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A document management system (DMS) is a system (based on computer programs in the case of the management of digital documents)used to track, manage and store documents and reduce paper. It provides a restful API for users to create and manage documents giving different privileges based on user roles.

The developed application is a react redux based application based on RESTful API for users to create and manage documents giving different privileges based on user roles and managing authentication using JWT.


This application was developed using the following frameworks.

  • NodeJs
  • React Redux
  • Express
  • Sequelize as ORM


├client                # Client-side/ front end
├── src                     # root folder    
│   ├── components           # All Components 
|   |   ├── admin            # admin folder component to manage users. Includes actions and it's reducer
│   │   ├── auth             # component folder for authentication. Has signup and checkin. Includes actions and it's reducer
│   │   ├── common           #Has all the common used components ex. Header, footer, sidebar, searchbar
│   │   ├── document         # document folder to manage all documents. Includes actions and it's reducer
│   │   ├── App.jsx              
│   │   ├── HomePage.jsx           
│   ├── reducers              # reducers 
│   │   ├── index.js          # imports allreducers used in the components
│   ├── store          
│   │   ├── ConfigureStore.js   # store configuration
│   ├── utils              
│   │   ├── api.js              # News articles store
│   │   ├── requireAuth.js      # News source store
│   │   ├── setAuthToken.js     # News source store
│   ├── validations             # Application Stores
│   │   ├── login.js            # Form Validations forlogin
│   │   ├── signup.js           #  Form Validations forsignup   
│   ├── index.js          
│   ├── routes.js                
│   ├── styles                 
│   │   ├── custom.scss           
└ server                   # Server-side
├── configs                       
│   ├── middlewares           
|   |   ├── adminVerification.js            
│   │   ├── auth.js           
│   ├── config.js            
│   ├── controllers         
│   │   ├── documents.js      # documents controller
│   │   ├── index.js          # imports all controllers
│   │   ├── roles.js          # roles controller
│   │   ├── search.js         # search controller
│   │   ├── users.js          # users controller
│   ├── models          
│   │   ├── documents.js      # document model
│   │   ├── index.js         
│   │   ├── roles.js          # roles model
│   │   ├── users.js          # users model
│   ├── routes                # Endpoint routes
│   │   ├── documents.js      # Document routes
│   │   ├── index.js          # All routes imported
│   │   ├── roles.js          # Document routes
│   │   ├── search.js         # search routes
│   │   ├── users.js          # users routes
│   ├── app.js                
│   ├── server.js            
└ tests                   # Tests
│   ├── client         
│   ├── server            

Application Features

User Authentication

Users are authenticated and validated using passport js. JWT tokens are generated on signup and login to ensure alldocuments and API endpoints are protected.

Document Management

Users can:

  • Create an account
  • Login with their valid credentials
  • Create new document by specifying the document name, desciption of document access type and the content.
  • Edit only their documents
  • Delete their documents if not needed.
  • View public documents created by other users.
  • View documents created by his/her access group with access level set as role.
  • Search public, private and role based documents.
  • Logout

Admin user can:

  • View all users.
  • View all created documents except documents with access set to private.
  • Delete any user.
  • Search for any user.



  • Run npm start to start the application on development environment


  • Run client test by running npm test:client
  • Run server test by running npm test:server

API Documentation

The API has routes, each dedicated to a single task that uses HTTP response codes to indicate API status and errors. API documentation here

API Features


  • It uses JSON Web Token (JWT) for authentication.

  • It generates a token on successful login or account creation.

  • It verifies the token to ensures a user is authenticated to access protected endpoints.



  • Be Created.

  • Login and obtain a token.

  • Admin can manage users.


Users can:

  • Create new documents.

  • View all documents based on acces specified by creators.

  • Create, retrieve, edit, and delete documents.

  • Only delete, edit and update documents that belong to them.


Users can:

  • Search public, role and his/her private documents for based the search query.

