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Build Status License: MIT Documentation Status Maven Central

azd library provides a convenient way to manage and interact with Azure DevOps Services REST API with ease. This SDK offers a set of APIs and utilities with declarative syntax and provide functionalities to the significant services.

You can view the blog post for details about the library.


  • Pagination: For the APIs that return continuation token in the header, azd constructs the next page url and returns it with the response.
  • Retry: Automatic retry is enabled and can be configured.
  • Proxy: Configure proxy for the requests and optionally with proxy authentication.
  • Fluent API: Request construction with fluent Api syntax.


Getting Started

Install the SDK

To download the library and use it in your project, just add below in your pom.xml file.


Java docs


Source jar


Choose authentication provider

  • Choose the authentication provider.

Authentication using personal access token

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String personalAccessToken = "myToken";
        String project = "myProject";
        String baseUrl = "{organization}";
        // or TFS URL
        String baseUrl = "https://{server:port}/tfs/{collection}";

        AccessTokenCredential pat = new PersonalAccessTokenCredential(baseUrl, project, personalAccessToken);

Authentication using OAuth token

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String project = "myProject";
        String baseUrl = "{organization}";
        // or TFS URL
        String baseUrl = "https://{server:port}/tfs/{collection}";

        String appSecret = "registeredAppSecret";
        String authorizationCode = "short lived auth code";
        String callBackUrl = "redirect or callback url here";

        AccessTokenCredential oauth = new OAuthAccessTokenCredential(baseUrl, project, appSecret, authorizationCode, callBackUrl);
  • Sample usage
public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        // Create client object.
        AzDServiceClient client = AzDService.builder().authentication(pat).buildClient();
        // or
        AzDServiceClient client = AzDService.builder().authentication(oauth).buildClient();

        try {
            // Get the list of projects. This return a future object.
            CompletableFuture<Projects> futureProjects = client.core().projects().listAsync();

            // All the Apis have overloaded methods. To get the list of project run,
            Projects projects = client.core().projects().list();


            // Create default Scrum project.
            ProjectCreationParameters projectParams = new ProjectCreationParameters();
   = "My new project";
            projectParams.description = "New sample project.";
            projectParams.templateTypeId = "6b724908-ef14-45cf-84f8-768b5384da45";
            projectParams.sourceControlType = "Git";



            // List all repositories
        } catch (AzDException e1) {

  • Pagination

Apis that returns x-ms-continuation token has a method getNextPageLink() that constructs the next page url with continuation token appended. This can then be used to query next set of results.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        Builds builds = -> {
   = 10;
            r.queryParameters.queryOrder = BuildQueryOrder.START_TIME_DESCENDING;
            r.queryParameters.reasonFilter = BuildReason.ALL;
        if (builds != null)
            // Get current set of results.
            builds.getBuildResults().stream().map(b -> Integer.toString(b.getId())).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
        while (builds != null) {
            // Get next page
            builds = ClientRequest.builder(client.accessTokenCredential())
            if (builds.getNextPageLink() == null) break;
                builds.getBuildResults().stream().map(b -> Integer.toString(b.getId())).collect(Collectors.joining(", "));
  • Proxy

Set proxy configuration and optionally with proxy authentication.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ProxyConfiguration proxyConfiguration = new ProxyConfiguration();
        proxyConfiguration.proxyUrl = "http://localhost";
        proxyConfiguration.proxyPort = 8888;

        // Optionally with username and password
        proxyConfiguration.proxyUsername = System.getenv("http.proxy_username");
        proxyConfiguration.proxyPassword = System.getenv("http.proxy_password");
        proxyConfiguration.noProxyHosts = List.of("hostname");

  • Helpers package

Helper methods in legacy APIs are re-implemented in helpers package. The Apis in helpers package are easy to use reusable code that extends from new implementation.

Easily clone a build pipeline

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            // Clone an existing pipeline with the pipeline name
            String ciName = "DeployTo-WebApp-CI";
            String ciCloneName = "DeployTo-WebApp-CI-Copy";

            client.helpers().build().cloneBuildDefinition(ciName, ciCloneName);

        } catch (AzDException e1) {


Fork a repository

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            // Fork a repository
            GitRepository repo = client.git().repositories().get("myRepo");
            String projectId = repo.getProject().getId();

            GitRepository parentRepo = client.git().repositories().get("myParentRepo");
            String parentProjectId = parentRepo.getProject().getId();

            client.helpers().git().createForkRepository(repo.getName(), projectId, parentProjectId, parentRepo.getName());

        } catch (AzDException e1) {
  • Advanced

Create your own extension or call any Azure DevOps Api

For instance, call Identities Api - documentation

Use the script under tools directory to automatically generate the Identity model class as mentioned here.

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        try {
            // Get the location URL
            // This returns{organization}
            String locationUrl = client.locations().getUrl(ResourceId.IDENTITIES);

            // Get the descriptor of authenticated user.
            String descriptors = client.locations().getConnectionData().getAuthenticatedUser().getDescriptor();

            // Construct the request URI
            URI requestUri = UrlBuilder.fromBaseUrl(locationUrl) //{organization}
                    .appendPath(Constants.APIS_RELATIVE_PATH) // /_apis
                    .appendPath("identities") // /identities
                    .appendQueryString(Constants.API_VERSION, ApiVersion.IDENTITY) // ?api-version=7.1
                    .appendQueryString("descriptors", descriptors) // &descriptors={descriptors}
                    .build(); //{organization}/_apis/identities?api-version=7.1


            // Call Azure DevOps REST API.
            String response = ClientRequest.builder(client.accessTokenCredential())
                    .executeString(); // Or use Async method


        } catch (AzDException e1) {

Documentation vs Api usage

Client object is constructed in a way that you navigate the documentation.




Release Notes


com.fasterxml.jackson.core v2.17.2

Build Locally

You are going to need JDK version 11 or above and can be downloaded from here. Download Maven from the official website. Once it is installed add JAVA_HOME to the path as Maven is going to need it. You can check if Maven is installed correctly by running mvn -v.

Once you have installed JDK and Maven you can then,

Clone the repository and navigate to root of the folder where pom.xml is placed.

  • Run mvn clean to clean the target folder if any exists
  • Update _unitTest.json with your organisation name, project name and personal access token.
  • Run mvn test to run unit tests
  • Run mvn package to install the dependencies and create the resultant .jar file.


This project is licensed under MIT


See Contribution Guidelines