected container hire from date/time Estimated date and time when the containers are expected to go on-hire.
409 Order completion date/time, ultimate Date/time on which the order should be completed at the latest.
410 Equipment repair ready date/time, ultimate Ultimate date/time on which a piece of equipment must be repaired.
411 Container stuffing date/time, ultimate Date/time on which the container stuffing should be completed at the latest.
412 Container stripping date/time, ultimate Date/time on which the container stripping should be completed at the latest.
413 Discharge and loading completed date/time Date/time when all discharge and loading operations on the transport means have been completed.
414 Equipment stock check date/time Date/time on which equipment has been ascertained as being in stock.
415 Activity reporting date The date applicable to the activity being reported.
416 Submission date The date of a submission.
417 Previous booking date/time Date/time at which the previous booking was made.
418 Minimum shelf life remaining at time of receipt The minimum shelf life remaining at the time of receipt.
419 Forecast period A period for which a forecast applies.
420 Unloaded, date and time To report the date and time that an unloading action occurred.
421 Estimated acceptance date To estimate the date of acceptance.
422 Documentary credit issue date The date the documentary credit has been issued.
423 First date of ordering The first date on which ordering may take place.
424 Last date of ordering The last date on which ordering may take place.
425 Original posting date Date when the entry was originally posted.
426 Reinsurance payment frequency The frequency of payments of reinsurance premiums.
427 Adjusted age The adjusted age used for purposes of calculation.
428 Original issue age The original issue age.
429 Coverage duration The period coverage has been in force.
430 Coverage issue date Date from which the anniversary coverage is measured.
431 Flat extra period Period for charging the additional extra.
432 Paid to date Date to which payments have been paid.
433 Reinsurance coverage duration The period for which reinsurance coverage has been in force.
434 Maturity date Date at which maturity occurs.
435 Reinsurance issue age The actual or equivalent age at time of issue.
436 Reinsurance paid-up date The date up to which the reinsurance has been paid.
437 Benefit period The period of time for which benefits are provided.
438 Disability wait period The period of time the insured must be disabled before reinsurance coverage becomes effective.
