This library provides an easy way to export 3D and quasi-3D simulation data
from openPMD format to VTK
files. Present API for OpenPMD is based on openPMD-viewer
and accepts only HDF5 input format. For VTK, opmd2VTK can use either
PyVTK or
is a more lightweight dependancy, while tvtk
can be much faster as it
works with a newer VTK format.
The code was tested only under Linux and MacOS. The recommended installation is through the Anaconda distribution. If Anaconda is not your default Python installation, download and install it from here.
First install the dependencies:
- VTK can be installed from anaconda:
conda install vtk
- openPMD-viewer can be installed from PyPi:
pip install openPMD-viewer
- pyvtk can be installed from PyPi:
pip install pyvtk
- tvtk is a part of Mayavi and can be installed with it from PyPi:
pip install mayavi
After dependencies are satisfied, clone opmd2VTK, cd
into the folder and install it:
git clone
cd opmd2VTK
python install
(for pyvtk API replace opmd2VTK.tvtk
with opmd2VTK.pyvtk
- serial
from opmd_viewer import OpenPMDTimeSeries
from opmd2VTK.tvtk import Opmd2VTK
ts = OpenPMDTimeSeries('./diags/hdf5/')
conv = Opmd2VTK(ts)
- parallel script (needs mpi4py)
from opmd_viewer import OpenPMDTimeSeries
from opmd2VTK.tvtk import Opmd2VTK
from mpi4py.MPI import COMM_WORLD as comm
ts = OpenPMDTimeSeries('./diags/hdf5/')
conv = Opmd2VTK(ts)
for it in ts.iterations[comm.rank::comm.size]:
conv.write_fields_vtk(iteration=it, zmin_fixed=0)
- Angular resolution of cylindric grid is defined by the argument
; zmin_fixed
allows to fix the origin of visualization domain both for fields and particles (useful for animations);- argument
groups all fields to the same mesh, while otherwise each component is written to a separate file (resolves the issue of the staggered fields); - sampling of field arrays allows in particual reducing the longitudinal resolution, which may often be excess for visualization needs;
- error messages
- debugging