SaltStack formula to set up and configure MySQL and MariaDB, a relational database management system
Please refer to to learn how to use this formula, how it is built and how you can add your changes.
NOTICE: This formula might uses the formhelper module which is a very useful Salt execution module that isn't available in upstream yet. Please consider retrieving it manually from and make it available to your Salt installation. Read SaltStack documentation to see how this can be achieved.
Take a look at older releases (branches) to get a version that isn't using the formhelper yet (if any).
Contributions are welcome! All development guidelines we ask you to follow can be found at
In general:
- Fork this repo on Github
- Add changes, test them, update docs (README.rst) if possible
- Submit your pull request (PR) on Github, wait for feedback
But it’s better to file an issue with your idea first.
- add instructions how to use formhelper, add information about it in the formula-docs (dependency), show up alternative?
- table/ matrix: os/salt compatibility (dedicated file)
- add list of available states
- add tests
- manage self-built packages
- create galera formula that deploys a notify script (e.g.
- add doc how to deploy a galera/ xtrabackup cluster
- rewrite using #!py renderer
- add custom grain modules to determine replication status and more
- Arnold Bechtoldt <[email protected]>
Recommended formulas:
- repo management (see pillar_examples/mariadb.sls): saltstack-repos-formula
- installation of Percona packages: saltstack-percona-formula
Further reading:
- Galera cluster setup:
- Galera cluster setup: