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Google Pub/Sub Node.js Framework

⚠️⚠️⚠️ Moved to deliveryhero/hfc-pubsub ⚠️⚠️⚠️

This package contains a lightweight framework and subscription server for Google Pub/Sub. It was created to speed up development time and it provides a common foundation for building event driven applications. It lets developers define topics and subscriptions simply and declaratively, while additionally offering a simple subscription server to run all of a project's subscription handlers.

Table of Contents


  1. Run all of your subscriptions at once with a subscription server
  2. Define pub/sub subscriptions and topics in a declarative way
  3. Define your subscription handlers with a simple object
  4. Get started quickly: define a topic and publish messages with a few lines of code

Getting started

The framework expects that you've created a pubsub directory in your project with the following structure:

| .env        <-- this should be in your project root directory
| - pubsub/    <-- this can be anywhere (defined in .env as PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR)
|   | - subscriptions/
|   | - topics/
  1. Once the directory structure has been defined, environment variables should be set.
  2. Then you can create subscriptions and topics
  3. After a subscription has been created, use the CLI to start the subscriptions server.
  4. Initialize your database connection, define project-level subscription defaults, and register subscriptions in the Subscription Service.

Required Environment Variables

The framework expects the following environment variables. They can be added the .env file.

PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR=/path/to/your/pubsub/directory # this can be a relative path
Variable Description
PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR must be the path to your project's pubsub directory. This module only works with .js files, so if you are writing your code in typescript, you must set this variable to the pubsub directory in your project's build directory.
GOOGLE_CLOUD_PUB_SUB_PROJECT_ID name of the project in Google Cloud Platform

CLI commands - starting and listing subscriptions

Prerequisites: Install npx if you don't have it installed yet: npm i -g npx

Command Description
npx subscriptions start starts project subscriptions
npx subscriptions list lists project subscriptions

Alternatively the CLI can be found at ./node_modules/.bin/subscriptions


Create a topic in PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR/topics which extends Topic and a payload which extends BasePayload

// PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR/topics/
import { Topic, Payload as BasePayload } from '@honestfoodcompany/pubsub';

export default class SimpleTopic extends Topic {
  readonly name = '';

export interface Payload extends BasePayload {
  id: number;
  data: string;

As a convention, the name of the topic file should match the name of the topic name so the file directory becomes self-documenting.

Publishing a message (simple example)

If a topic does not exist, it will be created before a message is published.

Typescript example

// client.example.ts
import SimpleTopic, { Payload } from 'PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR/topics/';

new SimpleTopic().publish<Payload>({ id: 1, data: 'My first message' });

Javascript example

// client.example.ts
import SimpleTopic from 'PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR/topics/';

new SimpleTopic().publish({ id: 1, data: 'My first message' });

Publishing a message with retry settings

see Sample Topic with Retry Settings for defining a default retry policy

// client.example.ts
import SimpleTopic, { Payload } from 'pubsub/topics/';

let topic = new SimpleTopic();
  { id: 1, data: 'My first message' },
    retryCodes: [10, 1],
    backoffSettings: {
      initialRetryDelayMillis: 100,


Create a Subscriber to define a message handler for messages that are published on the corresponding topic.

Subscribers are contained in PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR/subscriptions.

Files ending in .sub.js in PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR/subscriptions will be autoloaded by the subscription server.

Typescript subscription example

// PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR/subscriptions/
import { SubscriberObject, Message } from "@honestfoodcompany/pubsub"; // this import is optional, it's gives us the interfaces to use below

export default: SubscriberObject = {
  topicName: 'simple.topic',
  subscriptionName: 'simple.topic.console-log.sub',
  description: 'Will console log messages published on test.topic',

  handleMessage: function(message: Message): void {
    console.log(this.subscriptionName, 'received message');

Javascript subscription example

// PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR/subscriptions/
exports.default = {
  topicName: 'test.topic',
  subscriptionName: 'test.topic.sub',
  description: 'Will console log messages published on test.topic',

  handleMessage: function(message) {
    console.log(this.subscriptionName, 'received message');

Subscription example with subscriber options

// PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR/subscriptions/
exports.default = {
  topicName: 'test.topic',
  subscriptionName: 'test.topic.subscription',
  description: 'Will console log messages published on test.topic',
  options: {
    flowControl: {
      maxMessages: 500, // max messages in progress
  handleMessage: function(message) {
    console.log(`received a message on ${this.subscriptionName}`);

Subscription with a Dead-letter Policy

It is possible to define a dead-letter policy for a subscription. If the dead letter topic does not exist, it will be created automatically by the framework.

// PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR/subscriptions/simple.topic.sub.js
exports.default = {
  topicName: 'test.topic',
  subscriptionName: 'test.topic.sub',
  description: 'Will console log messages published on test.topic',
  options: {
    deadLetterPolicy: {
      deadLetterTopic: 'test.deadletter.topic',
      maxDeliveryAttempts: 15,
  handleMessage: function(message) {
    console.log(`received a message on ${this.subscriptionName}`);

Subscription with Retry Policy

It is possible to define a retry configuration for a subscription:

// PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR/subscriptions/
exports.default = {
  topicName: 'test.topic',
  subscriptionName: 'test.topic.sub',
  description: 'Will console log messages published on test.topic',
  options: {
    retryPolicy: {
      minimumBackoff: { seconds: 20, nanos: 20 },
      maximumBackoff: { seconds: 400, nanos: 2 },
  handleMessage: function(message) {
    console.log(`received a message on ${this.subscriptionName}`);

Subscriber Options

Usage Example

interface SubscriberOptions {
  ackDeadline?: number;
  batching?: {
    callOptions?: CallOptions; // see
    maxMessages?: number;
    maxMilliseconds?: number;
  flowControl?: {
    allowExcessMessages?: boolean;
    maxBytes?: number;
    maxExtension?: number;
    maxMessages?: number;
  streamingOptions?: {
    highWaterMark?: number;
    maxStreams?: number;
    timeout?: number;
  deadLetterPolicy?: {
    deadLetterTopic: string;
    maxDeliveryAttempts: number;
  retryPolicy?: {
    minimumBackoff: { seconds: number; nanos?: number }; // "10s"-"599s"
    maximumBackoff: { seconds: number; nanos?: number }; // "11s"-"600s"

Subscription Service

Extend and customize the behavior of the subscription server in the subscription service file. Initialize a database connection, register subscribers, and define default subscriber options in the subscription service file.

Typescript example

// PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR/subscription.service.js
import * as PubSub from '@honestfoodcompany/pubsub';
import { SubscriberOptions } from '@honestfoodcompany/pubsub';

export default class SubscriptionService extends PubSub.SubscriptionService {

  static subscribers = [
     * if your subscribers don't have the .sub.js suffix
     * they won't be auto-loaded,  so you can include their default
     * export in  this array

  static defaultSubscriberOptions: SubscriberOptions = {
     * Define project level default subscriber options here. 
     * These options can be overridden by options defined in subscribers

  static async init(): Promise<void> {
    * This function is called when the subscription server starts.
    * This is a good place to initialize a database connection

Javascript Example

// PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR/subscription.service.js
const PubSub = require('@honestfoodcompany/pubsub');

class SubscriptionService extends PubSub.SubscriptionService {}

SubscriptionService.subscribers = [
   * if your subscribers don't have the .sub.js suffix
   * they won't be auto-loaded,  so you can include their default
   * export in  this array

SubscriptionService.defaultSubscriberOptions = {
   * Define project-level default subscriber options here.
   * These options can be overridden by options defined in subscribers

SubscriptionService.init = () => {
  * This function is called when the subscription server starts.
  * This is a good place to initialize a database connection

exports.default = SubscriptionService

Connecting to a database

It is recommended to initialize a database connection in the subscription.service file in your PUBSUB_ROOT_DIR. Insert your database connection logic in the init method.

see: Subscription Service for more details

Enabling Synchronous Driver

If you would like to bypass Google PubSub and run your subscriptions synchronously (for development purposes) set the following environment variable:
