No accurate JSON format by now, below are the necessary information.
/API/get_list_of_categories [GET]
{"result": "OK", "categories":["Asian", "Mexican", "European", "American"]})
/API/verifyUser [POST]
need Json Format of
{ "userId": userid,
"password": password}
/API/get_restaurants [POST]
needs to pass {"query": ?, "loc": //address} or {"query":?, "lat": //latitude, "lon": //longitude}
{"result": "OK", "restaurants": [{"name": "Aamar Indian Cuisine", "rest_api_key": "d28dd32538ddfd3af15b4f2e73e761805f2f9e661202a1ab", "logo": "", "min_wait_time": 45, "max_wait_time": 60, "delivery_price": 0.0}, {"name": "Baraka Shawarma - Atlanta", "rest_api_key": "d28dd32538ddfd3afe2bbabe6b94d9a62c4582e81e910454", "logo": "", "min_wait_time": 45, "max_wait_time": 60, "delivery_price": 5.0}, {"name": "Nancy's Pizza", "rest_api_key": "d28dd32538ddfd3a144247b91fbcb2f3bb77b07695b3c9d0", "logo": "", "min_wait_time": 45, "max_wait_time": 60, "delivery_price": 3.0}, {"name": "Niramish Indian Cuisine", "rest_api_key": "d28dd32538ddfd3a884225aec137a02aa7d9b968abbb3711", "logo": "", "min_wait_time": 45, "max_wait_time": 60, "delivery_price": 4.0}, {"name": "Panahar Bangladeshi Cuisine", "rest_api_key": "d28dd32538ddfd3af15b4f2e73e761806ec7f4bbd466955e", "logo": "", "min_wait_time": 45, "max_wait_time": 60, "delivery_price": 8.0}]}
/API/get_menus [POST]
pass {"rest_api_key": sth}
{"result": "OK", "menus": [{"name": "Vegetable Samosas (for two)", "menu_api_key": "9895624", "price": 4.0}, {"name": "Vegetable Pakoras (for two)", "menu_api_key": "9895625", "price": 4.0, "description": sth}]}
{"restaurants": [{"num_joined": 2, "Name": "ChickFila", "remaining_time": 60, "type": ["American", "Asian"]}, {"num_joined": 1, "Name": "Panda Express", "remaining_time": 120, "type": ["Chinese", "Japanese"]}], "result": "OK"}\
/API/init_join [POST]
“duration”: 10, // minutes how long user will wait
“rest_api_key”: “12312A123F9F9”, //restaurant key
“rest_name”: “Hello man”, // restaurant name
“lat”: 127.12, //latitude and longitude
“lon”: 89.21
"username": "coeats", // current user Id
"min_people: 4, // minimum people user set to be executed
"min_amount: 10.5, // $amount user sets for order to be executed
"item_api_key": "12sfas312A123F9F9", // item api
returns {"result": "OK"}
/API/join [POST]
"oId": 13, // Order Id you got from get_join_list
"username": "coeats",
"item_api_key": "afasdf12312dfsafasdf", // item api key
"item_price": 14.21
return {"result": "OK"}
/API/get_join_list [POST]
“distance”: 10, // km how far user can go
“lat”: 127.12, //latitude and longitude
“lon”: 89.21
{"result": "OK", "orderList": [{"rest_api_key": "dasfasfs9sadf", "rest_name": "coeats", "lat": 127.21, "lon": 87.12]}
lat and lon are latitude and longitude of user (who first started the group order)'s location.\
/API/get_order_status [POST]
{"oId": 13}
{"result": "OK", "status": "IP", "oId": oId, "total_amount": total_amount,
"num_people_joined": num_people, "time_remaining": min_rem} or
{"result": "OK", "status": "F", "Executed": "True"}
{"result": "OK", "status": "F", "Executed": "False"}\
if you want to create your own order -> init_join
People can grab current order list by get_join_list
You can call get_menus with given restaurant api_key
User selects and order
You can call join with needed parameters
You can constantly checks order by get_order_status
Could you add some fake items to the get_join_list?
I will do that later today like 7 or 8 and update it in README.
get_join_list returns HTTP_INTERNAL_ERROR, and get_restaurant seems not working too. Anything to do with location calculation?
Internal has to do with server, so I don't think it is due to location. I think some people use random bot to hack into system and that might be cause of INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR. I restarted it. Let me know through messenger if this happens. I will just restart the server. -
Set 3 standards for coeats order. First, people reaches x (default 1). Second, time limits x min (default 2). Third, Money reaches $ x (default 0). Need more explanation. Do users set these standards?
Yes\ -
This can be used for our payment. let me know if you guys find other API.