Releases: hi-manshu/Kalendar
What's Changed
- Fixed. Workflow by @hi-manshu in #130
- Bumped Version and moved default functions from internal to publc by @hi-manshu in #140
Full Changelog: 1.3.1...v1.3.2
What's Changed
- Update plugin to v8.0.1 by @renovate in #113
- Fix/annotation by @hi-manshu in #123
- Add: KalendarEarthy.kt by @hi-manshu in #125
- Released 1.3.1 by @hi-manshu in #126
Full Changelog: v1.3.0...1.3.1
Kalendar v1.3.0 Release
We are thrilled to announce the release of Kalendar v1.3.0! This is a major update that brings significant improvements and exciting new features to our powerful calendar library for Android.
What's New
- Complete Rewrite: The entire library has been rewritten from scratch, resulting in cleaner code, improved architecture, and better performance.
- Pagination Support: Added a new pagination feature that allows you to load calendar data in chunks, enhancing memory efficiency and providing a smoother user experience.
- Range Selector: Introduced a range selector feature, enabling users to easily select date ranges within the calendar.
- Custom Layout Support: Now you have the freedom to customize the layout of the calendar to match your app's design requirements for Day/Header design.
- Updated Documentation: The documentation has been completely revamped, providing detailed guides, examples, and API references to help you integrate and use Kalendar seamlessly.
- Bug Fixes and Enhancements: We have addressed reported issues, fixed bugs, and made several enhancements to further refine the library.
Getting Started
To get started with the new version of Kalendar, please refer to the updated documentation available in the repository's readme. It provides step-by-step instructions, code samples, and comprehensive API documentation to assist you in leveraging the new features and enhancements.
We welcome contributions from the community to make Kalendar even better. If you encounter any issues or have suggestions for new features, please open an issue on the GitHub repository. We appreciate your feedback and support!
Thank you for using Kalendar and we hope you enjoy the new features and improvements in this release. Happy coding!
What's Changed
- [Fix] Configurable Header by @hi-manshu in #83
- [Impl] Weekdays in Kalendar.Oceanic by @hi-manshu in #85
- [Release] release/1.2.0-1.0.2 by @hi-manshu in #86
Full Changelog: v1.1.1_v1.0.1-Release...Release]-v1.2.0_v1.0.2
What's Changed
- Events dots showing only for Specific dates of events. Closes #55 by @gsrathoreniks in #56
- Small formatting and language changes for the README by @mwolfson in #57
- Add kalender app gif to readme by @Vipul12Thawre in #59
- Fix ripple and click shape by @Vipul12Thawre in #61
- Configure Renovate by @renovate in #66
- Fix/issues generated by @hi-manshu in #80
New Contributors
- @mwolfson made their first contribution in #57
- @Vipul12Thawre made their first contribution in #59
- @renovate made their first contribution in #66
Full Changelog: v1.1.0_v1.0.0-Release...v1.1.1_v1.0.1-Release
- New Calendar Design
- New Demo App
- Kalendar Endlos Pagination Source
- Completed Re-Write of Kalendar API
Full Changelog:
What's Changed
- [ISSUE-27] Add sample apk file in Release assets by @yogeshpaliyal in #33
- Custom initial day of week by @gsrathoreniks in #38
- returning multiple events on day click for Normal Kalendar composable by @gsrathoreniks in #41
- Fix. Start of Week by @hi-manshu in #44
- Upgrade: Compose : 1.2.0 by @hi-manshu in #45
New Contributors
- @yogeshpaliyal made their first contribution in #33
Full Changelog: RC5...v1.0_1.0.0-RC6
What's Changed
- [Kalendar-Selector] Added CutCornerShape + DiamondShape+CustomShape by @hi-manshu in #23
- Add issue templates by @hi-manshu in #25
- [Fix] Multiple Selector removed by @hi-manshu in #28
- Multiple Events to be returned on day click by @gsrathoreniks in #31
- Feature event type by @gsrathoreniks in #32
New Contributors
- @gsrathoreniks made their first contribution in #31
Kalendar-RC4 + Endlos-RC1
What's Changed
- Create LICENSE by @hi-manshu in #19
- [Code-Formatter] Ktlint + Detekt Added! by @hi-manshu in #20
- [Github-Actions] Run Ktlint on PR by @hi-manshu in #21
- Kalendar configuration where you can add custom selector for date and also added Locale by @hi-manshu in #22
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-RC3_v1.0.0-alpha1...v1.0.0-RC4_v1.0.0-RC1
- Added Kalendar-Endloss module to have scrolling app
What's Changed
- Kalendar Endlos by @hi-manshu in #17