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Cash system for distributed cashes at Nordalbi

The basis of the DB implementation is a sample implementation of chapter 23 "Build a Data Access Layer with Entity Framework Core"
"Pro C# 9 with .NET 5
Foundational Principles and Practices in Programming"
from Andrew Troelsen and Phillip Japikse.

set up the docker container for development

Currently you only need this command:
docker run --name NacPostgres -d -e "POSTGRES_PASSWORD=NacP@ssw0rd" -p 5432:5432 postgres:14-alpine

build the docker image and push to docker hub

dotnet tool install -g Microsoft.Web.LibraryManager.Cli
cd Nac.Mvc/
libman restore
cd ..
docker build -f .\Nac.Mvc\Dockerfile -t munhei/nac_service:latest .
docker tag munhei/nac_service:latest munhei/nac_service:2.1.6
docker image save -o _images/nac_service_2.1.6.tar munhei/nac_service:2.1.6
docker image load -i _images/nac_service_2.1.6.tar
docker login docker image push munhei/nac_service
docker image push munhei/nac_service:2.1.6
docker image ls munhei/nac_service:*

deployment in docker compose

  • docker compose create to create network and containers for the service

  • docker compose start to start the services

  • docker compose stop to stop the services

  • docker compose rm to remove containers for the service Shortcut:

  • docker compose up -d to create and start app and database

  • docker compose down to shutdown and remove services and network

  • create the migration bundle: dotnet ef migrations bundle --force --self-contained --verbose -o ..\..\efbundle.exe
    dotnet ef migrations bundle --force --self-contained -r linux-x64 --verbose -o ..\..\efbundle
    ./efbundle -v --connection "Host=localhost;Username=postgres;Password=NacP@ssw0rd;Database=NacDB;Include Error Detail=true"

  • OR: create the DB structure, either with bundle or with dotnet ef commands

  • fill database with SQL insert files


Cash system for distributed cash at Nordalbi






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