The idea behind this is to be a super small and super fast script to use apache CustomLog "|stdin2rabbitmq" to send apache access logs to rabbitmq to be later consumed.
- debug: show debug info (false)
- host: rabbitmq host (localhost)
- port: rabbitmq port (ampq: 5672)
- queue: rabbitmq queue name (logs)
- rabbituser: rabbitmq username (guest)
- rabbitpass: rabbitmq password (guest)
echo "asdf" | stdin2rabbitmq -debug -host localhost -port 5555 -queue myqueue --rabbituser myuser --rabitpass mypass
The message is: asdf
2018/01/19 15:06:26 [x] Sent asdf
the result
./rabbitmqadmin get queue=myqueue
| routing_key | exchange | message_count | payload | payload_bytes | payload_encoding | redelivered |
| myqueue | | 22 | asdf | 4 | string | True |
job done.
The main use case I have for this tool is to use it in combination with Apache's CustomLog Piped logging feature. In your apache conf:
CustomLog "|$/usr/bin/stdin2rabbitmq -host localhost -port 5555 -queue myqueue --rabbituser myuser --rabitpass mypass" "combined"