v0.6.0-a6 (2018-12-21)
- Bug Fixes:
- Should support multi language for git_sync #580
Details: https://github.com/teracyhq/dev/milestone/15?closed=1
v0.6.0-a5 (2018-11-16)
- should support register processors, configurators with weight #497
- should support "remote" location config from Location::GitSynch #502
- should add support for extension dependency validation #498
- should support _id update with deprecation #501
- should mask specified secret values within log messages #492
- gitsynch should not auto update repos when there are untracked changes #469
- should always use Util.true? for converting boolean values #506
- should add "nodes" generated from chef provisioner to the .gitignore file #503
- should have a way to display the final settings in yaml format for the debug log level #505
- should not display log tracing when the log level is not debug #533
- should use _id: "kernel-core" instead of _id: "0" for the core extension config #545
- location sync should support offline mode #526
- gitsynch should check if git clone success or not to inform users about errors #508
- should make sure gitsynch support http authentication #464
- should run location sync with specific vagrant sub commands only to improve responsiveness #531
Bug Fixes:
- should sync teracy-dev, sync teracy-dev-entry before syncing extensions #487
- something wrong with the plugin installation when no plugin is installed #486
- plugin should validate plugin params before proceeding #493
- wrong order in extensions config merge #499
- should make sure settings is immutable after being built #462
- failed to sync teracy-dev-entry #523
- load_yaml_file should use YAML.load_file instead of YAML.load #529
- teracy-dev-entry should update its git remote repos even if sync is false #535
- "fatal: No such remote:" should not be displayed when a new git remote repo config is added #534
- should update README with "how to develop" section #470
- logger should be
instead ofTeracyDev::Processors::Manager
#514 - gitsynch on Windows did not work as expected with private git repos #509
- update docs for "win32/registry.rb:185:in "encode!': code converter not found (UTF-16LE to Windows-1258) (Encoding::ConverterNotFoundError)" error on Windows #544
Details: https://github.com/teracyhq/dev/milestone/12?closed=1
v0.6.0-a4 (2018-09-15)
- clean up config_default.yaml support for extensions
Bug Fixes:
- fix Util.exist always return true if it is String
Details: https://github.com/teracyhq/dev/milestone/11?closed=1
v0.6.0-a3 (2018-09-14)
- add tracing when something wrong
- improve logging by adding filter, tracing
- simply the config override mechanism and use teracy-dev-entry only for override
Bug Fixes:
- warn log did not display the yellow color
Details: https://github.com/teracyhq/dev/milestone/10?closed=1
v0.6.0-a2 (2018-08-26)
Bug fix for gitsynch tag
Details: https://github.com/teracyhq/dev/milestone/9?closed=1
v0.6.0-a1 (2018-08-25)
Completely new teracy-dev with initial alpha-1 version
Details: https://github.com/teracyhq/dev/milestone/7?closed=1
v0.5.0-c2 (2018-01-16)
new important critical features, bug fixes and improvements.
- provide hot fix for docker-compose installation bug
New features
- select the right bridged network interface automatically
Details: https://github.com/teracyhq/dev/milestone/8?closed=1
v0.5.0-c1 (2017-07-27)
new features, bug fixes and improvements, add more documents and make it more stable.
- fixed the problem on windows with chocolate and bash-completion.
- upgraded and pin down with newest chef version.
- fixed problem with rsync_args (thanks to @smxsm).
- added some useful alias (ctop, httpie-jwt-auth).
- used lastest docker-compose version by default.
New features
- added support project base json config
- json config support for docker registry login
Details: https://github.com/teracyhq/dev/milestone/5?closed=1
v0.5.0-b3 (2017-04-12)
Fix the Chef version critical bug
Details: https://github.com/teracyhq/dev/milestone/6?closed=1
v0.5.0-b2 (2017-03-09)
bug fixes and improvements, make it more stable.
