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Default Logic Mapping

Simon Ellwood edited this page Jan 29, 2021 · 7 revisions
Bit Signal Input Z80 Colour
0 D0 PB0 14 Black
1 D1 PB1 15 Brown
2 D2 PB2 12 Red
3 D3 PB3 8 Orange
4 D4 PB4 7 Yellow
5 D5 PB5 9 Green
6 D6 PB6 10 Blue
7 D7 PB7 13 Violet
8 /M1 PD0 27 White
9 /RD PD1 21 Grey
10 /WR PD2 22 Violet
11 /MREQ PD3 19 Blue
12 /IORQ PD4 20 Green
13 /WAIT PD5 24 Yellow
14 /RST PD6 26 Orange
15 (CLK) PD7 6 -

There are command-line options to change these, but above are the recommended defaults, this makes exchanging files easier.

(WAIT is only really needed to get accurate cycle counts)

If you are using synchronous capture mode, use the rising edge of CLK to take a sample, and include the --phi= argument (with no number) on the decoder command line.

If you are using asynchronous capture mode, this needs to be at least 5x the system clock rate, ideally 10x. In this case, connect CLK to Logic Analyzer Bit 15.