439 Deferred Period The period of time for which an activity has been postponed.
440 Documentary credit amendment date Date of amendment of a documentary credit.
441 Last on hire date Date the item was last placed on hire.
442 Last off hire date Date the item was last returned from hire.
443 Direct interchange date Date the item was directly interchanged.
444 Approval date Date of approval.
445 Original estimate date The date of the original estimate.
446 Revised estimate date The date the estimate was revised.
447 Creditor's requested value date Date on which the creditor requests to be credited.
448 Referenced item creation date Creation date of referenced item.
449 Date for the last update Date for the last update.
450 Opening date Date of opening.
451 Source document capture date Date source document data is entered into a business application.
452 Trial balance period Period covered by the trial balance.
453 Date of source document The date of the source document.
454 Accounting value date Date against which the entry has to be legally allocated.
455 Expected value date Date on which the funds are expected to be at the disposal of the beneficiary.
456 Chart of account period Period covered by the chart of account.
457 Date of separation Date of marital separation.
458 Date of divorce Date when two married persons are officially divorced.
459 Date of marriage Date when two persons are married.
460 Wage period, start date Date when a period of wage begins.
461 Wage period, end date Date when a period of wage ends.
462 Working period, start date Date when a period of work begins.
463 Working period, end date Date when a period of work ends.
464 Embarkation date and time Date and time at which crew and/or passengers board.
465 Disembarkation date and time Date and time at which crew and/or passengers disembark.
466 Time now date A time now date used for planning and scheduling purposes.
467 Holiday A date or period that is a break from work.
468 Non working To specify a non working date or period.
469 Start date or time, earliest The earliest date or time for starting.
470 Start date or time, latest The latest date or time for starting.
471 Finish date or time, earliest The earliest date or time for finishing.
472 Finish date or time, latest The latest date or time for finishing.
473 Start date or time, mandatory The mandatory date or time for starting.
474 Finish date or time, mandatory The mandatory date or time for finishing.
475 Start date or time, actual The actual date or time for starting.
476 Start date or time, estimated The estimated date or time for starting.
477 Completion date or time, estimated The estimated date or time for completion.
478 Start date or time, scheduled The scheduled date or time for starting.
479 Completion date or time, scheduled The scheduled date or time for completion.
480 Start date or time, not before The not before date or time for starting.
481 Start date or time, not after The not after date or time for starting.
482 Completion date or time, not before The not before date or time for completion.
483 Completion date or time, not after The not after date or time for completion.
484 Illness recovery date, expected Date when a person is expected to recover from illness.
485 Period of illness, start date Date when a period of illness began.
486 Period of illness, end date Date when a period of illness ends.
487 Decease date Date when a person died.
488 Benefit period, start date Date when a period of benefit begins.
489 Benefit period, end date Date when a period of benefit ends.
490 Selection period, start date Date when a period of selection begins.
491 Selection period, end date Date when a period of selection ends.
492 Balance date/time/period The date/time/period of a balance.
493 Benefit payments termination date To identify the date on which benefit payments have ceased.
494 Covered income period To identify the period over which covered income is measured.
495 Current income period To identify the period over which current income is measured.
496 Reinstatement date Identifies the date of reinstatement.
497 Definition of disability duration To identify the period for which the definition of disability applies.
498 Previous termination date Identifies the date of the previous termination.
499 Premium change period To identify the period of the premium change.
500 Off-hire survey date Date on which the equipment was surveyed at the end of the current leasing period.
501 In service survey date Date of survey of equipment while in use.
502 On hire survey date Date on which the equipment was surveyed at the beginning of the current leasing period.
503 Production inspection date Date of production inspection.
504 Overtime, start date Date when a period of overtime begins.
505 Overtime, end date Date when a period of overtime ends.
506 Back order delivery date/time/period The date/time/period during which the delivery of a back order will take, or has taken, place.
507 Negotiations start date The date on which negotiations started.
508 Work effective start date The date on which work will effectively start.
510 Notification time limit The time limit which has been set for a notification to take place.
511 Time limit The time limit in which an event must take place.
512 Attendance date and or time and or period Date and or time and or period of attendance.
513 Accident date and or time Date and or time when an accident occurred.
514 Adoption date, actual Actual date when adoption occurs.
515 Reimbursement claim issue date and or time Date and or time when a reimbursement claim is issued.
516 Hospital admission date and or time Date and or time of admission to a hospital.
517 Hospital discharge date and or time Date and or time of discharge from a hospital.
518 Period of care start date and or time Date and or time when a period of care starts.
519 Period of care end date and or time Date and or time when a period of care ends.
520 Department admission date and or time Date and or time of admission to a department.
521 Department discharge date and or time Date and or time of discharge from a department.
522 Childbirth date and or time, actual Actual date and or time of childbirth.
523 Prescription issue date and or time Date and or time when a prescription was issued.
524 Prescription dispensing date and or time Date and or time when a prescription was dispensed.
525 Clinical examination date and or time Date and or time of clinical examination.
526 Death date and or time Date and or time of death.
527 Childbirth date, estimated Estimated date of childbirth.
528 Last menstrual cycle, start date Date when the last menstrual cycle started.
529 Pregnancy duration, actual Actual duration of pregnancy.
530 Fumigation date and/or time The date/or time on which fumigation is to occur or has taken place.
531 Payment period A period of time in which a payment has been or will be made.
532 Average delivery delay The average delay between deliveries.
533 Budget line application date The date on which something has been applied to a budget line.
534 Date of repair or service The date of a repair or service.
535 Date of product failure The date the product failed.
536 Review date Date the item was or will be reviewed.
537 International review cycle start date Date the international review cycle starts.
538 International assessment approval for publication date Date the Data Maintenance Request (DMR) was approved for publication after completing international review.
