cargo install --git=
Currently, only linux_x86_64/linux_aarch64/macOS_aarch64/windows_x86_64 is automatically available.
If you need other platforms, you may try to build via GitHub Actions.
Please note that not all platforms can guarantee successful compilation and normal operation.
# clone repo
git clone
# enter
cd ratisui
# build and run
cargo run
create a data source
- Press 's' (open server popup)
- Press 'c' (create data source)
- config data source
- Press 'Enter' for confirm
- select data source
- Press 'Esc' (close data source popup)
- Enjoy!
save configuration, auto save on exit
User's data will be stored in ~/.config/ratisui/
// ~/.config/ratisui/config.ron
fps: 45, // tui render fps limitation
scan_size: 500, // redis key scan size,
try_format: false, // fotmat raw data
theme: Some("your-theme"), // ~/.config/ratisui/theme/your-theme.ron
history_size: 1000, // ~/.config/ratisui/cli.history
cli_output_format: Redis, // Redis(default) | Ron
console_capacity: 2000, // CLI output capacity, default as 3000
// ~/.config/ratisui/databases.ron
default_database: Some("remote standalone"),
databases: {
"remote standalone": (
host: "",
port: 6379,
username: Some("foo"),
password: Some("bar"),
use_tls: false,
use_ssh_tunnel: false,
db: 0,
protocol: RESP3,
"remote cluster": ( // Cluster mode automatically detected
host: "",
port: 6000,
username: None,
password: Some("password"),
use_tls: false,
use_ssh_tunnel: false,
db: 0,
protocol: RESP3,
See Theme template for more details.
// ~/.config/ratisui/theme/your-theme.ron
kind: Dark,
toast: (
info: Tailwind(GREEN, C700),
warn: Yellow,
error: Rgb(255, 0, 0),
Connection mode
- standalone mode
- cluster mode
Data Type
- String
- List
- Set
- Sorted Set
- Hash
- Stream
- ReJson
- Key scan (Fuzzy/Pattern)
- Keys tree
- Key create, rename, delete
- Async query & render
- Highlight & format for raw data
- UTF-8/Hex deserialization
- Java deserialization (jaded)
- Protobuf deserialization (protobuf)
- JSON highlighter (tree-sitter-json)
- XML highlighter (tree-sitter-html)
- RON highlighter (tree-sitter-ron)
- Table view for list, set, sorted set, hash, stream
- RedisSearch, completion for indexes/FT.SEARCH
Command line tool
- Auto Completion
- Command history
- Command execution
- Monitor/(P)Subscribe listening
- Output format
- Logger viewer(TuiLogger)
- Non-blocking command execution
- Configuration persistence
- Use SSH tunnel(russh)
- Connection pool(deadpool-redis)
- Configurable theme
- nothing to do...🤔