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Spring Boot - Microservices - Netflix Eureka Server and client, Swagger, ZuulProxy

  • Started this project as learning resource for Spring Boot. Integrated Spring Boot with Angular 2 SPA.
  • Started exploring Service Discovery - Netflix Eureka Server and Eureka Clients
  • Started exploring API Edge Gateway - Zuul Proxy
  • Started exploring API documentation - Swagger 2

Learning objectives : Achieved -

  • Angular 2
  • Spring Boot
  • Spring boot integrated with Angular2
  • Microservices API that do not go down with Eureka Server and client
  • Zuul Proxy, Ribbon
  • Swagger

Learning Objectives Pending -

  • Open API
  • Loopback with NodeJs
  • Distributed Caching - Redis and Memacache
  • Contanerized Micro services

Basic Architecture Diagram

Child Web Project has a dependency on the Client Project and by default opens it index.html.

It uses to download Node,NPM,install , and run the front end build lifecycle.

Uses In memory DB for Data persistence. Has the complete Heroes App , official starter tutorial for Angular2 implemented.

Packaging --- mvn clean package

Start individual applications -

Starting the Eureka Server java -jar serviceRegistration/target/serviceRegistration-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war

Eureka Endpoint - http://localhost:1111/

Start the individual micro applications

java -jar challengesWeb/target/challengesWeb-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war


Start the same application in the same JVM different port Example - ava -jar target/app.jar --server.port=3331

Basically to override any spring boot properties use -- followed by Spring boot property name seprate with .

java -jar challengesWeb/target/challengesWeb-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war --server.port=3331

Your Microservice should be up at http://localhost:3331/api/challenges

Starting the Heroes Application

java -jar heroWeb/target/heroesWeb-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war

Your other microservice should be up at http://localhost:2222/heroes

Replicated Heroes Micro Application

java -jar heroWeb/target/heroesWeb-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.war --server.port=2223

Replicate Microservice should be up at http://localhost:2223/heroes

Starting the zuul Proxy

java -jar zuulGateway/target/zuulGateway-0.0.1-SNAPSHOT.jar

Deployed at port 5555

You should be able to access your API using the Zuul gateway

Heroes API via proxy - [Secure end point- basic security , User Name - user. Password - password ] http://localhost:5555/heroes-service/heroes

Challenges API via proxy - http://localhost:5555/challenges-service/api/challenges

Swagger Documentation- http://localhost:2222/swagger-ui.html#/