539 Status assignment date Date a status was assigned.
540 Instruction's original execution date Original execution date for the instruction.
541 First published date Date when material was first published.
542 Last published date Date when material was last published.
543 Balance sheet date, latest Date of the latest balance sheet.
544 Security share price as of given date Date of the security share price.
545 Assigned date Date when assigned.
546 Business opened date Date opened for business.
547 Initial financial accounts filed date Date when the initial financial accounts were filed.
548 Stop work as of given date Date work stopped or will stop.
549 Completion date Date of completion.
550 Lease term, start date Start date of the lease term.
551 Lease term, end date End date of the lease term.
552 Start date, actual Actual date of start.
553 Start date, estimated Date of estimated start.
554 Filed date Date when filed.
555 Return to work date Date of return to work.
556 Purchased date Date of purchase.
557 Returned date Date return takes place.
558 Changed date Date change takes place.
559 Terminated date Date termination takes place.
560 Evaluation date Date evaluation takes place.
561 Business termination date Date the business terminates.
562 Release from bankruptcy date Date when an entity is released from bankruptcy status.
563 Placement date, initial Date of initial placement.
564 Signature date Date of signature.
565 Bankruptcy filed date Date when bankruptcy was filed.
566 End date, scheduled Date when activity is scheduled to end.
567 Report period Period covered by the report.
568 Suspended date Date of suspension.
569 Renewal date Date of renewal.
570 Reported date Date when reported.
571 Checked date Date when checked.
572 Present residence, start date The beginning date of residence at present location.
573 Employment position, start date The start date of employment in a particular position.
574 Account closed date Date when account was closed.
575 Construction date, actual Date of actual construction.
576 Employment profession start date Start date of employment in a particular profession.
577 Next review date Date of next review.
578 Meeting date Date of the meeting.
579 Administrator ordered date Date when an administrator is ordered for a company.
580 Last date to file a claim Date after which no claim can be filed.
581 Convicted date Date when convicted.
582 Interviewed date Date of an interview.
583 Last visit date Date of last visit.
584 Future period Period in the future.
585 Preceding period Period preceding current period.
586 Expected problem resolution date Date when problem is expected to be resolved.
587 Action date Date of action.
588 Accountant's opinion date Date of an accountant's opinion.
589 Last activity date Date of last activity.
590 Resolved date Date when resolved.
591 Recorded date Date when recorded.
592 Date of birth, estimated The estimated date of birth.
593 Last annual report date Date of the last annual report.
594 Net worth date Date of net worth.
595 Payment cancellation rejected Date/time when a cancellation of a payment is rejected due to the fact that the payment is already done.
