A custom and customizable UIDatePicker which displays the day of the week alongside the day column
1: Create picker
picker = [[DayDatePickerView alloc]initWithFrame:frame];
2: Set delegate and data source (optional)
picker.delegate = self;
picker.dataSource = self
4: Set date and minimum date (optional)
picker.date = [NSDate date];
picker.minimumDate = [NSDate date];
DayDatePickerView is almost entirely customizable, making is an ideal replacement for UIDatePicker if working with dates only You can:
- Change the selection indicator: change opacity, background color or even the whole view itself
- Change the way columns are displayed: width and background color
- Change the way rows are displayed: foreground color, disabled color, background color and font
- Change the UIDateFormatters (day, month and year) to suit your liking
- Recieve updates when the date is changed