Some plots. Parameters can be shared using the URL. Pull requests welcome.
For example: Compare confirmed deaths in China, United States, and Italy in a per-capita log-plot over time:
URL parameter dataset
can be set to owid_total_deaths
(default), owid_total_cases
, jh_deaths
, jh_confirmed
, and jh_recovered
This is the plot you see everywhere: The x-axis shows the date and the y-axis the confirmed cases at that time.
This plots the same data, but the x-axis shows the total number of confirmed cases while the y-axis shows the number of new cases on that day. We took the idea for this plot from a minutephysics video and Aatish Bhatia's implementation of the same plot
The reproduction number is the expected number of cases directly generated by one case. The x-axis shows the date as in the calendar plot, and the y-axis shows the estimated reproduction number on that day. We estimate it here by dividing the number of new cases by the number of new cases four days ago. This is a simplified version of the metric that the German Robert-Koch-Institute uses.
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yarn install
Start a http server for local development:
yarn run http-server
Manually run the JavaScript linter standard:
yarn run standard
Manually run the CSS linter stylelint:
yarn run stylelint "**/*.css"
Both linters support --fix
for automatic fixing.
Visual Studio Code provides the extensions chenxsan.vscode-standardjs and stylelint.vscode-stylelint for automatic linting.
- Our World in Data (which, in turn, is sourced from Johns Hopkins University)