596 Profit period Period over which profit was earned.
597 Registration date Date when registered.
598 Consolidation date Date when consolidation occurred.
599 Board of directors not authorised as of given date As of this date the board of directors is not authorised.
600 Board of directors not complete as of given date As of this date the board of directors is not fully filled.
601 Manager not registered as of given date As of this date the manager is not registered.
602 Citizenship change date Date of citizenship change.
603 Participation date Date of participation.
604 Capitalisation date Date of capitalisation.
605 Board of directors registration date Date when the board of directors was registered.
606 Operations ceased date Date when operations ceased.
607 Satisfaction date Date when satisfaction was obtained.
608 Legal settlement terms met date Date when terms specified in the legal settlement were met.
609 Business control change date Date when a new authority took control.
610 Court registration date Date of registration in the court.
611 Annual report due date Date when annual report is due.
612 Asset and liability schedule date Date of the asset and liability schedule.
613 Annual report mailing date Date when the annual report was mailed.
614 Annual report filing date Date when the annual report was filed.
615 Annual report delinquent on date Date when annual report was considered delinquent.
616 Accounting methodology change date Date when accounting methodology was changed.
617 Closed until date Date when again open.
618 Conversion into holding company date Date business was converted into a holding company.
619 Deed not available as of given date Date when deed was not available.
620 Detrimental information receipt date Date when detrimental information was received.
621 Construction date, estimated Estimated date of construction.
622 Financial information date Date of the financial information.
623 Graduation date Date when graduation occurs.
624 Insolvency discharge granted date Date when insolvency discharge was granted.
625 Incorporation date Date of incorporation.
626 Inactivity end date Date when inactivity ends.
627 Last check for balance sheet update date Date balance sheet was last checked to determine if update had taken place.
628 Last capital change date Date of last capital change.
629 Letter of agreement date Date of a letter of agreement.
630 Letter of liability date Date of a letter of liability.
631 Liquidation date Date of liquidation.
632 Lowest activity period Period of lowest activity.
633 Legal structure change date Date when legal structure was changed.
634 Current name effective date Date when current name became effective.
635 Not registered as of given date Date when not yet registered.
636 Current authority control start date Date when current authority took control.
637 Privilege details verification date Date when privilege details were verified.
638 Current legal structure effective date Date when current legal structure became effective.
639 Peak activity period Period of peak activity.
640 Presentation to bankruptcy receivers date Date when presented to the bankruptcy receivers.
641 Resignation date Date of resignation.
642 Legal action closed date Date when the legal action was closed.
643 Mail receipt date Date mail was received.
644 Social security claims verification date Date when social security claims were verified.
645 Sole directorship registration date Date when sole directorship was registered.
646 Trade style registration date Date when trade style was registered.
647 Trial start date, scheduled Date when a trial is scheduled to begin.
648 Trial start date, actual Date when the trial actually started.
649 Value Added Tax (VAT) claims verification date Date when the Value Added Tax (VAT) claims were verified.
650 Receivership result date Date when the result of the receivership occurs.
651 Investigation end date The date when an investigation ended.
652 Employee temporary laid-off period end date The ending date of a period in which employees were temporarily placed out of work.
653 Investigation start date The date when an investigation began.
654 Income period The period of time in which income is earned.
655 Criminal sentence duration The period of time over which a criminal sentence applies.
656 Age Length of time that a person or animal has lived or a thing has existed.
657 Receivables collection period The period of time over which receivable accounts are collected.
658 Comparison period The time period covered in a comparison.
659 Adjournment The period of time over which an adjournment is in effect.
660 Court dismissal date The date on which a court refused further hearing of a case.
661 Insufficient assets judgement date The date on which assets were judged to be insufficient.
662 Average payment period The average period of time over which money has been paid.
663 Forecast period start The beginning of a forecast period.
664 Period extended Number of time units added to the original end date/time/period.
665 Employee temporary laid-off period start date The start date of a period in which employees were temporarily placed out of work.
666 Management available date Date when management is available.
667 Withdrawn date The date when something was retracted.
668 Claim incurred date The date that the claim was incurred.
669 Financial coverage period The period of time for which financial coverage applies.
670 Claim made date The date on which a claim was made.
671 Stop distribution date The date on which distribution is to stop.
672 Period assigned The period assigned.
673 Lease period The period associated with a lease.
674 Forecast period end date The ending date of a forecast period.
675 Judgement date The date on which a decision from a court of law was rendered.
676 Period worked for the company Period of time that was worked for the company.
677 Transport equipment stuffing date and/or time (2045) The date and/or time on which the stuffing of transport equipment is to or has taken place.
678 Transport equipment stripping date and/or time The date and/or time on which the stripping of a transport equipment is to or has taken place.