- fix the script to install on Ubuntu
- fix specific docker config
- fix the network setting problem related to the default bridge interface list
- add
$ vagrant global-status
command to the basic guide - use vX.X.X for all things related to versions
- mention about VT-X/AMD-v problem for the default ubuntu 64-bit guest OS
- display the oudated videos at the end of instruction instead of the beginning
- use git reset --hard to update teracy-dev instead of git pull
- add
- use latest docker-compose 1.11.2 as default
- contribution list is updated
Details: https://github.com/teracyhq/dev/milestone/4?closed=1
v0.5.0-b1 (2017-02-14)
The next milestone release includes:
- lots of features and improvements
- project clean up
- higher performance on Windows, especially file syncing
- Docker workflow out of the box, can use any versions of docker, docker-compose
- support all type of provisioners configurations
- use public_network by default
- config override the object within array
- Vagrantfile-ext support
- use rsync as the default sync mechanism (with the support from vagrant-gatling-rsync and vagrant-rsync-back plugins)
- reverse proxy support with /etc/hosts update for auto domain management
- auto vagrant plugins installation support
Details: https://github.com/teracyhq/dev/milestone/1?closed=1
v0.4.0 (2015-05-15)
The next milestone release includes:
- add .bat automatic installation script
- multiple python versions
- LAMP, LEMP stack support
- Ruby on Rails stack support
- Built-in IDE (codebox) support
- Improve Vagrant configuration
- Support optional sync methods along with default sharing folder method
- Documentation improvements
- Bug fixes and improvements
- [DEV-126] - Fix foodcritic violations when upgrade
- [DEV-201] - update php dev guide
- [DEV-214] - update databases guide
- [DEV-216] - update nodejs dev guide
- [DEV-217] - update python dev guide
- [DEV-93] - virtualenvwrapper not work
- [DEV-101] - nosetests does not work well on vagrantbox
- [DEV-109] - permission denied of .virtualenvs on windows
- [DEV-121] - No "source" of install_method for mongodb recipe
- [DEV-134] - don't reinstall php when $ vagrant reload --provision
- [DEV-136] - fix Could not find mixlib-shellout-1.6.0 in any of the sources error on travis-ci
- [DEV-151] - git installer did not work properly
- [DEV-161] - problems related to virtualbox guest addition for v0.4.0
- [DEV-162] - auto generated key pair by vagrant 1.7.1 did not work with
$ vagrant ssh
- [DEV-168] - fix apache2 cache bug
- [DEV-171] - .htaccess not working
- [DEV-193] - Failed to install
via pip globals config - [DEV-210] - Need to set default date.timezone = UTC for php.ini
- [DEV-76] - Adding loading indicator bar to .bat installation script
- [DEV-83] - Support python.version config
- [DEV-97] - Improve Getting Started
- [DEV-99] - Reduce the provision time of base box v0.3.0 on v0.3.0
- [DEV-111] - improve java, maven cookbook
- [DEV-118] - Support Linux, Apache, MySQL, PHP (LAMP) stack to deploy PHP applications
- [DEV-120] - [DOC] Improve the section Ruby training
- [DEV-143] - add support to use nginx instead of default apache server
- [DEV-157] - Add all options for Vagrantfile config.vm settings
- [DEV-169] - remove "git" from vagrant_config.json's chef_recipes
- [DEV-176] - Don't force apt-get update by default on mysql recipe
- [DEV-177] - Avoid using vagrant 1.7.2 for now, use 1.7.1 instead
- [DEV-188] - Support for Ruby on Rails, Sinatra development
- [DEV-189] - make sure to support provisioning from a clean ubuntu base box
- [DEV-190] - Enable ruby by default
- [DEV-195] - By default use fmode=755 instead of fmode=644 for workspace directory
- [DEV-198] - Support optional sync methods along with default sharing folder method
- [DEV-222] - support remote access for MongoDB
- [DEV-223] - Support for Rails development with PostgreSQL's hstore extension
- [DEV-225] - make sure apt-get-update-periodic should work
New Feature
- [DEV-9] - multiple python versions on python_dev VM
- [DEV-23] - Use tox for testing
- [DEV-139] - Add support to install phpMyAdmin
- [DEV-146] - IDE running with vagrant
- [DEV-155] - Add option to specify preferred ubuntu repository mirrors
- [DEV-11] - useful sublimetext plugins and preferences configuration
- [DEV-92] - Config support for VM customize
