This is a tool to help audit your AWS S3 bucket permissions. It uses the boto framework to authenticate to AWS and enumerate all keys (files/directories). After accumulating a list of keys, it checks the permissions of each one, displaying keys that allow read acess to the public.
- First download or clone the repo.
git clone https://github.com/historypeats/s3audit.git
- Next install the requirements with pip.
pip install -r requirements.txt
Note: You may need to use sudo if you are not using virtualenv. 3. Finally, invoke the s3audit script.
./s3audit -h
This tool uses the boto framework, so you must either have your AWS secret key in your ~/.aws folder or you can add them directly in the script's source code:
# AWS creds. If these values are not changed, boto will check your .aws/.boto configs for creds
usage: s3audit [-h] [-o OUTFILE] [-t THREADS] bucket
S3 Auditing Tool
positional arguments:
bucket The S3 bucket to audit.
optional arguments:
-h, --help show this help message and exit
-o OUTFILE The output file.
-t THREADS How many threads to use.
Note: The only required argument is the bucket to scan. The outfile, by default, will produce a file called s3audit.results. This file is grepable. Additionally, the default amount of threads is set to 10.