hm-lib-predicate is an AnguarJS module, hm.lib.predicate
, that ships
with a single service, hm.lib.predicate.Predicate
, which exports a
collection of configurable boolean predicates.
Predicates are especially useful for finding those elements of a data set satisfying some criteria, and for performing validation on objects, values, and collections thereof.
Follow these three steps to get started with hm-lib-predicate:
First, navigate to your project's home directory and use bower to install the package, like so:
~ bower install hm-lib-predicate
Second, load the source in your web page html with a script
tag, like so:
<script src="/bower_components/hm-lib-predicate/dist/predicate.js"></script>
Third, list the hm.lib.predicate
module in your Angular app's
dependencies, like so:
angular.module('', ['hm.lib.predicate']);
function yourService(p) {
var equals100 = p.equals(100);
equals100(100); // true
equals100(99); // false
var isRedOrBlue = p.isOneOf(['red', 'blue']);
isRedOrBlue('red'); // true
isRedOrBlue('green'); // false
isRedOrBlue('blue'); // true
p.isTrue(true); // true
p.isTrue(false); // false
// etc.
angular.module('').factory('', [
'hm.lib.predicate.Predicate', // inject the Predicate service