679 Initial request date Date of an initial request.
680 Period overdue The period by which an event is overdue.
681 Implementation date/time/period A date/time/period within which an implementation is to take place.
682 Refusal period The period within which a refusal can be made.
683 Suspension period The period for which something is suspended.
684 Deletion date The date on which deletion occurs.
685 First sale date and/or time and/or period The first date, and/or time, and/or period a product was sold.
686 Last sale date and/or time and/or period The last date, and/or time, and/or period a product was sold.
687 Date ready for collection A date on which an object is ready for collection.
688 Shipping date, no schedule established as of As at this date no valid shipping schedule has been established.
689 Shipping date and/or time, current schedule Shipping date and/or time as currently scheduled.
690 Suppliers' average credit period The average period of time that credit is extended by suppliers.
691 Advising date Date of advice.
692 Project over target baseline date The date an over target baseline was implemented for a project.
693 Established date Date when an entity was established or created.
694 Latest filing period Latest period for which a filing may be made.
695 Mailing date Date when an item may be mailed.
696 Date/time of latest accounts filing at public registry The latest date/time when financial accounts were filed at public registry.
697 Date placed in disfavour Date when placed in a disfavoured category or status.
698 Employment position start date, estimated Estimated start date of employment in a particular position.
699 Registered contractor number assignment date, original Date when a registered contractor number was originally assigned.
700 Ownership change date Date when ownership changes.
701 Original duration Original length of time.
702 Period between changes The period of time between changes.
703 From date of notice to proceed to commencement of performance Period of time from notice to proceed until performance commencement.
704 From date of notice to proceed to completion Period of time from date of notice to proceed until completion.
705 Period an event is late due to customer The period of time an event is late due to the actions of a customer.
706 File generation date and/or time Date and, or time of file generation.
707 Endorsed certificate issue date Date on which a certificate, endorsed by signature or other agreed means, is issued.
708 Patient first visit for condition The date of the first visit by a patient to a healthcare provider for this condition.
709 Admission date and/or time, expected Expected date and/or time of admission.
710 Symptoms onset, patient alleged Date and/or time of onset of symptoms according to the patient.
711 Accident benefit period To identify the period of time for which benefits are provided in the event of an accident.
712 Accident benefit age limit To identify the age to which benefits are provided to the insured in the event of an accident.
713 Accident lifetime benefit qualification age To identify the qualification age for lifetime benefits provided to the insured in the event of an accident.
714 Sickness benefit period To identify the period of time for which benefits are provided in the event of sickness.
715 Sickness benefit age limit To identify the age to which benefits are provided to the insured in the event of sickness.
716 Sickness lifetime benefit qualification age To identify the qualification age for lifetime benefits provided to the insured in the event of sickness.
717 Accident insurance elimination period To identify the period of time the insured must be disabled in the event of an accident for benefits to be payable by the ceding company.
718 Sickness insurance elimination period The period of time the insured must be disabled in the event of sickness for benefits to be payable by the ceding company.
719 Provider signature date Date when the provider signed.
720 Condition initial treatment date Date when initially treated for this condition.
721 Information release authorization date Date when the information was authorized to be released.
722 Benefit release authorization date Date when a benefit is authorized for release.
723 Last seen date The date when last seen.
724 Acute manifestation date The date the symptoms manifested themselves in an acute form.
725 Similar illness onset date The date of the onset of an illness similar to the illness currently being treated.
726 Last X-ray date The date the last X-ray was taken.
727 Placement date, previous The date something was previously placed.
728 Placement date The date something is placed.
729 Temporary prosthesis date The date a temporary prosthetic device was provided.
730 Orthodontic treatment period, remaining The period of time that the orthodontic treatment has remaining.
731 Orthodontic treatment period, total The period of orthodontic treatment from beginning to end.
732 Maximum credit granted date Date on which the highest credit was granted.
733 Last date of accounts filed at public register Date on which accounts were last filed at the public register.
734 Allowed renewal duration period The period of time a company can renew its duration period.
735 Offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC) Number of hour's offset from Coordinated Universal Time (UTC).
