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A decentralized Domain Name Service for Ethereum with a Angular 4 DApp.

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Git repo for decentralized DNS on top of Ethereum

written by Hitesh Joshi - [email protected]

Thanks to the good people of Heroku, the app is live at

The heroku deployment has metamask incompatability and I am too busy to deploy it again. That said the code is fixed and will run nicely in local.

What you can you do with the DNS DAapp

  • Reserve a name with as low as 0.1 ether
  • Get the name's price
  • Bid on a name
  • Find the current owner's address
  • Withdraw your bid - if you are outbidden
  • As a owner accept bids and transfer name ownership
  • Send money using names

Tech details

  • Project is developed using Angular 4.
  • Integrated with HD wallet - metamask for signing transactions to the network
  • Metamask is the web3 provider.
  • I have used a private geth node running at http://localhost:8545/
  • Project uses truffle for compiling deploying contracts and uses promisified truffle api for interaction with contracts
  • solidity and js tests are in test folder

Build Steps

  1. Clone the project
  2. Ensure that you have angular cli installed globally npm install -g @angular/cli
  3. Ensure that you have ganache cli installed globally (for development)
  4. Start Ganache ganache-cli --deterministic
  5. npm install
  6. Compile Contracts truffle compile
  7. Deploy contracts
truffle migrate --network development
  1. Run test suite - optional
truffle test

9.Build it

ng build --prod

10.Run it

ng serve
  1. Note - You need to import the ganache accounts to your metamask. Point your metamask to ganache and import using accounts private keys.
  • Note of truffle migrate Since this step deploys the contract to the blockchain. If you are using a private or actual Ethereum blockchain, please make sure that the account you have used in truffle.js is unlocked.

Mainnet or TestNet Deployment only ->

I have used my coinbase in truffle.js, so here goes the command.


Metamask is a dependency for the project

In order to run geth with metamask, please use the flag --rpccorsdomain="chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn

geth --identity "nodeA" --rpccorsdomain "*" --datadir=".\geth_data" -verbosity 6 --port 54259  --rpc --rpcapi "eth,net,web3" --rpcaddr "" --rpcport 8545 --fast --networkid 15 --nodiscover --mine --minerthreads 1 --rpccorsdomain="chrome-extension://nkbihfbeogaeaoehlefnkodbefgpgknn

Accompanying Blog

You can use Ganache or any test net. Screenshots





A decentralized Domain Name Service for Ethereum with a Angular 4 DApp.






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