The aim of this project is to explore the boundaries of software test automation in a continuous delivery pipeline by implementing a re-ordering algorithm to optimally sort the test cases such that tests with a higher likely hood of failing are executed first, thus enabling faster feedback for failed tests to developers.
To test it:
Clone repository
cd jenkins-test-optimizer
TO generate testset: Run
$ ./ <no of tests>
$ ./ 200
The generated tests are stored under 'datasets/' and name of the file containing generated tests:
$ datasets/testdataset.csv
To generate multi user datasets from single testdata set use the
$ ./ <testdataset file><no of users>
$ ./ datasets/testdataset_010242.csv 7
To Re-order test sets using algorithm script: Run
$ ./ datasets/testdataset.csv
To Re-order multiple testsets use script
$ ./
$ # this script works now, but is a WIP
To compute a sample impact value single pair
$ ./ <unsorted dataset> <sorted dataset>
$ ./ datasets/testdataset_010242.csv datasets/testdataset_010242.csv_sorted.csv
For multiple sets: WIP
$ ./ <directory name>