Front-End ES6+ Classes used for UI development
The services provide core functionality for todays modern web application. You are free to use any services you like, use one or use them all. They are lightweight yet provide a lot of flexibility. They are designed for front-end JavaScript application that run on the browser.
For more information, tips and guides visit:
$ npm install @hingejs/services --save
or by version[email protected]/index.min.js
import { HtmlMarker } from ''
import { HttpFetch, HtmlMarker, Observable } from '@hingejs/services'
This is used injunction with the HingeJS generator to generate a Observable/HttpFetch base class
Denouncing a function allows you to delay a call as needed.
const translateDebounce = Debounce(() => {
Interceptor is an object that is invoked at the preprocessing and postprocessing of a request. So validation/auth errors can be caught globally in the app, such as 500/400 errors and handled in one place. Recommend to use in the main.js file as it does change the global fetch object (not it's prototype constructor)
Demo and code sample:
Base Code
request: (url, config) => {
// Modify the url or config here
return [url, config]
requestError: error => {
// Called when an error occurred during another 'request' interceptor call
return Promise.reject(error)
response: response => {
// Modify the response object
return response
responseError: error => {
// Handle an fetch error
return Promise.reject(error)
Sample use:
// main.js
import { AuthService } from 'services'
import { FetchInterceptor, HttpFetch, Router } from '@hingejs/services'
request: (url, config) => {
// Include the auth token in every request
const authToken = AuthService.getAuthToken()
if (authToken.authorization) {
config.headers.set('authorization', authToken.authorization)
// Issues with API's caching, add a timestamp to break the cache
// update the url or config before the request is made
const cacheBuster = new Date().getTime()
url = HttpFetch.addParamsToURL(url, { cacheBuster })
return [url, config]
response: response => {
// Handle 500 error
if (response instanceof Response && response.status === 500) {
// Handle 400 errors
if (response instanceof Response && (response.status === 403 || response.status === 401)) {
// Clone the response since it's referenced
const json = await response.clone().json()
if (json.hasOwnProperty('code') && json.code === 'Auth token expired') {
} else {
return response
responseError: error => {
return Promise.reject(error)
Remember that this intercepts all fetch calls
Component Rendering
Used to render html using string literals and allow updates without using innerHTML. Updates only the variable/model values that have been changed. Uses html comments with an uuid to find the string literal to change.
Demo and code sample:
let model = { test: 'this is a test' }
const htmlMarker = new HtmlMarker(model)
const htmlString = '<p>${test}</p>'
await htmlMarker.render(document.body, htmlString)
To update the data
model.test = 'this is now updated'
is going to be a key service to easy component building.
Enhanced version of the native fetch that uses observables
new HttpFetch().get(URL).subscribe({
error: response => {
next: payload => {
If you need your web application to manage a variety of multiple languages, this service will be needed. This method loads a json based on the locale code and will find attribute based keys to insert the value from the json.
Demo and sample code:
This uses the publisher / subscription method to execute a registered function. This is useful for classes that want to send out data to multiple subscriptions to a function you subscribe.
class MyService extends Observable {
const subscription = MyService.subscribe({
complete : () => {},
error: (error) => {},
next: (data) => {}
MyService.notify(message) // Invokes next function
MyService.notifyError(message) // Invokes error function
MyService.complete() // Invokes complete function and removes all subscribed functions
subscription.uuid // uuid to identify subscription id
subscription.unsubscribe() // Removes single subscription
Used for single page routing. Uses HTML 5 history/popstate.
Recommended to use in conjunction with web components
Demo and sample code:
Mixins are methods(functions) and properties that are added to a class to become part of that class. Often times they are not implemented, but in this case, some of the functions might be.
Related Links
The model mixin is to be used with components. This model mixin allows for a quicker setup to update data and render it to the dom.
It is important that you have the get defaultModel()
setup and that the onModelUpdate()
is implemented. The this.htmlMarker
and this.model
are properties of the mixin. The updateModel(obj = {})
will update the model and invoke the onModelUpdate()
function. Updating the this.model
property will not invoke the onModelUpdate()
. This was done so that the model can be updated or validated without an infinite call-stack error.
HTML Template: templates/table-message.html
<p id="${id}">${userAction}</p>
import { ModelMixin } from '@hingejs/services'
import HTMLTemplate from 'templates/table-message.html'
const Base = ModelMixin(HTMLElement)
window.customElements.define('table-message', class extends Base {
constructor() {
async connectedCallback() {
await this.htmlMarker.render(this, HTMLTemplate)
get defaultModel() {
return Object.assign(super.defaultModel, {
id: '',
userAction: ''
async onModelUpdate() {
await this.htmlMarker.updateModel(this.model)
When updating the component
const tableMessage = document.querySelector('table-message')
tableMessage.updateModel({id: 'test', userAction: 'Copy'})
An easier way to subscribe and unsubscribe to service with a component. When the component is removed it will unsubscribe to all services in the array.
import { ModelMixin, SubscriptionMixin } from '@hingejs/services'
import HTMLTemplate from 'templates/table-message.html'
const Base = SubscriptionMixin(ModelMixin(HTMLElement))
window.customElements.define('table-message', class extends Base {
constructor() {
async connectedCallback() {
await this.htmlMarker.render(this, HTMLTemplate)
this.subscription = [
next: this._handlePayload.bind(this)
_handlePayload(payload) {
if(payload.length) {
get defaultModel() {
return Object.assign(super.defaultModel, {
id: '',
userAction: ''
async onModelUpdate() {
await this.htmlMarker.updateModel(this.model)