Join all your templates files in a single json
file so it is easy to access all the templates from javascript.
// index.html
"<html><body><h1>[[title: Hello World]]</h1> .....</body></html>"
// form.html
"<for><inpup> ...... </form>"
Result templates.json
// i.e. : joined index.html and form.html
// result file:
"index":"<html><body><h1>[[title: Hello World]]</h1> .....</body></html>",
"form":"<for><inpup> ...... </form>"
Parses template files looking for locale-Definitions [[key: text]]
, and Generates localization files that contais the string to translate.
index.html locale definition => [[title: Hello World]]
form.html locale definition => none
Parsing the two example files generate the next localization files when options.locales
is set to ["EN","ES"]
// EN_locales.json
"index:title":"Hello World"
// ES_locales.json
"index:title":"Hola Mundo" //this is the translation
Reads the values in the localization files and use them to generate the translated template files. i.e EN_templates.json
and ES_templates.json
// EN_templates.json
"index":"<html><body><h1>Hello World</h1> .....</body></html>",
"form":"<for><inpup> ...... </form>"
// ES_templates.json
"index":"<html><body><h1>Hola Mundo</h1> .....</body></html>",
"form":"<for><inpup> ...... </form>"
- Join all templates in a single
file, so it is more easy to access from javascript. - Automatically generate localization files.
- Compatible with multiple template engines. Translation is done statically so the result can be used by any template engine.
- Never override the sentences edited in the locale files. it is posiible to run this task at any time, the values in the localization files will never be overwritten, but new templates or new locale-Definitions will be added.
All templates are joined in the file templates.json
. This file is never translated and always reflect the last estate of the templates, templates.json
can be used in system where no translation is equired and you only want the join templates functionality. All the others Xlang_templates.json
uses the values stored in the localization files.
If the value of one locale-Definition is changed in one file, i.e from [[title: Hello]]
to [[title: Bye]]
this change is not reflected in the translated templates Xlang_templates.json
becouse this are using the values previously stored in the localization files. this change will be reflected only in templates.json
i.e: using Jquery and mustache
//this is the english template file generated by
//this task and contains all you templates.
var EN_templates = "./templates/EN_templates.json";
jQuery.getJSON(templateFile, function(data){
/* data contains all the templates */
var templates = data;
This plugin requires Grunt ~0.4.5
If you haven't used Grunt before, be sure to check out the Getting Started guide, as it explains how to create a Gruntfile as well as install and use Grunt plugins. Once you're familiar with that process, you may install this plugin with this command:
npm install grunt-i18n-templates --save-dev
Once the plugin has been installed, it may be enabled inside your Gruntfile with this line of JavaScript:
In your project's Gruntfile, add a section named i18nTemplates
to the data object passed into grunt.initConfig()
i18nTemplates: {
options: {
locales: ["en","es","de"],
templatesDest: "./public/templates", //this is where the translated templates will be generated
localesDest: "./src/locales" //this is where translation files will be stored
usePathAsKey: false, //only the filename will be used as a key in the templates.json
saveAllTemplates: false, //only save those files, that has something to be translated
cwd: '' //if usePathAsKey:true, current working dir can be removed from the path
your_target: {
src: ['./src/templates/**/*.html']
Type: String
Default value: none, this value is required and not set by default.
A path to the templates folder.
Type: String
Default value: none, this value is required and not set by default.
A path to the locales folder.
Type: Array
Default value: none
An Array defining all the languages. i.e: ["en","es","de"]
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
By default only the filename is used in the template file to keep things simple. However in some project keeping the path is a better choice.
Type: String
Default value: none
In case of the path used for key, it is preffered to cut off the current working directory. This can be specified here.
Type: Boolean
Default value: false
By default only those templates are saved that needs translation, use this to include all in the template.json files.
This example will generate 4 locale files in the ./src/locales
folder (one for each language), and will generate 5 templates files in the ./public/templates
, (one for each language + the one without translate).
i18nTemplates: {
options: {
locales: ["en","es","de"],
templatesDest: "./public/templates",
localesDest: "./src/locales"
your_target: {
src: ['./src/templates/**/*.html']
fix bug that overrides the values stored in the locales files.
Improve Log Info and update Readme.
fix bugs.
first working version.