736 Appointment expiry date Date when an appointment will expire.
737 Earliest filing period Earliest period for which a filing is made.
738 Original name change date Date when the original name was changed.
739 Education start date Date education begins at an educational institution.
740 Education end date Date education is completed at an educational institution.
741 Receivership period Period of time a receivership lasts.
742 Financial information submission date/time Date/time when financial information is submitted.
743 Purchase order latest possible change date Date identifying a point of time after which a purchase order cannot be changed.
744 Investment number allocation date The date that an investment number was allocated.
745 Payment impossible Date/time when a payment is recorded as being impossible.
746 Record extraction period The period for extraction of records.
747 Cost accounting value date Code identifying the value date of cost accounting. Value date is the date at which the entry is to effect a balance of the account.
748 Open period Code identifying the period during which something is, was or will be open.
749 Period between issue date and maturity date Interval of time between the date when the transaction was initiated and the date when the funds need to be collected.
750 Before date The specified before date.
751 After date The specified after date.
752 Meter reading date, next scheduled Date on which the next reading of a meter is scheduled to take place.
753 Maturity date, optimal Date at which optimal maturity occurs.
754 Product ageing duration, maximum Maximum period of time during which the product is ageing.
755 Product ageing duration, minimum Minimum period of time during which the product is ageing.
756 Ultimate documentation date/time for 24-hour rule regulation of CBP (United States Customs and Border Protection) Ultimate date/time by which the documentation must be submitted in compliance with the 4-hour rule of United States Custom of Border Protection.
757 Departure date/time from place of loading Date/time of the departure of the goods from the place of loading.
758 Trade item ship date/time, earliest possible The earliest date/time that the trade item can be shipped.
759 Trade item ship date/time, latest possible The latest date/time that the trade item can be shipped.
760 Start date/time, maximum buying quantity The date/time from which the maximum buying quantity may be purchased.
761 Start date/time, minimum buying quantity The date/time from which the minimum buying quantity may be purchased.
762 Marketing campaign end date/time, suggested The date and or time suggested for the marketing campaign to end.
763 Marketing campaign start date/time, suggested The date and or time suggested for the marketing campaign to start.
764 Start availability date The start date of availability.
765 Seasonal availabilty calendar year The calendar year of the season in which the trade item is available.
766 Goods pickup lead time Minimum time required between order entry and goods release for pick-up.
767 Change date/time, latest Most recent date and/or time that the information has been changed.
768 End date/time, maximum buying quantity The date and/or time until which the maximum buying quantity may be purchased.
769 End dat/time, minimum buying quantity The date and/or time until which the minimum buying quantity may be purchased.
770 End date/time of exclusivity The date and/or time until which a product is exclusive.
771 Data release date The date at which the data is released.
772 Handling start date and/or time, actual The actual date and/or time when the start of the handling action takes place.
773 Handling end date and/or time, estimated The date and/or time when the end of the handling action is estimated to take place.
774 Handling end date and/or time, actual The actual date and/or time when the end of the handling action takes place.
775 Minimum product lifespan for consumer The minimum life span of the product remaining after selling it to the consumer, i.e. between the "sell by date" and the "use by date" of the product.
776 Entry date, elected Date used at the discretion of the filer for duty calculation of non-quota goods when there is no immediate transport entry date (related to immediate delivery).
777 Arrival date/time at initial port with the intent to unload Date/ time that the conveyance arrives at the initial port in the country of destination.
778 Conveyance port activity date/ time The date and time of conveyance activity, including cargo loading or unloading, fuelling etc.
779 Date and time of importation into port limits Date and time on which the conveyance transporting the goods from the foreign country arrived within the limits of the port of destination.
780 Free trade zone commodity status assignment date The filing date that corresponds to the current status of the commodity in the free trade zone.
781 Jurisdiction entry date/time, actual Actual date/time at which the conveyance or goods enter an agency's jurisdiction.
