Deprecated The separated frontend and backend repositories are outdated! Use the new Nuxt 3 version instead.
Food shopping isn't fun. Especially if you have children and need or want to cook every day and those children aren't very interested in experimenting with new dishes. So, sonner or later, you will do the same few dishes again and again. I don't like this.
Sometimes, we find some new dishes which are accepted by the children. I want to remember these. Unless then, I want to use all known dishes in a way that variety is maximized.
To do this in a more digital way, we created this repository to remember dishes, get more variety as well as simplify food shopping by having a list of ingredients which are needed for the dishes.
This is the server part of Homagix. It is most likely that you want to clone the frontend part as well.
Dishes are stored in a /data/dishes
folder using YAML format. This looks like in this example:
name: Honig-Camembert
- 4 Stk Camembert
- 2 Stk Süßkartoffeln
- 400 kg Äpfel
- 200 g Instant-Linsen
- 1 Bund Frühlingszwiebeln
- 8 Stk Walnüsse
- 200 g Rucola
- 40 g Honig
- 20 g Senf
recipe: >
Süßkartoffeln schälen und würfeln, in einem Topf mit Öl, Salz und Pfeffer
vermengen und auf ein Backblech legen. Im Ofen ca. 20 Minuten backen. Linsen
in klarem Wasser ausspülen. Äpfel waschen, entkernen und in Scheiben
schneiden. Camemberts auf einem zweiten Backblech verteilen, mit der Hälfte
des Honigs einstreichen und mit den Apfelscheiben dazwischen ca. 12 Minuten
bei 180°C im Ofen backen, bis der Apfel weich ist. In einer Pfanne die
Frühlingszwiebelringe in Öl anschwitzen, Linsen dazu geben und 3 Minuten
anbraten. Mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken. Restlichen Honig, Senf, Öl, 5 EL
Wasser und etwas Essig in einer Salatschüssel zu einem Dressing mischen.
Rucola und Linsen dazu geben und mit Salz und Pfeffer abschmecken.
- IMG_4055.jpg
The images must be placed in /data/images
Make sure that you use the correct format amount unit name
for each ingredient and use only the units
defined in /server/models/units.js
You need to restart the server when you add a new dish or make changes to an existing one.
git clone
npm install --production
# Add some dishes (as described above) in `/data/dishes`.
npm start
Alternatively, if you have Docker installed, you can use a Docker image. To use it, create a data
folder locally containing some dishes you want to use, and enter this command:
docker run -it --rm -v ${pwd}/data:/app/data -p 8200:8200 -e SECRET=my-extremely-confidential-SECRET joschi64/homagix-server
You can also copy .env.template
to .env.production
and change whatever is nececessary. Please note, that changing SECRET
will make stored password hashes invalid, so all users need to reset their passwords. This requires that the SMTP settings specify a valid SMTP server.
If you use the docker image, you can set the environment via -e
parameters, or, you could mount the .env.production
file too, by adding -v ${pwd}/.env.production:/app/.env.production
Another option is to use the docker-compose.yaml
file included in the repository. To use it, call
docker compose up -d