Instagram clone with added functionality like upload posts, comment on posts, like/dislike posts and chat one-on-one with other users.
This project focused on building more on the BE aspects of full-stack development.
It uses Next.js for routing and server-side data-fetching from a Firebase Cloud Store and Cloud Storage, and uses MaterialUI for the front-end with Recoil for global state management.
Features built in this project were more complete end-to-end since I had better grasp of the technologies being used, and I could devote all my energy into developing a nice app versus trying to learn underlying technologies for the first time.
Some of the more advanced features:
- User Feed: Shows all user posts for now, next step in this project was to build a feed recommendation algorithm
- User Profile Page: Shows a section containing basic profile data like following/followers and message button, and their list of uploads.
- Uploading Posts: Users can now upload posts with more details like caption, tags, one piece of media (photos only IIRC)
- Interacting with Posts: Users can like posts, comment on posts, and even bookmark them.
- Comments: Users can comment on posts, and reply to other comments too to create a thread. Users can even like comments.
- Messaging: Users can send a direct message to other users. No groups for now, however, there's checks for who one can message, and users can even search for users they want to message.
Overall, this was a more complex project with more BE involvement than its predecssor (, however, I no longer plan to maintain this project amongst other commitments.