782 Inspection start date/time Date/time at which an inspection begins.
783 Inspection end date/time Date/time at which an inspection is completed.
784 Document/message rejection date/time Date/time at which the document/message was rejected.
785 Government service date/time, requested The date/time at which the government service is requested to be executed.
786 Crop year The year that the crops were grown.
787 Date of original manufacture Date that the item was originally manufactured.
788 Model year The model year of the item.
789 Opened trade item life span The number of days the trade item that has been opened can remain on the shelf before it must be removed.
790 Unmooring, date and time Date and time of unmooring.
791 First crane lift Date and time of the first crane lift.
792 Last crane lift Date and time of the last crane lift.
793 Reprocessing date/time Date/time on which goods previously produced are re-processed.
794 First returnable date/time The first date/time on or after which items can be returned.
795 Community visibility date/time The date/time from which information becomes visible to the target community.
796 Catch date/time Date/time of catch.
797 First freezing date Date on which a product was first frozen.
798 Verified gross mass determination date/time Date/Time when a gross mass (weight) of a packed container was obtained according to SOLAS Chapter VI, Regulation 2, paragraphs 4-6.
799 Validity end date The last date of a period for which something is valid.
800 Next status report date Date of the next status report.
801 Service connection date/time, actual The date/time on which a service was connected, e.g. telephone, water, etc.
802 Service disconnection date/time, actual The date/time on which a service was disconnected, e.g. telephone, water, etc.
803 Empty equipment required date/time/period Date/time/period on which empty equipment is required.
804 Product sterilisation date Date on which a product was sterilised.
805 Stock demand cover period, expected A period of time when all stocks are expected to cover demand for a product.
806 Shipment date/time, expected Date and/or time when shipment is expected.
807 Slaughtering date/time Date/time of slaughtering.
808 Animal birth date/time Date/time when an animal was born.
809 Seasonal availability end date Indicates the end date of the trade item's seasonal availability.
810 Verified gross mass cut-off date/time Latest date/time by which the verified gross mass (such as VGM as per SOLAS) details must be provided to the carrier or to the terminal operator in order to enable loading of the transport equipment on the booked means of transport.
811 Dangerous goods acceptance cut-off date/time Latest date/time after which no more Dangerous Goods cargo deliveries will be accepted at this location for loading on a particular booked means of transport.
812 Out of gauge or break bulk acceptance cut-off date/time Latest date/time after which no more Break Bulk cargo or Out Of Gauge transport equipment deliveries will be accepted at this location for loading on a booked means of transport.
813 Reefer acceptance cut-off date/time Latest date/time after which no more Temperature Controlled cargo deliveries will be accepted at this location for loading on a booked means of transport.
814 Laden transport equipment acceptance cut-off date/time Latest date/time after which no more laden transport equipment, such as FCL container, deliveries will be accepted at this location for loading on a booked means of transport.
815 Transshipment booking acceptance cut-off date/time Date/time after which no more bookings for transshipment cargo will be accepted at this location for re-loading on a particular means of transport.
816 Ordered labour team start time The date/time at which a party has ordered a labour team to be ready, e.g. for loading/unloading operations.
817 Ordered labour team end time The date/time until which a party has ordered a labour team to be ready, e.g. for loading/unloading operations.
818 Means of transport ready for cargo operations date/time Date/time when the means of transport is, or will be, ready for cargo operations.
819 Means of transport ready for departure date/time Date/time when the means of transport is, or will be, ready for departure.
820 Vessel arrival at pilot area date/time, estimated Estimated date/time of vessel arrival at the pilot area.
821 Vessel arrival at pilot area date/time, actual Actual date/time of vessel arrival at the pilot area.
822 Delivery place booking date/time Date/time at which a booking was made at the delivery place.
823 Pickup place booking date/time Date/time at which a booking was made at the pickup place.
824 Discharge date/time, ended Date/time when discharge operations were ended
825 Loading date/time, ended Date/time when loading operations were ended
826 Loading date/time, started Date/time when loading operations were started
ZZZ Mutually defined A code assigned within a code list to be used on an interim basis and as defined among trading partners until a precise code can be assigned to the code list.
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