A DApp to allow the user(host) to mint moments as NFT using the contracts deployed on FVM
Mominter is a web3 video project with the aim of helping creators publish exciting video Moments as NFTs and share them easily while owning their content and possibly making money from it. This project intends to build a web3 Momnet Gallery for everyone around the globe. Users can use the Huddle01 video streaming to record presentation and mint them while storing the Video files on IPFS and Metadata on Filecoin Blockchain. Contents can also be streamed live through Huddle01 Live Presentation SDK streams. We use the open zeppelin ERC721 standard, Files are store to IPFS / Filecoin using NFT.Storage and file metadata URI stored on Filecoin Hyperspace Testnet which is FEVM . Upon retrieval, . Lighthouse was used to used for encryption and most important, the Access control of Light hoise was used to grant access to member with the membership NFT, Huddle for conference meeting and XMTP for chat and interaction.
Frontend: NextJS, postcss, tailwindcss, Theme
Web3 technologies: LightHouse, Huddle01, IPFS/filecoin, Livepeer (livepeer.js), Web3Modal, Filecoin (Hyperspace), Backend: Solidity, Node.js
Blockchain deployed to: Filecoin (Hyperspace) Testnet
This project was made using several technologies. The front-end was designed using a server-side-rendering javascript tech known as NextJS. the latest version of Next was used because of how fast it was to build the project. IPFS / Filecoin's NFT.Storage was used to store user's video on their decentralized storage. videos of various news can be viewed on demand. They can share these Videos to anyone through a sharing mechansism that is easy to copy out the sharing IPFS URL. Huddle01 for video streaming ND CONFERENCE MEETING. Huddle01 was used for conference meeting.
The smart contract uses ERC-721 specification to hold metadata URI, ethers.js was used to interact with the smart contract. The contract was deployed to Filecoin Hyperspace blockchain. The entire project demo was hosted to Vercel.
Live Dapp on Vercel: - https://mominter.vercel.app/
Deployed to Polygon Chain: Filecoin (Hyperspace) Testnet deployed Address = "0x4e75D8F85ED40aA3f73fB751b1Dfa07DEFe09C94"
Youtube video link: https://youtu.be/kZvxCGMPci8
First, run the development server:
clone the repo https://github.com/holyaustin/Mominter.git
# next is to
npm install
# then
npm run dev
# or
yarn dev
Open http://localhost:3016 with your browser to see the result.
Try running some of the following tasks:
Fork this repo using
git clone https://github.com/holyaustin/Mominter.git
cd soldier-ant-colony
npx hardhat node
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network localhost
npm run build
npx hardhat run scripts/deploy.js --network testnet
E-mail - [email protected]
stay connected on twitter @holyaustin
LightHouse API - 1eceb394-fc75-43cf-83b6-546c9c13da57
Huddle01 - eee33ed8308ea7f4814202f6fee8c936c80d2f9f03d480b069f13974fe349e21