Publish dash button presses to a MQTT broker. ππ‘
Based on node-dash-button by Alex Hortin - all credits belong to him.
Tested on macOS and Linux. If you're running on Linux you have to install libpcap-dev:
- Ubuntu, Debian, Raspbian, ...
$ sudo apt-get install libpcap-dev
- Fedora, CentOS
$ sudo yum install libpcap-devel
Prerequisite: Node.js version 6.0 or above. I suggest to use to install a recent version of Node.js.
$ sudo npm install -g dashbutton2mqtt
$ sudo dashbutton2mqtt --scan
The scan shows only MAC Addresses that are known to be registered by Amazon. If you want to see all detected addresses
add the option -v debug
Create a JSON file that maps dash button mac addresses to MQTT topics and payloads.
"50:f5:da:60:20:10": {
"topic": "dashbutton/foo"
"50:f5:da:60:20:11": {
"topic": "dashbutton/bar",
"payload": "press"
If you omit the payload attribute an empty string will be published.
$ sudo dashbutton2mqtt -m /path/to/mapping.json
- Since node-dash-button uses libpcap to scan for dash button arp packets this tool must be run with superuser.
- This tool has to be executed on a host that is connected to the same wifi network as the dash buttons.
- Due to the nature of the dash buttons there will be a latency of ~4 seconds between a button press and the MQTT publish.
- As long as the LED of the dash button is blinking you can't do further button presses.
By default this tool binds to the first network interface. To bind to a specific interface, such as eth1
, pass the
name of the interface with the --interface
If multiple presses are detected you can increase the timeout between presses. Default is 5000ms, depending on your
network this may not be enough, you can set a higher timeout with the --timeout
Usage: dashbutton2mqtt [options]
-v, --verbosity possible values: "error", "warn", "info", "debug"
[default: "info"]
-s, --scan scan for dash buttons
-m, --mapping json file containing dashbutton-mqtt mappings (see Readme)
[default: "/Users/basti/WebstormProjects/dashbutton2mqtt/example.json"]
-n, --name instance name. used as mqtt client id and as prefix for
connection topic [default: "dashbutton"]
-u, --url mqtt broker url. See
[default: "mqtt://"]
-i, --interface bind to network interface to listen for dash button presses
[default: null]
-p, --protocol protocol to use for button detection. possible values: "arp",
"udp", "all" [default: "all"]
-t, --timeout timeout between button presses. [default: 5000]
-h, --help Show help [boolean]
--version Show version number [boolean]
I suggest PM2 to run dashbutton2mqtt in the background and start on system boot.
Pull requests welcome! π
MIT Β© Sebastian Raff