This is the HMKitFleet v2 branch. See the v1 branch for the previous version.
HMKit Fleet is a Kotlin/Java library that combines different API-s: OAuth, Service Account API and Telematics API to help car companies manage their fleet.
- Target is Java 8
- Compiled with Kotlin and Java 17
Get started with HMKit Fleet 📘browse the documentation
dependencies {
General: HMKit Fleet is a Kotlin library that combines 3 different API-s into a single fleet owner package.
- hmkit-fleet: Uses OkHttp
git submodule update --init --recursive
- import the Gradle project
- run the tests
./gradlew test
- Check out the hmkit-fleet-consumer/ about how to setup the sample app
- Run the sample app with
./gradlew :hmkit-fleet-consumer:run
check ./gradle/
This repository is using the MIT license. See more in 📘LICENSE
Before starting, please read our contribution rules 📘Contributing