Access Windows registry with REG command line tool
yarn add windows-reg
import { query } from 'windows-reg';
await query(
The example output would be
valueName: 'OneDrive',
valueType: 'REG_SZ',
value: '"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft OneDrive\\OneDrive.exe" /background'
import { queryAll } from 'windows-reg';
await queryAll(
The example output would be
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run': [
valueName: 'OneDrive',
valueType: 'REG_SZ',
value: '"C:\\Program Files\\Microsoft OneDrive\\OneDrive.exe" /background'
valueName: 'Docker Desktop',
valueType: 'REG_SZ',
value: 'C:\\Program Files\\Docker\\Docker\\Docker Desktop.exe -Autostart'
'HKEY_CURRENT_USER\\Software\\Microsoft\\Windows\\CurrentVersion\\Run\\ExampleSubKey': [
valueName: 'ExampleBinaryValue',
valueType: 'REG_BINARY',
value: <Buffer ad fa df ad fa df ad fa dc ae fa df ea e2 31 3f 23 23 e2 da fd af>
valueName: 'ExampleNumberValue',
valueType: 'REG_QWORD',
value: 1672226
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To lint the code and list the existing issues.
Usually VSCode will format the code when saving.
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Run the tests. Attaching --watch
to watch the file changes.
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