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How to add a package page entry

Holtz Yan edited this page Oct 30, 2023 · 6 revisions


The R graph gallery has a section about the most used packages:

This document explains how to add an entry to this section.

Working environment

Start by forking the GitHub repository.

Then copy-paste an existing package blog-post. I suggest starting from package/patchwork.Rmd. The name of the new file must be the name of the package: package_name.Rmd. Example: ggstatsplot.rmd

Let's update the template with your content.

BlogPost header:

  • title: written in big on top of the post
  • logo: name of the package. It will be linked with a png file of the same name
  • descriptionMeta: description for google, in the head of the document
  • descriptionTop: first sentence at the very top. Use markdown to format. Use <br/> to skip line for more air.
  • documentationLink: link toward the official doc. do not include https:// in link

Note that the post always starts with

```{r global options, include = FALSE}
knitr::opts_chunk$set( warning=FALSE, message=FALSE)

Do not remove this.

Best practice

Titles of level 1 must be written as:

# Quick start

Always cite the author. Find number of stars on GitHub.

Respect the post structure in patchwork.rmd

Gallery examples

The blog post finishes by listing all the examples of the R graph gallery using the package. Adding this list with image thumbnails is hard. Here is the process:

  • Find all the charts in the gallery using the package. In VS code, you can open the whole folder and search for library(package_name) to find all the occurrences.

  • Let's say I found an occurence in a file called 328-hexbin-map-of-the-usa.rmd. In the code base I can then find a code snippet that displays an image that links to this blogpost. Something that looks like:

          <div class="col-md-4 col-sm-6 portfolio-item">
            <a class="portfolio-link" href="328-hexbin-map-of-the-usa.html">
              <div class="portfolio-hover">
                <div class="portfolio-hover-content">
                  <p>Basic Choropleth</p>
                  <hr />
                  <p class="explanation_portfolio">
                    Color each hexagone with a color that represents a numeric
                    value. It's a hexbin choropleth map.
                class="img-fluid imgOfPortfolio"

Find all the above code chunks related with all the blogpost using the library of interest.

  • Create a bigger code chunk that groups them all. You must wrap them like this:
<section class="bg" id="portfolio" style="padding-top: 10px">
  <div class="container">
    <div id="portfolio-items" class="row">
       ... example 1
       ... example 2
  • replace the image source path. img/...... must become ../img/....... Before:



Always open your newly created file in your browser. For instance, read file:///Users/holtzy/Desktop/R-graph-gallery/package/patchwork.html to check that it looks good.

Make the package listed

There is a file called best-dataviz-packages.html that lists all the package posts in the gallery. We need to list the package you just wrote about. To do so, add a section that looks like:

          <a href="./package/gghighlight.html" class="col-4 col-md-2">
            <div class="package-page-hex">
              <div class="package-page-hex-background">
                <img src="img/r-package-img/gghighlight.png" />