Here's my ESP8266 template. Supports
- ESP8266WebServer
- ESP8266HTTPUpdateServer
- WiFiManager
- WebSockets
- Non-delay led blink with heartbeat interval config.json support
- SPIFFS with FSBrowserNG
- ArduinoJson
- config.json parsing, see data/config.json
- index.htm has ajax, charting, websocket example code
- configurable TCP Socket - Serial Port bridging
- configurable websocket server
- configurable LED heartbeat
- configurable alexa compatibility using fauxmoESP
- configurable NTP compatibility using NTPClient
- SPIFFS csv log file support with daily reset
- TFT_eSPI for various graphical displays
- supports pre-midnight log file HTTP POST to external site
- support for AWS IoT MQTT using x.509 certs and TLSv1.2
- support for PubSubClient
Sample URLs (also look at the curl make targets)
- status query,http://esp8266.local/status
- reset wifi manager, http://esp8266.local/reset
- reboot, http://esp8266.local/reboot
- changing runtime hearbeat interval, http://esp8266.local/heartbeat?interval=50
Requires the following libraries to be installed, tested with arduino IDE 1.8.8
AWS IoT Notes
- Login to AWS Management console, navigate to IoT Core
- Create a single thing, give it name, type sensor
- One-click certification creation
- Download certificate, private, public keys and Amazon root CA
- Create 3 'der' files
- openssl x509 -in ######-certificate.pem.crt -out cert.der -outform DER
- openssl rsa -in ######-private.pem.key -out private.der -outform DER
- openssl x509 -in AmazonRootCA1.pem -out ca.der -outform DER
- Upload cert.der, private.der and ca.der to device's SPIFFS partition
- Open 'Test' interface from left navigation list
- View and copy endpoint from upper-right 'View endpoint' pop-up menu
- Add endpoint to config.json using HTML editor