- [DEV-96] - write docs how to use jira client on toolchain section
- [DEV-98] - update workflow: git branching off section
- [DEV-103] - update manual installation for dev
- [DEV-119] - upgrade Gemfile and Berksfile
- [DEV-124] - Update Workflow
- [DEV-127] - Add "gulp" as global npm to install by default
- [DEV-132] - add more vm_forwarded_ports config
- [DEV-137] - Install some PHP applications to teracy-dev to make sure it works (wordpress, drupal, etc)
- [DEV-138] - Fix violations foodcritic of apache recipe
- [DEV-141] - update docs for v0.4.0
- [DEV-142] - Upgrade and define the supported vagrant, virtualbox versions for v0.4.0
- [DEV-144] - Write documentation how to develop chrome extenstion, firefox add-on with teracy-dev
- [DEV-150] - upgrade default git from v2.0.0 to v2.2.1
- [DEV-152] - Add
to default global gems - [DEV-158] - upgrade cookbooks to latest stable versions
- [DEV-170] - update automatic installation scripts
- [DEV-172] - use default memory setting of vagrant instead of current 2048
- [DEV-175] - Set default VM memory is 512MB instead of default 318MB
- [DEV-180] - update the docs copyright year on the footer
- [DEV-194] - update documentation how to use restview for .rst writing
- [DEV-227] - release teracy-dev v0.4.0
v0.3.0 (2014-07-24)
The next milestone release includes:
- Use teracy base box
- Support overriding vagrant configuration that is ignored by git
- Update workspace layout:
- Bat script to install virtualbox and vagrant automatically for Windows
- More dev platform support: Ruby, Node.js, Java, PHP
- Database support: mysql, mongodb, postgreSQL
- docs updated
- [DEV-6] - vm.ssh.forward_agent does not work on windows host
- [DEV-63] - failed to vagrant up at child directory of teracy-dev
- [DEV-75] - Fix Doc Syntax Error
- [DEV-81] - update code.teracy.org instead of teracy.com to ssh known hosts
- [DEV-93] - virtualenvwrapper not work
- [DEV-7] - Don't mess custom configuration into managed versioned file
- [DEV-45] - automatic docs deploy of 0.2.0 instead of v0.2.0
- [DEV-57] - Update workspace layout
- [DEV-60] - Vagrant Config override instead of overwrite
- [DEV-62] - Update some vagrant config attributes
- [DEV-64] - warning when vagrant_config_override.json is malformed
- [DEV-65] - Support deep key override
- [DEV-77] - Make sure consistent recipe file names (use _ instead of -)
- [DEV-80] - Make sure git usage from vagrant box and host work well together
- [DEV-82] - Add support for ruby.globals
- [DEV-84] - Support ruby.version config
- [DEV-88] - Support apt package installer configuration
New Feature
- [DEV-49] - node.js dev support
- [DEV-56] - Create .bat file to install vagrant and virtualbox automatically on Windows
- [DEV-61] - Support PHP
- [DEV-85] - Support mongodb
- [DEV-86] - Support mysql db development
- [DEV-87] - Support postgreSQL development
- [DEV-47] - review and update docs
- [DEV-51] - Improve and Create visual guide for workflow
- [DEV-54] - Upgrade support for vagrant and virtualbox
- [DEV-55] - Create Teracy base boxes for v0.3.0
- [DEV-59] - install "bower" by default for node.js support
- [DEV-66] - upgrade git
- [DEV-69] - Upgrade npm for teracy-dev
- [DEV-71] - Update docs to make sure it's the most up to date
- [DEV-72] - remove known_hosts file
- [DEV-73] - remove system-python recipe
v0.2.0 (2013-11-20)
The next milestone release: extend CHEF, better support for python platform development
Migration from v0.1.0 to v0.2.0
- [DEV-25] - Define Python Coding Standards
- [DEV-5] - Bug when determining ubuntu
New Feature
- [DEV-31] - extend CHEF
- [DEV-39] - Make sure gettext is available on demand
- [DEV-42] - optional add pip index-url of teracy's public pypi
- [DEV-1] - Project migration
- [DEV-14] - define software semantic versioning
- [DEV-16] - update the latest development of sphinx-deployment
- [DEV-17] - update docs, resources after github issues migration
- [DEV-18] - update workflow
- [DEV-19] - update project-template
- [DEV-20] - release process documentation
- [DEV-22] - upgrade setuptools to 1.0
- [DEV-26] - add interesting resources section
- [DEV-28] - upgrade vagrant
- [DEV-30] - use nature theme for docs instead of default one
- [DEV-35] - upgrade to sphinx-deployment v0.2.0
v0.1.0 (2013-08-17)
Release the first milestone
- Sub-task
- [DEV-2] - release current deprecated teracy-dev to be 0.1.0