Admin can:

  • Search public, role and his/her private documents based the search query.
  • Search users based on username, first last names
EndPoint Functionality
POST /users/login Logs a user in.
POST /users/logout Logs a user out.
POST /users Creates a new user.
GET /users Retrieves all users.
GET /search/users?search=query Search the users based on search query
GET /users?limit=:num Retrieves users based on the limit specified
GET /users?limit=:num&offset=:num Retrieves users based on the limit and offset specified
GET /users/:id Retrieves a single user
PUT /users/:id Update a user's profile
DELETE /users/:id Delete a single user
POST /documents/new Create a new document
GET /documents Retrieve all documents
GET /search/documents?search=q Search the documents based on search query
GET /documents?limit=:num Retrieves documents based on the limit specified
GET /documents?limit=:num&offset=:num Retrieves documents based on the limit and offset specified
GET /documents/:id Retrieves a single documents
PUT /documents/:id Update a document
DELETE /documents/:id Delete a single document

Keys to note

Roles Available:

  • roleId 1 is an admin role
  • roleId 2 is a regular user

Document Access Types Available:

  • public
  • private
  • role

Some sample requests and responses from the API.

Create User


Endpoint: POST: /users Body (application/json)

  "username": "Hopeaaz",
  "firstName": "Hopez",
  "lastName": "Ngere",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "RoleId": 1,
  "password": "password"


Status: 201: Created Body (application/json)

  "user": {
    "id": 21,
    "username": "Hopeaaz",
    "firstName": "Hope",
    "lastName": "Ngere",
    "email": "[email protected]",
    "roleId": 1,
  "token": "eyJhbGciOiJIUzI1NiIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCJ9.eyJpZCI6MjE5LCJ1c2VybmFtZSI6IkhvcGVhYXoiLCJyb2xlSWQiOjIsImlhdCI6MTQ5OTY4NzMzMSwiZXhwIjoxNDk5NzczNzMxfQ.y3gXilf0kGxbP9pPV90MWdGQMmHHRKqn5nJd39WQXrk"

Get Users


Endpoint: GET: /users Requires: Authentication, Admin Role Response

Status: 200: OK Body (application/json)

  "id": 22,
  "username": "blessed",
  "firstName": "blessed",
  "lastName": "ngere",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "RoleId": 2,
  "id": 124,
  "username": "blessed2",
  "firstName": "blessed2",
  "lastName": "blessed2",
  "email": "[email protected]",
  "RoleId": 2,


Endpoint for document API.

Get All Documents except private documents


Endpoint: GET: /documents


Status: 200: OK Body (application/json)

    "id": 11,
    "documentName": "Testing Postman",
    "description": "Testing Postman description",
    "content": "Blessed are you",
    access: "public"
    "creatorId": 1,
    "createdAt": "2017-02-17T17:40:45.146Z",


  • Users can only create and retrieve textual documents.
  • Users cannot share documents with people.

Please note that once an Admin deletes a user, the user's public documents still remain here for other to view


If you are interested in contributing to development of Hopeaz DMS, that's really great!

Follow the instructions below to contribute. please note that:

  • All Javascript MUST be written in >= ES6 and should use Babel to transpile down to ES5

  • Classes/modules MUST use the >=ES6 methods of module imports and exports.

  • Ensure you have extended airbnb eslint rules

To proceed:

  • Fork the repository

  • Create a branch using the following format

  • Make your change

  • Commit your change to your forked repository

  • Provide a detailed commit description stating the changes made

  • Approach to writing a Pull Request

- Include the purpose of this Pull Request. For example:
   This is to add roles…
- Provide an overview of why the work is taking place (with any relevant links)
- Provide an overview of what you have done (with screenshots if available)
- If the Pull Request is work in progress, say so. A prefix of “[WIP]” in the title. 


  1. What if I want to use another port? That's easy. In the root of the project. create a file named .env and add the following line to it:

PORT=<your_desired_port> where <your_desired_port> is the port you want to use. So, if you want to use port 8080, you will write:



This project is authored by Hope Ngerebara and is licensed for your use, modification and distribution under the ISC license.


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