Demo how to use the Snapsvg libary in Amber Smalltalk 0.14.1
To bring project alive (for example after git clone
npm install
bower install
grunt devel
Developing the project (after brought alive):
Start server with amber serve
and go to http://localhost:4000/
in your browser and follow the instructions
hanneshirzel@hanneshirzel-Latitude-E6410 ~/Amber-snapsvg-demo $ amber init
Welcome to Amber version 0.14.0 (NodeJS 0.10.25).
Running "init:/usr/local/lib/node_modules/amber-cli/node_modules/grunt-init-amber" (init) task
This task will create one or more files in the current directory, based on the
environment and the answers to a few questions. Note that answering "?" to any
question will show question-specific help and answering "none" to most questions
will leave its value blank.
"grunt-init-amber" template notes:
Project title should be a human-readable title.
Please answer the following:
[?] Project title (Application or Library Title) Amber Smalltalk Snap.svg Demo
[?] Main class and package of Amber application.
Project name is derived by lowercasing this. (AmberSmalltalkSnapSvgDemo) AmberSnapsvg
[?] Description (The Application or The Library doing The Thing.) Demo how to use the Snapsvg libary in Amber Smalltalk
[?] Author name (hhzl)
[?] Author email ([email protected])
[?] Namespace of the new Amber package. (amber-ambersnapsvg) amber-snapsvg
[?] Version (0.1.0)
[?] Project git repository (git://
[?] Project homepage (
[?] Project issues tracker (
[?] Author url (none)
[?] Licenses (MIT)
[?] Do you need to make any changes to the above before continuing? (y/N)
bower install snap.svg --save
Creation of snap.svg.amd.json
"paths": {
"snap.svg" : "dist/snap.svg"
Generate new config.js
grunt devel
Start amber-cli
amber serve
Add a #snapsvg-button to the index.html
In Helios change import command to contain
imports: {'snapSvg' -> 'snap.svg'}
This defines a package variable snapSvg
Save and commit. Reload.
Change method #augmentPage to
'#amber-with' asJQuery click: [ self doAmberWith ].
'#jquery-append' asJQuery click: [ self doJQueryAppend ].
'#snapsvg-button' asJQuery click: [self doSnapSvg]
Create a method #doSnapSvg
"translation to Smalltalk points 1 to 4 of "
| s bigCircle smallCircle |
s := snapSvg value: 300 value: 600.
bigCircle := s circle: 150 value: 150 value: 100.
bigCircle attr: #{'fill' -> '#bada55'. 'stroke' -> '#000'. 'strokeWidth' -> 5}.
smallCircle := s circle: 100 value: 150 value: 70.
You may add
Transcript show: s outerSVG.
to the #doSnapSvg method to get the generated SVG code.
To create a deployment file run
grunt deploy
This creates a the.js
which includes everything needed for deployment.
Copy index.html
and the.js
to your deployment folder.
To switch back to development mode run
grunt devel
- Illustration about the different pieces involved.