Clone/Pull all your Github Repositories
I'm using this to keep a local copy of all my Repositories and all Repositories I'm watching and I've starred.
Requirements: Node.js >= 6, git in PATH.
$ npm install -g github-local
Create a directory e.g. /srv/github
and run github-local --user=YourGithubUser --path=/srv/github
. You are not
forced to use a Github API Token, but if you don't you will probably hit the API rate limit (depending on the number
of repos you have), so it's strongly advised to use one.
github-local [args]
--version Show version number [boolean]
--user, -u Github User [required]
--token, -t Github API Token
--path, -p Path to store cloned Repos [required]
--starred, -s Include starred Repos [boolean]
--watched, -w Include watched Repos [boolean]
--help Show help [boolean]
All Command Line Options can be supplied by environment variables. Prefix them with GL_
and use uppercase, e.g.
MIT © Sebastian Raff