This template provide you a ready to use express REST APIs and Graphql.
Steps to run this project:
- run
git clone
- Run
yarn install
command - Setup database settings inside
file - Copy .envexample to .env
- Run
yarn start
Cli provided for you to generate controller, entity, validator, and router
This command will show you an options what you want to generate
If you generate Entity
, the GraphqlResolver
will also generated
but you need to register your resolver on the GraphqlRouter/index.ts
import YourResolver from "./YourResolver";
/* ... */
export default buildSchema({
resolvers: [
YourSesolver, //put it here
/* ... */
and if you generate a Router
you also need to register on Route/intex/ts
const yourRouter: Router = require("./Your");
router.use("/", yourRouter);
Entity is defined database model that automatically synced everytime you made a change
Example of entity
import {
} from "typeorm";
import { ObjectType, Field, Int } from 'type-graphql';
export class User extends BaseEntity {
@PrimaryGeneratedColumn() //your column type (a primary key id)
@Field(() => Int) //graphql field return as integer
id: number; //your column name
@Column({ //to register it as a column in the database
length: 100,
@Field() //graphql field return as a string (default is a string)
name: string; //your column name
This one is what your table name gonna be
This one is a graphql function to translate your typeorm schema into readable graphql schema
To define a column in the database and make typeorm understand that this is a column
Field is to make graphql understand what you written below its a registered column on the database
where: [
name: "john doe",
//is the same as SELECT * FROM USER WHERE name = 'john doe'
//is the same as SELECT * FROM USER WHERE id = 1;
Other usecase you can find the example on Typeorm Docs
- Entity
User Entity
import { Book } from "./Book";
import { OneToMany, OneToOne, JoinColumn } from "typeorm";
import { Field } from "type-graphql";
/* ... */
export class User extends BaseEntity {
/* ... */
//Example of one to many relation author to books
@OneToMany(() => Book, books => books.User)
@Field(() => [Book]) //this one to tell grapqhl a books field return array of book
// (you need FieldResolver in order for it to work)
books: Book[];
Book Entity
import { User } from "./User";
import { OneToMany, OneToOne, JoinColumn } from "typeorm";
import { Field } from "type-graphql";
/* ... */
export class Book extends BaseEntity {
/* ... */
//Example of many to one relation books to author
@ManyToOne(() => User, author => author.Books)
@Field(() => User) //this one to tell grapqhl an author field return User
author: User;
Typeorm Usage
const users = await User.find({ relations: ["books"] });
Author FieldResolver on BookResolver
import {FieldResolver, Root } from 'type-graphql';
import {User} from './User';
@Resolver(of => Book)
class BookResolver {
author(@Root() book: Book) {
return User.findOne({
cache: 1000,
where: { author: { id: } },
Books FieldResolver on UserResolver
import {FieldResolver, Root } from 'type-graphql';
import {Book} from './Book';
@Resolver(of => User)
class UserResolver {
books(@Root() user: User) {
return Book.find({
cache: 1000,
where: { author: { id: } },
for other example on relation you can find it on Typeorm/Relations
import {Crypt} from '../../../Vendor';
//a hash function (sha256)
const hashedText = Crypt.hash('plaintext');
//an encrypt functions (AES)
const encryptedText = Crypt.encrypt('plaintext','yoursuperstrongkey');
const decryptedText = Crypt.decrypt('plaintext','yoursuperstrongkey');